import os import pytest import sys import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_allclose from pytest import raises as assert_raises from scipy.sparse.linalg._svdp import _svdp from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, csc_matrix, coo_matrix TOLS = { np.float32: 1e-4, np.float64: 1e-8, np.complex64: 1e-4, np.complex128: 1e-8, } _dtype_map = { "single": np.float32, "double": np.float64, "complex8": np.complex64, "complex16": np.complex128, } def is_complex_type(dtype): return np.dtype(dtype).char.isupper() def is_32bit(): return sys.maxsize <= 2**32 # (usually 2**31-1 on 32-bit) def is_windows(): return 'win32' in sys.platform _dtype_testing = [] for dtype in _dtype_map: if 'complex' in dtype and is_32bit(): # PROPACK has issues w/ complex on 32-bit; see gh-14433 marks = [pytest.mark.skip] elif 'complex16' in dtype and is_windows(): # windows crashes for complex128 (so don't xfail); see gh-15108 marks = [pytest.mark.skip] elif 'complex' in dtype: marks = [pytest.mark.slow] # type: ignore[list-item] else: marks = [] _dtype_testing.append(pytest.param(dtype, marks=marks)) _dtype_testing = tuple(_dtype_testing) # type: ignore[assignment] def generate_matrix(constructor, n, m, f, dtype=float, rseed=0, **kwargs): """Generate a random sparse matrix""" rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed) if is_complex_type(dtype): M = (- 5 + 10 * rng.rand(n, m) - 5j + 10j * rng.rand(n, m)).astype(dtype) else: M = (-5 + 10 * rng.rand(n, m)).astype(dtype) M[M.real > 10 * f - 5] = 0 return constructor(M, **kwargs) def assert_orthogonal(u1, u2, rtol, atol): """Check that the first k rows of u1 and u2 are orthogonal""" A = abs(, u2)) assert_allclose(A, np.eye(u1.shape[1], u2.shape[1]), rtol=rtol, atol=atol) def check_svdp(n, m, constructor, dtype, k, irl_mode, which, f=0.8): tol = TOLS[dtype] M = generate_matrix(np.asarray, n, m, f, dtype) Msp = constructor(M) u1, sigma1, vt1 = np.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=False) u2, sigma2, vt2, _ = _svdp(Msp, k=k, which=which, irl_mode=irl_mode, tol=tol) # check the which if which.upper() == 'SM': u1 = np.roll(u1, k, 1) vt1 = np.roll(vt1, k, 0) sigma1 = np.roll(sigma1, k) # check that singular values agree assert_allclose(sigma1[:k], sigma2, rtol=tol, atol=tol) # check that singular vectors are orthogonal assert_orthogonal(u1, u2, rtol=tol, atol=tol) assert_orthogonal(vt1.T, vt2.T, rtol=tol, atol=tol) @pytest.mark.parametrize('ctor', (np.array, csr_matrix, csc_matrix)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('precision', _dtype_testing) @pytest.mark.parametrize('irl', (True, False)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('which', ('LM', 'SM')) def test_svdp(ctor, precision, irl, which): np.random.seed(0) dtype = _dtype_map[precision] n, m, k = 10, 20, 3 if which == 'SM' and not irl: message = "`which`='SM' requires irl_mode=True" with assert_raises(ValueError, match=message): check_svdp(n, m, ctor, dtype, k, irl, which) else: if is_32bit() and is_complex_type(dtype): message = 'PROPACK complex-valued SVD methods not available ' with assert_raises(TypeError, match=message): check_svdp(n, m, ctor, dtype, k, irl, which) else: check_svdp(n, m, ctor, dtype, k, irl, which) @pytest.mark.parametrize('precision', _dtype_testing) @pytest.mark.parametrize('irl', (False, True)) def test_examples(precision, irl): # Note: atol for complex8 bumped from 1e-4 to 1e-3 because of test failures # with BLIS, Netlib, and MKL+AVX512 - see # atol = { 'single': 1.3e-4, 'double': 1e-9, 'complex8': 1e-3, 'complex16': 1e-9, }[precision] path_prefix = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Test matrices from `illc1850.coord` and `mhd1280b.cua` distributed with # PROPACK 2.1: relative_path = "propack_test_data.npz" filename = os.path.join(path_prefix, relative_path) data = np.load(filename, allow_pickle=True) dtype = _dtype_map[precision] if precision in {'single', 'double'}: A = data['A_real'].item().astype(dtype) elif precision in {'complex8', 'complex16'}: A = data['A_complex'].item().astype(dtype) k = 200 u, s, vh, _ = _svdp(A, k, irl_mode=irl, random_state=0) # complex example matrix has many repeated singular values, so check only # beginning non-repeated singular vectors to avoid permutations sv_check = 27 if precision in {'complex8', 'complex16'} else k u = u[:, :sv_check] vh = vh[:sv_check, :] s = s[:sv_check] # Check orthogonality of singular vectors assert_allclose(np.eye(u.shape[1]), u.conj().T @ u, atol=atol) assert_allclose(np.eye(vh.shape[0]), vh @ vh.conj().T, atol=atol) # Ensure the norm of the difference between the np.linalg.svd and # PROPACK reconstructed matrices is small u3, s3, vh3 = np.linalg.svd(A.todense()) u3 = u3[:, :sv_check] s3 = s3[:sv_check] vh3 = vh3[:sv_check, :] A3 = u3 @ np.diag(s3) @ vh3 recon = u @ np.diag(s) @ vh assert_allclose(np.linalg.norm(A3 - recon), 0, atol=atol) @pytest.mark.parametrize('shifts', (None, -10, 0, 1, 10, 70)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('precision', ('single', 'double')) def test_shifts(shifts, precision): np.random.seed(0) n, k = 70, 10 A = np.random.random((n, n)) if shifts is not None and ((shifts < 0) or (k > min(n-1-shifts, n))): with pytest.raises(ValueError): _svdp(A, k, shifts=shifts, kmax=5*k, irl_mode=True) else: _svdp(A, k, shifts=shifts, kmax=5*k, irl_mode=True) @pytest.mark.slow @pytest.mark.xfail() def test_shifts_accuracy(): np.random.seed(0) n, k = 70, 10 A = np.random.random((n, n)).astype(np.double) u1, s1, vt1, _ = _svdp(A, k, shifts=None, which='SM', irl_mode=True) u2, s2, vt2, _ = _svdp(A, k, shifts=32, which='SM', irl_mode=True) # shifts <= 32 doesn't agree with shifts > 32 # Does agree when which='LM' instead of 'SM' assert_allclose(s1, s2)