import warnings cimport cython import numpy as np cimport numpy as np from numpy.math cimport INFINITY from scipy.sparse import (csr_matrix, isspmatrix_coo, isspmatrix_csc, isspmatrix_csr) np.import_array() include "parameters.pxi" def maximum_bipartite_matching(graph, perm_type='row'): r""" maximum_bipartite_matching(graph, perm_type='row') Returns a matching of a bipartite graph whose cardinality is as least that of any given matching of the graph. Parameters ---------- graph : sparse matrix Input sparse in CSR format whose rows represent one partition of the graph and whose columns represent the other partition. An edge between two vertices is indicated by the corresponding entry in the matrix existing in its sparse representation. perm_type : str, {'row', 'column'} Which partition to return the matching in terms of: If ``'row'``, the function produces an array whose length is the number of columns in the input, and whose :math:`j`'th element is the row matched to the :math:`j`'th column. Conversely, if ``perm_type`` is ``'column'``, this returns the columns matched to each row. Returns ------- perm : ndarray A matching of the vertices in one of the two partitions. Unmatched vertices are represented by a ``-1`` in the result. Notes ----- This function implements the Hopcroft--Karp algorithm [1]_. Its time complexity is :math:`O(\lvert E \rvert \sqrt{\lvert V \rvert})`, and its space complexity is linear in the number of rows. In practice, this asymmetry between rows and columns means that it can be more efficient to transpose the input if it contains more columns than rows. By Konig's theorem, the cardinality of the matching is also the number of vertices appearing in a minimum vertex cover of the graph. Note that if the sparse representation contains explicit zeros, these are still counted as edges. The implementation was changed in SciPy 1.4.0 to allow matching of general bipartite graphs, where previous versions would assume that a perfect matching existed. As such, code written against 1.4.0 will not necessarily work on older versions. References ---------- .. [1] John E. Hopcroft and Richard M. Karp. "An n^{5 / 2} Algorithm for Maximum Matchings in Bipartite Graphs" In: SIAM Journal of Computing 2.4 (1973), pp. 225--231. :doi:`10.1137/0202019` Examples -------- >>> from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix >>> from scipy.sparse.csgraph import maximum_bipartite_matching As a simple example, consider a bipartite graph in which the partitions contain 2 and 3 elements respectively. Suppose that one partition contains vertices labelled 0 and 1, and that the other partition contains vertices labelled A, B, and C. Suppose that there are edges connecting 0 and C, 1 and A, and 1 and B. This graph would then be represented by the following sparse matrix: >>> graph = csr_matrix([[0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]) Here, the 1s could be anything, as long as they end up being stored as elements in the sparse matrix. We can now calculate maximum matchings as follows: >>> print(maximum_bipartite_matching(graph, perm_type='column')) [2 0] >>> print(maximum_bipartite_matching(graph, perm_type='row')) [ 1 -1 0] The first output tells us that 1 and 2 are matched with C and A respectively, and the second output tells us that A, B, and C are matched with 1, nothing, and 0 respectively. Note that explicit zeros are still converted to edges. This means that a different way to represent the above graph is by using the CSR structure directly as follows: >>> data = [0, 0, 0] >>> indices = [2, 0, 1] >>> indptr = [0, 1, 3] >>> graph = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr)) >>> print(maximum_bipartite_matching(graph, perm_type='column')) [2 0] >>> print(maximum_bipartite_matching(graph, perm_type='row')) [ 1 -1 0] When one or both of the partitions are empty, the matching is empty as well: >>> graph = csr_matrix((2, 0)) >>> print(maximum_bipartite_matching(graph, perm_type='column')) [-1 -1] >>> print(maximum_bipartite_matching(graph, perm_type='row')) [] When the input matrix is square, and the graph is known to admit a perfect matching, i.e. a matching with