SUBROUTINE cumchi(x,df,cum,ccum) C********************************************************************** C C SUBROUTINE FUNCTION CUMCHI(X,DF,CUM,CCUM) C CUMulative of the CHi-square distribution C C C Function C C C Calculates the cumulative chi-square distribution. C C C Arguments C C C X --> Upper limit of integration of the C chi-square distribution. C X is DOUBLE PRECISION C C DF --> Degrees of freedom of the C chi-square distribution. C DF is DOUBLE PRECISION C C CUM <-- Cumulative chi-square distribution. C CUM is DOUBLE PRECISIO C C CCUM <-- Compliment of Cumulative chi-square distribution. C CCUM is DOUBLE PRECISI C C C Method C C C Calls incomplete gamma function (CUMGAM) C C********************************************************************** C .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION df,x,cum,ccum C .. C .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION a,xx C .. C .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL cumgam C .. C .. Executable Statements .. a = df*0.5D0 xx = x*0.5D0 CALL cumgam(xx,a,cum,ccum) RETURN END