SUBROUTINE cumtnc(t,df,pnonc,cum,ccum) C********************************************************************** C C SUBROUTINE CUMTNC(T,DF,PNONC,CUM,CCUM) C C CUMulative Non-Central T-distribution C C C Function C C C Computes the integral from -infinity to T of the non-central C t-density. C C C Arguments C C C T --> Upper limit of integration of the non-central t-density. C T is DOUBLE PRECISION C C DF --> Degrees of freedom of the non-central t-distribution. C DF is DOUBLE PRECISIO C C PNONC --> Non-centrality parameter of the non-central t distibutio C PNONC is DOUBLE PRECI C C CUM <-- Cumulative t-distribution. C CCUM is DOUBLE PRECIS C C CCUM <-- Compliment of Cumulative t-distribution. C CCUM is DOUBLE PRECIS C C C Method C C Upper tail of the cumulative noncentral t using C formulae from page 532 of Johnson, Kotz, Balakrishnan, Coninuous C Univariate Distributions, Vol 2, 2nd Edition. Wiley (1995) C C This implementation starts the calculation at i = lambda, C which is near the largest Di. It then sums forward and backward. C*********************************************************************** C .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION one,zero,half,two,onep5 PARAMETER (one=1.0d0,zero=0.0d0,half=0.5d0,two=2.0d0,onep5=1.5d0) DOUBLE PRECISION conv PARAMETER (conv=1.0d-7) DOUBLE PRECISION tiny PARAMETER (tiny=1.0d-10) C .. C .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION ccum,cum,df,pnonc,t C .. C .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION alghdf,b,bb,bbcent,bcent,cent,d,dcent,dpnonc, + dum1,dum2,e,ecent,halfdf,lambda,lnomx,lnx,omx, + pnonc2,s,scent,ss,sscent,t2,term,tt,twoi,x, + xi,xlnd,xlne INTEGER ierr LOGICAL qrevs C .. C .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION gamln EXTERNAL gamln C .. C .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL bratio,cumnor,cumt C .. C .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC abs,exp,aint,log,max,min C .. C Case pnonc essentially zero IF (abs(pnonc).LE.tiny) THEN CALL cumt(t,df,cum,ccum) RETURN END IF qrevs = t .LT. zero IF (qrevs) THEN tt = -t dpnonc = -pnonc ELSE tt = t dpnonc = pnonc END IF pnonc2 = dpnonc*dpnonc t2 = tt*tt IF (abs(tt).LE.tiny) THEN CALL cumnor(-pnonc,cum,ccum) RETURN END IF lambda = half*pnonc2 x = df/ (df+t2) omx = one - x lnx = log(x) lnomx = log(omx) halfdf = half*df alghdf = gamln(halfdf) C ******************** Case i = lambda cent = aint(lambda) IF ( cent = one C Compute d=T(2i) in log space and offset by exp(-lambda) xlnd = cent*log(lambda) - gamln(cent+one) - lambda dcent = exp(xlnd) C Compute e=t(2i+1) in log space offset by exp(-lambda) xlne = (cent+half)*log(lambda) - gamln(cent+onep5) - lambda ecent = exp(xlne) IF ( ecent = -ecent C Compute bcent=B(2*cent) CALL bratio(halfdf,cent+half,x,omx,bcent,dum1,ierr) C compute bbcent=B(2*cent+1) CALL bratio(halfdf,cent+one,x,omx,bbcent,dum2,ierr) C Case bcent and bbcent are essentially zero C Thus t is effectively infinite IF ((bcent+bbcent).LT.tiny) THEN IF (qrevs) THEN cum = zero ccum = one ELSE cum = one ccum = zero END IF RETURN END IF C Case bcent and bbcent are essentially one C Thus t is effectively zero IF ((dum1+dum2).LT.tiny) THEN CALL cumnor(-pnonc,cum,ccum) RETURN END IF C First term in ccum is D*B + E*BB ccum = dcent*bcent + ecent*bbcent C compute s(cent) = B(2*(cent+1)) - B(2*cent)) scent = gamln(halfdf+cent+half) - gamln(cent+onep5) - alghdf + + halfdf*lnx + (cent+half)*lnomx scent = exp(scent) C compute ss(cent) = B(2*cent+3) - B(2*cent+1) sscent = gamln(halfdf+cent+one) - gamln(cent+two) - alghdf + + halfdf*lnx + (cent+one)*lnomx sscent = exp(sscent) C ******************** Sum Forward xi = cent + one twoi = two*xi d = dcent e = ecent b = bcent bb = bbcent s = scent ss = sscent 10 b = b + s bb = bb + ss d = (lambda/xi)*d e = (lambda/ (xi+half))*e term = d*b + e*bb ccum = ccum + term s = s*omx* (df+twoi-one)/ (twoi+one) ss = ss*omx* (df+twoi)/ (twoi+two) xi = xi + one twoi = two*xi IF (abs(term).GT.conv*ccum) GO TO 10 C ******************** Sum Backward xi = cent twoi = two*xi d = dcent e = ecent b = bcent bb = bbcent s = scent* (one+twoi)/ ((df+twoi-one)*omx) ss = sscent* (two+twoi)/ ((df+twoi)*omx) 20 b = b - s bb = bb - ss d = d* (xi/lambda) e = e* ((xi+half)/lambda) term = d*b + e*bb ccum = ccum + term xi = xi - one IF (xi.LT.half) GO TO 30 twoi = two*xi s = s* (one+twoi)/ ((df+twoi-one)*omx) ss = ss* (two+twoi)/ ((df+twoi)*omx) IF (abs(term).GT.conv*ccum) GO TO 20 30 CONTINUE IF (qrevs) THEN cum = half*ccum ccum = one - cum ELSE ccum = half*ccum cum = one - ccum END IF C Due to roundoff error the answer may not lie between zero and one C Force it to do so cum = max(min(cum,one),zero) ccum = max(min(ccum,one),zero) RETURN END