the property that every vertex in the graph belongs to some edge in the matching, then one can view the output as the permutation of rows (or columns) turning the input matrix into one with the property that all diagonal elements are non-empty: >>> a = [[0, 1, 2, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], [2, 0, 0, 3], [0, 1, 3, 0]] >>> graph = csr_matrix(a) >>> perm = maximum_bipartite_matching(graph, perm_type='row') >>> print(graph[perm].toarray()) [[1 0 0 1] [0 1 2 0] [0 1 3 0] [2 0 0 3]] """ if isspmatrix_csc(graph) or isspmatrix_coo(graph): graph = graph.tocsr() elif not isspmatrix_csr(graph): raise TypeError("graph must be in CSC, CSR, or COO format.") i, j = graph.shape x, y = _hopcroft_karp(graph.indices, graph.indptr, i, j) return np.asarray(x if perm_type == 'column' else y) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) cdef tuple _hopcroft_karp(ITYPE_t[:] indices, ITYPE_t[:] indptr, ITYPE_t i, ITYPE_t j): cdef ITYPE_t INF = np.iinfo(ITYPE).max # x will end up containing the matchings of rows to columns, while # y will contain the matchings of columns to rows. cdef ITYPE_t[:] x = np.empty(i, dtype=ITYPE) cdef ITYPE_t[:] y = np.empty(j, dtype=ITYPE) # During the BFS step, dist will keep track of the level of the search. We # only keep track of this for the vertices in the left partition. Note that # the array is one longer than the cardinality of the left partition: # throughout the algorithm, we make use of the standard trick of adding an # auxiliary vertex whose index will be i, and whose semantics are that # every unmatched column will be matched with this vertex. cdef ITYPE_t[:] dist = np.empty(i + 1, dtype=ITYPE) cdef ITYPE_t k, v, w, up, u, yu, u_old # At the end of the day, unmatched vertices will have a value of -1. As # mentioned above, unmatched vertices in the right partition will be # matched to the auxiliary vertex i, and we will set their value to -1 # only when we have found a maximum matching. for k in range(i): x[k] = -1 for k in range(j): y[k] = i # Set up three structures for use in our searches: q will represent a queue # of vertices for use during the BFS step. As above, we will only keep # track of the vertices in the left partition, as well as the auxiliary # vertex; as no vertex is added more than once, the capacity of the queue # will be i + 1. As in a circular buffer, we use two pointers, head and # tail to keep track of the ends of the queue: Elements are dequeued from # head and queued at tail. cdef ITYPE_t[:] q = np.empty(i + 1, dtype=ITYPE) cdef ITYPE_t head, tail # Similarly, we use a stack for our depth-first search. As above, we only # represent vertices in the left partition, and since no augmenting path # will visit more than i of thse before encountering an unmatched vertex # (as represented by i), the stack capacity can be limited to i + 1. # Elements will be pushed to stack_head and popped from stack_head - 1. cdef ITYPE_t[:] stack = np.empty(i + 1, dtype=ITYPE) cdef ITYPE_t stack_head # Finally, during our depth-first search, we keep track of the path along # which we move. This will simplify the updates to the matching that occur # when an augmenting path is found. cdef ITYPE_t[:] parents = np.empty(i, dtype=ITYPE) # The breadth-first search part of the algorithm. This will terminate when # we are unable to find a path to an unassigned vertex, which boils down to # not being able to find a path to the auxiliary vertex i. while True: # Empty the queue by resetting the two pointers. head = 0 tail = 0 for v in range(i): if x[v] < 0: dist[v] = 0 # Enqueue v. Note that in an ordinary circular buffer, we would # avoid overflows by wrapping around indices, but since we will # never enqueue more than i + 1 different elements at a single # iteration, we can avoid doing so. q[tail] = v tail += 1 else: dist[v] = INF dist[i] = INF # Check if the queue is empty. Note than in an ordinary circular buffer # some care needs to be taken with this check when the buffer is full, # which we can avoid as above. while head < tail: v = q[head] head += 1 if dist[v] < dist[i]: for up in range(indptr[v], indptr[v+1]): u = indices[up] if dist[y[u]] == INF: