/***************************** randomc.h ********************************** * Author: Agner Fog * Date created: 1997 * Last modified: 2008-11-16 * Project: randomc.h * Source URL: www.agner.org/random * * Description: * This header file contains class declarations and other definitions for the * randomc class library of uniform random number generators in C++ language. * * Overview of classes: * ==================== * * class CRandomMersenne: * Random number generator of type Mersenne twister. * Source file mersenne.cpp * * class CRandomMother: * Random number generator of type Mother-of-All (Multiply with carry). * Source file mother.cpp * * class CRandomSFMT: * Random number generator of type SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister. * The class definition is not included here because it is not * portable to all platforms. See sfmt.h and sfmt.cpp for details. * * Member functions (methods): * =========================== * * All these classes have identical member functions: * * Constructor(int seed): * The seed can be any integer. The time may be used as seed. * Executing a program twice with the same seed will give the same sequence * of random numbers. A different seed will give a different sequence. * * void RandomInit(int seed); * Re-initializes the random number generator with a new seed. * * void RandomInitByArray(int const seeds[], int NumSeeds); * In CRandomMersenne and CRandomSFMT only: Use this function if you want * to initialize with a seed with more than 32 bits. All bits in the seeds[] * array will influence the sequence of random numbers generated. NumSeeds * is the number of entries in the seeds[] array. * * double Random(); * Gives a floating point random number in the interval 0 <= x < 1. * The resolution is 32 bits in CRandomMother and CRandomMersenne, and * 52 bits in CRandomSFMT. * * int IRandom(int min, int max); * Gives an integer random number in the interval min <= x <= max. * (max-min < MAXINT). * The precision is 2^-32 (defined as the difference in frequency between * possible output values). The frequencies are exact if max-min+1 is a * power of 2. * * int IRandomX(int min, int max); * Same as IRandom, but exact. In CRandomMersenne and CRandomSFMT only. * The frequencies of all output values are exactly the same for an * infinitely long sequence. (Only relevant for extremely long sequences). * * uint32_t BRandom(); * Gives 32 random bits. * * * Example: * ======== * The file EX-RAN.CPP contains an example of how to generate random numbers. * * * Library version: * ================ * Optimized versions of these random number generators are provided as function * libraries in randoma.zip. These function libraries are coded in assembly * language and support only x86 platforms, including 32-bit and 64-bit * Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac OS-X (Intel based). Use randoma.h from randoma.zip * * * Non-uniform random number generators: * ===================================== * Random number generators with various non-uniform distributions are * available in stocc.zip (www.agner.org/random). * * * Further documentation: * ====================== * The file ran-instructions.pdf contains further documentation and * instructions for these random number generators. * * Copyright 1997-2008 by Agner Fog. * Released under SciPy's license with permission of Agner Fog; see license.txt *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef RANDOMC_H #define RANDOMC_H // Define integer types with known size: int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t, uint64_t. // If this doesn't work then insert compiler-specific definitions here: #if defined(__GNUC__) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1600) // Compilers supporting C99 or C++0x have stdint.h defining these integer types #include #define INT64_SUPPORTED // Remove this if the compiler doesn't support 64-bit integers #elif defined(_WIN16) || defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(_MSDOS) // 16 bit systems use long int for 32 bit integer. typedef signed long int int32_t; typedef unsigned long int uint32_t; #elif defined(_MSC_VER) // Older Microsoft compilers have their own definition typedef signed __int32 int32_t; typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; typedef signed __int64 int64_t; typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; #define INT64_SUPPORTED // Remove this if the compiler doesn't support 64-bit integers #else // This works with most compilers typedef signed int int32_t; typedef unsigned int uint32_t; typedef long long int64_t; typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; #define INT64_SUPPORTED // Remove this if the compiler doesn't support 64-bit integers #endif /*********************************************************************** System-specific user interface functions ***********************************************************************/ void EndOfProgram(void); // System-specific exit code (userintf.cpp) void FatalError(const char *ErrorText);// System-specific error reporting (userintf.cpp) #if defined(__cplusplus) // class definitions only in C++ /*********************************************************************** Define random number generator classes ***********************************************************************/ class CRandomMersenne { // Encapsulate random number generator // Choose which version of Mersenne Twister you want: #if 0 // Define constants for type MT11213A: #define MERS_N 351 #define MERS_M 175 #define MERS_R 19 #define MERS_U 11 #define MERS_S 7 #define MERS_T 15 #define MERS_L 17 #define MERS_A 0xE4BD75F5 #define MERS_B 0x655E5280 #define MERS_C 0xFFD58000 #else // or constants for type MT19937: #define MERS_N 624 #define MERS_M 397 #define MERS_R 31 #define MERS_U 11 #define MERS_S 7 #define MERS_T 15 #define MERS_L 18 #define MERS_A 0x9908B0DF #define MERS_B 0x9D2C5680 #define MERS_C 0xEFC60000 #endif public: CRandomMersenne(int seed) { // Constructor RandomInit(seed); LastInterval = 0;} void RandomInit(int seed); // Re-seed void RandomInitByArray(int const seeds[], int NumSeeds); // Seed by more than 32 bits int IRandom (int min, int max); // Output random integer int IRandomX(int min, int max); // Output random integer, exact double Random(); // Output random float uint32_t BRandom(); // Output random bits private: void Init0(int seed); // Basic initialization procedure uint32_t mt[MERS_N]; // State vector int mti; // Index into mt uint32_t LastInterval; // Last interval length for IRandomX uint32_t RLimit; // Rejection limit used by IRandomX }; class CRandomMother { // Encapsulate random number generator public: void RandomInit(int seed); // Initialization int IRandom(int min, int max); // Get integer random number in desired interval double Random(); // Get floating point random number uint32_t BRandom(); // Output random bits CRandomMother(int seed) { // Constructor RandomInit(seed);} protected: uint32_t x[5]; // History buffer }; #endif // __cplusplus #endif // RANDOMC_H