/* * This file is a collection (more can be added) of wrappers around some * CDFLIB Fortran algorithms. */ /* * Notice q and p are used in reverse from their meanings in distributions.py */ #include "cdf_wrappers.h" #include "cephes.h" #if defined(NO_APPEND_FORTRAN) #if defined(UPPERCASE_FORTRAN) #define F_FUNC(f,F) F #else #define F_FUNC(f,F) f #endif #else #if defined(UPPERCASE_FORTRAN) #define F_FUNC(f,F) F##_ #else #define F_FUNC(f,F) f##_ #endif #endif /* * Call macros for different numbers of distribution parameters. */ #define CDFLIB_CALL2(func, name, a, b, result, return_bound) \ if (npy_isnan(p) || npy_isnan(q) || npy_isnan(a) || npy_isnan(b) || \ npy_isnan(bound)) { \ return NPY_NAN; \ } \ func(&which, &p, &q, &a, &b, &status, &bound); \ return get_result(name, status, bound, result, return_bound) #define CDFLIB_CALL3(func, name, a, b, c, result, return_bound) \ if (npy_isnan(p) || npy_isnan(q) || npy_isnan(a) || npy_isnan(b) || \ npy_isnan(c) || npy_isnan(bound)) { \ return NPY_NAN; \ } \ func(&which, &p, &q, &a, &b, &c, &status, &bound); \ return get_result(name, status, bound, result, return_bound) #define CDFLIB_CALL4(func, name, a, b, c, d, result, return_bound) \ if (npy_isnan(p) || npy_isnan(q) || npy_isnan(a) || npy_isnan(b) || \ npy_isnan(c) || npy_isnan(d) || npy_isnan(bound)) { \ return NPY_NAN; \ } \ func(&which, &p, &q, &a, &b, &c, &d, &status, &bound); \ return get_result(name, status, bound, result, return_bound) /* Return nan on status==1,2 */ #define NO_RETURN_BOUND 0 /* Return bound on status==1,2 */ #define RETURN_BOUND 1 /* * Return status checking function */ static double get_result(char *name, int status, double bound, double result, int return_bound) { if (status < 0) { sf_error(name, SF_ERROR_ARG, "(Fortran) input parameter %d is out of range", (-status)); } else { switch (status) { case 0: /* no error */ return result; case 1: sf_error(name, SF_ERROR_OTHER, "Answer appears to be lower than lowest search bound (%g)", bound); if (return_bound) { return bound; } break; case 2: sf_error(name, SF_ERROR_OTHER, "Answer appears to be higher than highest search bound (%g)", bound); if (return_bound) { return bound; } break; case 3: case 4: sf_error(name, SF_ERROR_OTHER, "Two parameters that should sum to 1.0 do not"); break; case 10: sf_error(name, SF_ERROR_OTHER, "Computational error"); break; default: sf_error(name, SF_ERROR_OTHER, "Unknown error"); } } return NPY_NAN; } extern void F_FUNC(cdfbet,CDFBET)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdfbet3_wrap(double p, double b, double x) { int which=3; double q=1.0-p, y=1.0-x, a=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdfbet,CDFBET), "btdtria", x, y, a, b, a, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdfbet4_wrap(double a, double p, double x) { int which=4; double q=1.0-p, y=1.0-x, b=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdfbet,CDFBET), "btdtrib", x, y, a, b, b, RETURN_BOUND); } extern void F_FUNC(cdfbin,CDFBIN)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdfbin2_wrap(double p, double xn, double pr) { int which=2; double q=1.0-p, s=0, ompr=1.0-pr, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdfbin,CDFBIN), "bdtrik", s, xn, pr, ompr, s, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdfbin3_wrap(double s, double p, double pr) { int which=3; double q=1.0-p, xn=0, ompr=1.0-pr, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdfbin,CDFBIN), "bdtrin", s, xn, pr, ompr, xn, RETURN_BOUND); } extern void F_FUNC(cdfchi,CDFCHI)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdfchi3_wrap(double p, double x){ int which=3; double q=1.0-p, df=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL2(F_FUNC(cdfchi,CDFCHI), "chdtriv", x, df, df, RETURN_BOUND); } extern void F_FUNC(cdfchn,CDFCHN)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdfchn1_wrap(double x, double df, double nc) { int which=1; double q=0, p=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdfchn,CDFCHN), "chndtr", x, df, nc, p, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdfchn2_wrap(double p, double df, double nc) { int which=2; double q=1.0-p, x=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdfchn,CDFCHN), "chndtrix", x, df, nc, x, NO_RETURN_BOUND); } double cdfchn3_wrap(double x, double p, double nc) { int which=3; double q=1.0-p, df=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdfchn,CDFCHN), "chndtridf", x, df, nc, df, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdfchn4_wrap(double x, double df, double p) { int which=4; double q=1.0-p, nc=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdfchn,CDFCHN), "chndtrinc", x, df, nc, nc, RETURN_BOUND); } extern void F_FUNC(cdff,CDFF)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); /* double cdff1_wrap(double dfn, double dfd, double f) { int which=1; double q, p, bound; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdff,CDFF), "fdtr", f, dfn, dfd, p, NO_RETURN_BOUND); } double cdff2_wrap(double dfn, double dfd, double p) { int which=2; double q=1.0-p, f, bound; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdff,CDFF), "fdtri", f, dfn, dfd, f, NO_RETURN_BOUND); } */ /* This seem to give some trouble. No idea why... */ double cdff3_wrap(double p, double dfd, double f) { int which=3; double q=1.0-p, dfn=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdff,CDFF), "fdtridfn", f, dfn, dfd, dfn, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdff4_wrap(double