dist[y[u]] = dist[v] + 1 q[tail] = y[u] tail += 1 # Vertices not encountered during the BFS will have a dist of INF. In # particular, dist[i] will be INF exactly when we did not encounter any # unmatched vertices. if dist[i] == INF: break # Depth-first search starting from every unmatched vertex. for w in range(i): if x[w] < 0: done = False # Initialize stack to contain only w and reset path. stack[0] = w stack_head = 1 while stack_head != 0: # Pop v from stack. stack_head -= 1 v = stack[stack_head] could_augment = False for up in range(indptr[v], indptr[v + 1]): u = indices[up] yu = y[u] if dist[yu] == dist[v] + 1: could_augment = True # If yu is unmatched, we have found an augmenting # path. We update the matching and move on to the # next unmatched vertex. if yu == i: done = True # Unwind and follow the path back to the root. while True: # Mark v as visited to ensure that it # features in only one augmenting path in # this sequence of DFS runs. dist[v] = INF u_old = x[v] y[u] = v x[v] = u u = u_old if v == w: break v = parents[v] break stack[stack_head] = yu stack_head += 1 parents[yu] = v if done: break for k in range(j): if y[k] == i: y[k] = -1 return x, y def min_weight_full_bipartite_matching(biadjacency_matrix, maximize=False): r""" min_weight_full_bipartite_matching(biadjacency_matrix, maximize=False) Returns the minimum weight full matching of a bipartite graph. .. versionadded:: 1.6.0 Parameters ---------- biadjacency_matrix : sparse matrix Biadjacency matrix of the bipartite graph: A sparse matrix in CSR, CSC, or COO format whose rows represent one partition of the graph and whose columns represent the other partition. An edge between two vertices is indicated by the corresponding entry in the matrix, and the weight of the edge is given by the value of that entry. This should not be confused with the full adjacency matrix of the graph, as we only need the submatrix defining the bipartite structure. maximize : bool (default: False) Calculates a maximum weight matching if true. Returns ------- row_ind, col_ind : array An array of row indices and one of corresponding column indices giving the optimal matching. The total weight of the matching can be computed as ``graph[row_ind, col_ind].sum()``. The row indices will be sorted; in the case of a square matrix they will be equal to ``numpy.arange(graph.shape[0])``. Notes ----- Let :math:`G = ((U, V), E)` be a weighted bipartite graph with non-zero weights :math:`w : E \to \mathbb{R} \setminus \{0\}`. This function then produces a matching :math:`M \subseteq E` with cardinality .. math:: \lvert M \rvert = \min(\lvert U \rvert, \lvert V \rvert), which minimizes the sum of the weights of the edges included in the matching, :math:`\sum_{e \in M} w(e)`, or raises an error if no such matching exists. When :math:`\lvert U \rvert = \lvert V \rvert`, this is commonly referred to as a perfect matching; here, since we allow :math:`\lvert U \rvert` and :math:`\lvert V \rvert` to differ, we follow Karp [1]_ and refer to the matching as *full*. This function implements the LAPJVsp algorithm [2]_, short for "Linear assignment problem, Jonker--Volgenant, sparse". The problem it solves is equivalent to the rectangular linear assignment problem. [3]_ As such, this function can be used to solve the same problems as :func:`scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment`. That function may perform better when the input is dense, or for certain particular types of inputs, such as those for which the :math:`(i, j)`'th entry is the distance between two points in Euclidean space. If no full matching exists, this function raises a ``ValueError``. For determining the size of the largest matching in the graph, see :func:`maximum_bipartite_matching`. We require that weights are non-zero only to avoid issues with the handling of explicit zeros when converting between different sparse representations. Zero weights can be handled by adding a constant to all weights, so that the resulting matrix contains no zeros. References ---------- .. [1] Richard Manning Karp: An algorithm to Solve the m x n Assignment Problem in Expected Time O(mn log n). Networks, 