recursive *subroutine dogleg(n,r,lr,diag,qtb,delta,x,wa1,wa2) integer n,lr double precision delta double precision r(lr),diag(n),qtb(n),x(n),wa1(n),wa2(n) c ********** c c subroutine dogleg c c given an m by n matrix a, an n by n nonsingular diagonal c matrix d, an m-vector b, and a positive number delta, the c problem is to determine the convex combination x of the c gauss-newton and scaled gradient directions that minimizes c (a*x - b) in the least squares sense, subject to the c restriction that the euclidean norm of d*x be at most delta. c c this subroutine completes the solution of the problem c if it is provided with the necessary information from the c qr factorization of a. that is, if a = q*r, where q has c orthogonal columns and r is an upper triangular matrix, c then dogleg expects the full upper triangle of r and c the first n components of (q transpose)*b. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine dogleg(n,r,lr,diag,qtb,delta,x,wa1,wa2) c c where c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r. c c r is an input array of length lr which must contain the upper c triangular matrix r stored by rows. c c lr is a positive integer input variable not less than c (n*(n+1))/2. c c diag is an input array of length n which must contain the c diagonal elements of the matrix d. c c qtb is an input array of length n which must contain the first c n elements of the vector (q transpose)*b. c c delta is a positive input variable which specifies an upper c bound on the euclidean norm of d*x. c c x is an output array of length n which contains the desired c convex combination of the gauss-newton direction and the c scaled gradient direction. c c wa1 and wa2 are work arrays of length n. c c subprograms called c c minpack-supplied ... dpmpar,enorm c c fortran-supplied ... dabs,dmax1,dmin1,dsqrt c c argonne national laboratory. minpack project. march 1980. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more c c ********** integer i,j,jj,jp1,k,l double precision alpha,bnorm,epsmch,gnorm,one,qnorm,sgnorm,sum, * temp,zero double precision dpmpar,enorm data one,zero /1.0d0,0.0d0/ c c epsmch is the machine precision. c epsmch = dpmpar(1) c c first, calculate the gauss-newton direction. c jj = (n*(n + 1))/2 + 1 do 50 k = 1, n j = n - k + 1 jp1 = j + 1 jj = jj - k l = jj + 1 sum = zero if (n .lt. jp1) go to 20 do 10 i = jp1, n sum = sum + r(l)*x(i) l = l + 1 10 continue 20 continue temp = r(jj) if (temp .ne. zero) go to 40 l = j do 30 i = 1, j temp = dmax1(temp,dabs(r(l))) l = l + n - i 30 continue temp = epsmch*temp if (temp .eq. zero) temp = epsmch 40 continue x(j) = (qtb(j) - sum)/temp 50 continue c c test whether the gauss-newton direction is acceptable. c do 60 j = 1, n wa1(j) = zero wa2(j) = diag(j)*x(j) 60 continue qnorm = enorm(n,wa2) if (qnorm .le. delta) go to 140 c c the gauss-newton direction is not acceptable. c next, calculate the scaled gradient direction. c l = 1 do 80 j = 1, n temp = qtb(j) do 70 i = j, n wa1(i) = wa1(i) + r(l)*temp l = l + 1 70 continue wa1(j) = wa1(j)/diag(j) 80 continue c c calculate the norm of the scaled gradient and test for c the special case in which the scaled gradient is zero. c gnorm = enorm(n,wa1) sgnorm = zero alpha = delta/qnorm if (gnorm .eq. zero) go to 120 c c calculate the point along the scaled gradient c at which the quadratic is minimized. c do 90 j = 1, n wa1(j) = (wa1(j)/gnorm)/diag(j) 90 continue l = 1 do 110 j = 1, n sum = zero do 100 i = j, n sum = sum + r(l)*wa1(i) l = l + 1 100 continue wa2(j) = sum 110 continue temp = enorm(n,wa2) sgnorm = (gnorm/temp)/temp c c test whether the scaled gradient direction is acceptable. c alpha = zero if (sgnorm .ge. delta) go to 120 c c the scaled gradient direction is not acceptable. c finally, calculate the point along the dogleg c at which the quadratic is minimized. c bnorm = enorm(n,qtb) temp = (bnorm/gnorm)*(bnorm/qnorm)*(sgnorm/delta) temp = temp - (delta/qnorm)*(sgnorm/delta)**2 * + dsqrt((temp-(delta/qnorm))**2 * +(one-(delta/qnorm)**2)*(one-(sgnorm/delta)**2)) alpha = ((delta/qnorm)*(one - (sgnorm/delta)**2))/temp 120 continue c c form appropriate convex combination of the gauss-newton c direction and the scaled gradient direction. c temp = (one - alpha)*dmin1(sgnorm,delta) do 130 j = 1, n x(j) = temp*wa1(j) + alpha*x(j) 130 continue 140 continue return c c last card of subroutine dogleg. c end