dfn, double p, double f) { int which=4; double q=1.0-p, dfd=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdff,CDFF), "fdtridfd", f, dfn, dfd, dfd, RETURN_BOUND); } extern void F_FUNC(cdffnc,CDFFNC)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdffnc1_wrap(double dfn, double dfd, double nc, double f) { int which=1; double q=0, p=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdffnc,CDFFNC), "ncfdtr", f, dfn, dfd, nc, p, NO_RETURN_BOUND); } double cdffnc2_wrap(double dfn, double dfd, double nc, double p) { int which=2; double q=1.0-p, f=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdffnc,CDFFNC), "ncfdtri", f, dfn, dfd, nc, f, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdffnc3_wrap(double p, double dfd, double nc, double f) { int which=3; double q=1.0-p, dfn=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdffnc,CDFFNC), "ncfdtridfn", f, dfn, dfd, nc, dfn, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdffnc4_wrap(double dfn, double p, double nc, double f) { int which=4; double q=1.0-p, dfd=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdffnc,CDFFNC), "ncfdtridfd", f, dfn, dfd, nc, dfd, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdffnc5_wrap(double dfn, double dfd, double p, double f) { int which=5; double q=1.0-p, nc=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdffnc,CDFFNC), "ncfdtrinc", f, dfn, dfd, nc, nc, RETURN_BOUND); } /* scl == a in gdtr shp == b in gdtr */ extern void F_FUNC(cdfgam,CDFGAM)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdfgam1_wrap(double scl, double shp, double x) { int which=1; double q=0, p=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdfgam,CDFGAM), "gdtr", x, shp, scl, p, NO_RETURN_BOUND); } double cdfgam2_wrap(double scl, double shp, double p) { int which=2; double q=1.0-p, x=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdfgam,CDFGAM), "gdtrix", x, shp, scl, x, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdfgam3_wrap(double scl, double p, double x) { int which=3; double q=1.0-p, shp=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdfgam,CDFGAM), "gdtrib", x, shp, scl, shp, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdfgam4_wrap(double p, double shp, double x) { int which=4; double q=1.0-p, scl=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdfgam,CDFGAM), "gdtria", x, shp, scl, scl, RETURN_BOUND); } extern void F_FUNC(cdfnbn,CDFNBN)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdfnbn2_wrap(double p, double xn, double pr) { int which=2; double q=1.0-p, s=0, ompr=1.0-pr, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdfnbn,CDFNBN), "nbdtrik", s, xn, pr, ompr, s, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdfnbn3_wrap(double s, double p, double pr) { int which=3; double q=1.0-p, xn=0, ompr=1.0-pr, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL4(F_FUNC(cdfnbn,CDFNBN), "nbdtrin", s, xn, pr, ompr, xn, RETURN_BOUND); } extern void F_FUNC(cdfnor,CDFNOR)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdfnor3_wrap(double p, double std, double x) { int which=3; double q=1.0-p, mn=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdfnor,CDFNOR), "nrdtrimn", x, mn, std, mn, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdfnor4_wrap(double mn, double p, double x) { int which=4; double q=1.0-p, std=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdfnor,CDFNOR), "nrdtrisd", x, mn, std, std, RETURN_BOUND); } extern void F_FUNC(cdfpoi,CDFPOI)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdfpoi2_wrap(double p, double xlam){ int which=2; double q=1.0-p, s=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL2(F_FUNC(cdfpoi,CDFPOI), "pdtrik", s, xlam, s, RETURN_BOUND); } extern void F_FUNC(cdft,CDFT)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdft1_wrap(double df, double t){ int which=1; double q=0, p=0, bound=0; int status=10; if (npy_isinf(df)) { if (npy_isnan(t)) return NPY_NAN; return ndtr(t); } CDFLIB_CALL2(F_FUNC(cdft,CDFT), "stdtr", t, df, p, NO_RETURN_BOUND); } double cdft2_wrap(double df, double p){ int which=2; double q=1.0-p, t=0, bound=0; int status=10; if (npy_isinf(df)) { if (npy_isnan(p)) return NPY_NAN; return ndtri(p); } CDFLIB_CALL2(F_FUNC(cdft,CDFT), "stdtrit", t, df, t, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdft3_wrap(double p, double t){ int which=3; double q=1.0-p, df=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL2(F_FUNC(cdft,CDFT), "stdtridf", t, df, df, RETURN_BOUND); } extern void F_FUNC(cdftnc,CDFTNC)(int*,double*,double*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*); double cdftnc1_wrap(double df, double nc, double t) { int which=1; double q=0, p=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdftnc,CDFTNC), "nctdtr", t, df, nc, p, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdftnc2_wrap(double df, double nc, double p) { int which=2; double q=1.0-p, t=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdftnc,CDFTNC), "nctdtrit", t, df, nc, t, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdftnc3_wrap(double p, double nc, double t) { int which=3; double q=1.0-p, df=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdftnc,CDFTNC), "nctdtridf", t, df, nc, df, RETURN_BOUND); } double cdftnc4_wrap(double df, double p, double t) { int which=4; double q=1.0-p, nc=0, bound=0; int status=10; CDFLIB_CALL3(F_FUNC(cdftnc,CDFTNC), "nctdtrinc", t, df, nc, nc, RETURN_BOUND); }