10(2):143-152, 1980. .. [2] Roy Jonker and Anton Volgenant: A Shortest Augmenting Path Algorithm for Dense and Sparse Linear Assignment Problems. Computing 38:325-340, 1987. .. [3] Examples -------- >>> from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix >>> from scipy.sparse.csgraph import min_weight_full_bipartite_matching Let us first consider an example in which all weights are equal: >>> biadjacency_matrix = csr_matrix([[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]) Here, all we get is a perfect matching of the graph: >>> print(min_weight_full_bipartite_matching(biadjacency_matrix)[1]) [2 0 1] That is, the first, second, and third rows are matched with the third, first, and second column respectively. Note that in this example, the 0 in the input matrix does *not* correspond to an edge with weight 0, but rather a pair of vertices not paired by an edge. Note also that in this case, the output matches the result of applying :func:`maximum_bipartite_matching`: >>> from scipy.sparse.csgraph import maximum_bipartite_matching >>> biadjacency = csr_matrix([[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]) >>> print(maximum_bipartite_matching(biadjacency, perm_type='column')) [2 0 1] When multiple edges are available, the ones with lowest weights are preferred: >>> biadjacency = csr_matrix([[3, 3, 6], [4, 3, 5], [10, 1, 8]]) >>> row_ind, col_ind = min_weight_full_bipartite_matching(biadjacency) >>> print(col_ind) [0 2 1] The total weight in this case is :math:`3 + 5 + 1 = 9`: >>> print(biadjacency[row_ind, col_ind].sum()) 9 When the matrix is not square, i.e. when the two partitions have different cardinalities, the matching is as large as the smaller of the two partitions: >>> biadjacency = csr_matrix([[0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 3]]) >>> row_ind, col_ind = min_weight_full_bipartite_matching(biadjacency) >>> print(row_ind, col_ind) [0 1] [2 1] >>> biadjacency = csr_matrix([[0, 1], [3, 1], [1, 4]]) >>> row_ind, col_ind = min_weight_full_bipartite_matching(biadjacency) >>> print(row_ind, col_ind) [0 2] [1 0] When one or both of the partitions are empty, the matching is empty as well: >>> biadjacency = csr_matrix((2, 0)) >>> row_ind, col_ind = min_weight_full_bipartite_matching(biadjacency) >>> print(row_ind, col_ind) [] [] In general, we will always reach the same sum of weights as if we had used :func:`scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment` but note that for that one, missing edges are represented by a matrix entry of ``float('inf')``. Let us generate a random sparse matrix with integer entries between 1 and 10: >>> import numpy as np >>> from scipy.sparse import random >>> from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment >>> sparse = random(10, 10, random_state=42, density=.5, format='coo') * 10 >>> = np.ceil( >>> dense = sparse.toarray() >>> dense = np.full(sparse.shape, np.inf) >>> dense[sparse.row, sparse.col] = >>> sparse = sparse.tocsr() >>> row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(dense) >>> print(dense[row_ind, col_ind].sum()) 28.0 >>> row_ind, col_ind = min_weight_full_bipartite_matching(sparse) >>> print(sparse[row_ind, col_ind].sum()) 28.0 """ if not isspmatrix_csr(biadjacency_matrix)\ and not isspmatrix_csc(biadjacency_matrix)\ and not isspmatrix_coo(biadjacency_matrix): raise TypeError("graph must be in CSC, CSR, or COO format.") if not (np.issubdtype(biadjacency_matrix.dtype, np.number) or biadjacency_matrix.dtype == np.dtype(np.bool_)): raise ValueError("expected a matrix containing numerical entries, " + "got %s" % (biadjacency_matrix.dtype,)) biadjacency_matrix = biadjacency_matrix.astype(np.double) if maximize: biadjacency_matrix = -biadjacency_matrix # Change all infinities to zeros, then remove those zeros, but warn the # user if any zeros were present in the first place. if not np.all( warnings.warn('explicit zero weights are removed before matching')[np.isposinf(] = 0 biadjacency_matrix.eliminate_zeros() i, j = biadjacency_matrix.shape a = np.arange(np.min(biadjacency_matrix.shape)) # The algorithm expects more columns than rows in the graph. if j < i: biadjacency_matrix_t = biadjacency_matrix.T if not isspmatrix_csr(biadjacency_matrix_t): biadjacency_matrix_t = biadjacency_matrix_t.tocsr() b = np.asarray(_lapjvsp(biadjacency_matrix_t.indptr, biadjacency_matrix_t.indices,, j, i)) indices = np.argsort(b) return (b[indices], a[indices]) else: if not isspmatrix_csr(biadjacency_matrix): biadjacency_matrix = biadjacency_matrix.tocsr() b = np.asarray(_lapjvsp(biadjacency_matrix.indptr, biadjacency_matrix.indices,, i, j)) return (a, b) # We will use uint8 to represent booleans to simplify arrays of booleans below. BTYPE = np.uint8 ctypedef np.uint8_t BTYPE_t @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) cdef ITYPE_t[:] _lapjvsp(ITYPE_t[:] first, ITYPE_t[:] kk, DTYPE_t[:] cc, ITYPE_t nr, ITYPE_t nc): """Solves the minimum weight bipartite matching problem using LAPJVsp. The implementation at hand is a straightforward port of the original Pascal implementation by Anton Volgenant. The code is currently available as LAPJVS.P on [1]_ and is licensed under the BSD-3 license, copyright A. Volgenant/Amsterdam School of Economics, University of Amsterdam. The original code is uncommented, and is easiest to follow by referring to [2]_ rather than the code itself. As such, in our Cython port, we strive to stay as close to the original implementation as possible, and prefer code that is easy to recognize from its Pascal version over optimized code. When we do deviate from the original implementation in non-obvious ways, we explicitly spell out how and why. In general, we have updated all indices (since Pascal is 1-indexed), introduced a few more variables to highlight the scope of some variables, converted the goto statements to functions, and use double infinity instead of large integers. Parameters ---------- first : memoryview of length :math:`|U| + 1` Corresponds to the ``indptr`` attribute of the graph in CSR format. kk : memoryview Corresponds to the ``indices`` attribute of the graph in CSR format. cc : memoryview Corresponds to the ``data`` attribute of the graph in CSR format. nr : int The number of rows of the graph in CSR format. nc : int The number of columns of the graph in CSR format. Must be at least as large as ``nr``. Returns ------- row_ind : memoryview of length :math:`|U|` For each row, the column matched with that row. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] Roy Jonker and Anton Volgenant: A Shortest Augmenting Path Algorithm for Dense and Sparse Linear Assignment Problems. Computing 38:325-340, 1987. """ cdef ITYPE_t l0, jp, t, i, lp, j1, tp, j0p, j1p, l0p, h, i0, td1 cdef DTYPE_t min_diff, v0, vj, dj cdef DTYPE_t[:] v = np.zeros(nc, dtype=DTYPE) cdef ITYPE_t[:] x = np.empty(nr, dtype=ITYPE) for i in range(nr): x[i] = -1 cdef ITYPE_t[:] y = np.empty(nc, dtype=ITYPE) for j in range(nc): y[j] = -1 cdef DTYPE_t[:] u = np.zeros(nr, dtype=DTYPE) cdef DTYPE_t[:] d = np.zeros(nc, dtype=DTYPE) cdef BTYPE_t[:] ok = np.zeros(nc, dtype=BTYPE) cdef BTYPE_t[:] xinv = np.zeros(nr, dtype=BTYPE) cdef ITYPE_t[:] free = np.empty(nr, dtype=ITYPE) for i in range(nr): free[i] = -1 cdef ITYPE_t[:] todo = np.empty(nc, dtype=ITYPE) for j in range(nc): todo[j] = -1 cdef ITYPE_t[:] lab = np.zeros(nc, dtype=ITYPE) # We skip the initialization entirely in the non-square case and instead # fill all of `free` explicitly. if nr == nc: # From here, proceed from line 55 in the original Pascal code, LAPJVS.P for jp in range(nc): v[jp] = INFINITY for i in range(nr): for t in range(first[i], first[i + 1]): jp = kk[t] if cc[t] < v[jp]: v[jp] = cc[t] y[jp] = i for jp in range(nc - 1, -1, -1): i = y[jp] # If no row has been matched with column jp at this point, that # can only mean that the column has no incident rows at all. if i == -1: raise ValueError('no full matching exists') if x[i] == -1: x[i] = jp else: y[jp] = -1 # Here, the original Pascal code simply inverts the sign of # x[i]; as that doesn't play too well with zero-indexing, we # explicitly keep track of uniqueness instead. xinv[i] = 1 lp = 0 for i in range(nr): if xinv[i] == 1: continue if x[i] != -1: min_diff = INFINITY j1 = x[i] for t in range(first[i], first[i + 1]): jp = kk[t] if jp != j1: if cc[t] - v[jp] < min_diff: min_diff = cc[t] - v[jp] u[i] = min_diff tp = first[i] while kk[tp] != j1: tp += 1 v[j1] = cc[tp] - min_diff else: # The following two lines are swapped in the Pascal code: This # works because of the implicit index correction, where we # initialize lp to 0 as opposed to the -1 that would otherwise # correspond to the 0 initialization in Pascal (as we recall # that all indices are shifted by one). free[lp] = i lp += 1 for _ in range(2): h = 0 l0p = lp lp = 0 while h < l0p: i = free[h] h += 1 # Note: In the original Pascal code, the indices of the lowest # and second-lowest reduced costs are never reset. This can # cause issues for infeasible problems; see # j0p = -1 j1p = -1 v0 = INFINITY vj = INFINITY for t in range(first[i], first[i + 1]): jp = kk[t] dj = cc[t] - v[jp] if dj < vj: if dj >= v0: vj = dj j1p = jp else: vj = v0 v0 = dj j1p = j0p j0p = jp # If the index of the column with the largest reduced cost has # not been set, no assignment is possible for this row. if j0p < 0: raise ValueError('no full matching exists') i0 = y[j0p] u[i] = vj if v0 < vj: v[j0p] += v0 - vj elif i0 != -1: j0p = j1p i0 = y[j0p] x[i] = j0p y[j0p] = i if i0 != -1: if v0 < vj: h -= 1 free[h] = i0 else: free[lp] = i0 lp += 1 l0 = lp else: l0 = nr for i in range(nr): free[i] = i # In the original Pascal code, the solution for each l is inlined, # but to avoid goto statements, and convoluted logic to break out # of nested loops, we extract the body of the loop instead. The # function thus corresponds to lines 109--154 in the Pascal code, # with lines 155 and 156 seperated into two separate functions below. td1 = -1 for l in range(l0): td1 = _lapjvsp_single_l(l, nc, d, ok, free, first, kk, cc, v, lab, todo, y, x, td1) return x @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) cdef ITYPE_t _lapjvsp_single_l(ITYPE_t l, ITYPE_t nc, DTYPE_t[:] d, BTYPE_t[:] ok, ITYPE_t[:] free, ITYPE_t[:] first, ITYPE_t[:] kk, DTYPE_t[:] cc, DTYPE_t[:] v, ITYPE_t[:] lab, ITYPE_t[:] todo, ITYPE_t[:] y, ITYPE_t[:] x, ITYPE_t td1) except -2: cdef ITYPE_t jp, i0, j, t, td2, hp, last, j0, i, tp cdef DTYPE_t min_diff, dj, h, vj for jp in range(nc): d[jp] = INFINITY ok[jp] = 0 min_diff = INFINITY i0 = free[l] for t in range(first[i0], first[i0 + 1]): j = kk[t] dj = cc[t] - v[j] d[j] = dj lab[j] = i0 if dj <= min_diff: if dj < min_diff: td1 = -1 min_diff = dj td1 += 1 todo[td1] = j for hp in range(td1 + 1): j = todo[hp] if y[j] == -1: _lapjvsp_update_assignments(lab, y, x, j, i0) return td1 ok[j] = 1 td2 = nc - 1 last = nc while True: # If td1 is negative at this point, that corresponds to no assignments # having been made in the previous run, so no full matching exists # and we error out. if td1 < 0: raise ValueError('no full matching exists') j0 = todo[td1] td1 -= 1 i = y[j0] todo[td2] = j0 td2 -= 1 tp = first[i] while kk[tp] != j0: tp += 1 h = cc[tp] - v[j0] - min_diff for t in range(first[i], first[i + 1]): j = kk[t] if ok[j] == 0: vj = cc[t] - v[j] - h if vj < d[j]: d[j] = vj lab[j] = i if vj == min_diff: if y[j] == -1: _lapjvsp_update_dual(nc, d, v, todo, last, min_diff) _lapjvsp_update_assignments(lab, y, x, j, i0) return td1 td1 += 1 todo[td1] = j ok[j] = 1 if td1 == -1: # The original Pascal code uses finite numbers instead of INFINITY # so we need to adjust slightly here. min_diff = INFINITY last = td2 + 1 for jp in range(nc): if d[jp] != INFINITY and d[jp] <= min_diff and ok[jp] == 0: if d[jp] < min_diff: td1 = -1 min_diff = d[jp] td1 += 1 todo[td1] = jp for hp in range(td1 + 1): j = todo[hp] if y[j] == -1: _lapjvsp_update_dual(nc, d, v, todo, last, min_diff) _lapjvsp_update_assignments(lab, y, x, j, i0) return td1 ok[j] = 1 @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) cdef _lapjvsp_update_dual(ITYPE_t nc, DTYPE_t[:] d, DTYPE_t[:] v, ITYPE_t[:] todo, ITYPE_t last, DTYPE_t min_diff): cdef ITYPE_t j0 for k in range(last, nc): j0 = todo[k] v[j0] += d[j0] - min_diff @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) cdef _lapjvsp_update_assignments(ITYPE_t[:] lab, ITYPE_t[:] y, ITYPE_t[:] x, ITYPE_t j, ITYPE_t i0): cdef ITYPE_t i, k while True: i = lab[j] y[j] = i k = j j = x[i] x[i] = k if i == i0: return