c=========== L-BFGS-B (version 3.0. April 25, 2011 =================== c c This is a modified version of L-BFGS-B. Minor changes in the updated c code appear preceded by a line comment as follows c c c-jlm-jn c c Major changes are described in the accompanying paper: c c Jorge Nocedal and Jose Luis Morales, Remark on "Algorithm 778: c L-BFGS-B: Fortran Subroutines for Large-Scale Bound Constrained c Optimization" (2011). To appear in ACM Transactions on c Mathematical Software, c c The paper describes an improvement and a correction to Algorithm 778. c It is shown that the performance of the algorithm can be improved c significantly by making a relatively simple modication to the subspace c minimization phase. The correction concerns an error caused by the use c of routine dpmeps to estimate machine precision. c c The total work space **wa** required by the new version is c c 2*m*n + 11m*m + 5*n + 8*m c c the old version required c c 2*m*n + 12m*m + 4*n + 12*m c c c J. Nocedal Department of Electrical Engineering and c Computer Science. c Northwestern University. Evanston, IL. USA c c c J.L Morales Departamento de Matematicas, c Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico c Mexico D.F. Mexico. c c March 2011 c c============================================================================= subroutine setulb(n, m, x, l, u, nbd, f, g, factr, pgtol, wa, iwa, + task, iprint, csave, lsave, isave, dsave, maxls) character*60 task, csave logical lsave(4) integer n, m, iprint, maxls, + nbd(n), iwa(3*n), isave(44) double precision f, factr, pgtol, x(n), l(n), u(n), g(n), c c-jlm-jn + wa(2*m*n + 5*n + 11*m*m + 8*m), dsave(29) c ************ c c Subroutine setulb c c This subroutine partitions the working arrays wa and iwa, and c then uses the limited memory BFGS method to solve the bound c constrained optimization problem by calling mainlb. c (The direct method will be used in the subspace minimization.) c c n is an integer variable. c On entry n is the dimension of the problem. c On exit n is unchanged. c c m is an integer variable. c On entry m is the maximum number of variable metric corrections c used to define the limited memory matrix. c On exit m is unchanged. c c x is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry x is an approximation to the solution. c On exit x is the current approximation. c c l is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry l is the lower bound on x. c On exit l is unchanged. c c u is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry u is the upper bound on x. c On exit u is unchanged. c c nbd is an integer array of dimension n. c On entry nbd represents the type of bounds imposed on the c variables, and must be specified as follows: c nbd(i)=0 if x(i) is unbounded, c 1 if x(i) has only a lower bound, c 2 if x(i) has both lower and upper bounds, and c 3 if x(i) has only an upper bound. c On exit nbd is unchanged. c c f is a double precision variable. c On first entry f is unspecified. c On final exit f is the value of the function at x. c c g is a double precision array of dimension n. c On first entry g is unspecified. c On final exit g is the value of the gradient at x. c c factr is a double precision variable. c On entry factr >= 0 is specified by the user. The iteration c will stop when c c (f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= factr*epsmch c c where epsmch is the machine precision, which is automatically c generated by the code. Typical values for factr: 1.d+12 for c low accuracy; 1.d+7 for moderate accuracy; 1.d+1 for extremely c high accuracy. c On exit factr is unchanged. c c pgtol is a double precision variable. c On entry pgtol >= 0 is specified by the user. The iteration c will stop when c c max{|proj g_i | i = 1, ..., n} <= pgtol c c where pg_i is the ith component of the projected gradient. c On exit pgtol is unchanged. c c wa is a double precision working array of length c (2mmax + 5)nmax + 12mmax^2 + 12mmax. c c iwa is an integer working array of length 3nmax. c c task is a working string of characters of length 60 indicating c the current job when entering and quitting this subroutine. c c iprint is an integer variable that must be set by the user. c It controls the frequency and type of output generated: c iprint<0 no output is generated; c iprint=0 print only one line at the last iteration; c 0100 print details of every iteration including x and g; c c c csave is a working string of characters of length 60. c c lsave is a logical working array of dimension 4. c On exit with 'task' = NEW_X, the following information is c available: c If lsave(1) = .true. then the initial X has been replaced by c its projection in the feasible set; c If lsave(2) = .true. then the problem is constrained; c If lsave(3) = .true. then each variable has upper and lower c bounds; c c isave is an integer working array of dimension 44. c On exit with 'task' = NEW_X, the following information is c available: c isave(22) = the total number of intervals explored in the c search of Cauchy points; c isave(26) = the total number of skipped BFGS updates before c the current iteration; c isave(30) = the number of current iteration; c isave(31) = the total number of BFGS updates prior the current c iteration; c isave(33) = the number of intervals explored in the search of c Cauchy point in the current iteration; c isave(34) = the total number of function and gradient c evaluations; c isave(36) = the number of function value or gradient c evaluations in the current iteration; c if isave(37) = 0 then the subspace argmin is within the box; c if isave(37) = 1 then the subspace argmin is beyond the box; c isave(38) = the number of free variables in the current c iteration; c isave(39) = the number of active constraints in the current c iteration; c n + 1 - isave(40) = the number of variables leaving the set of c active constraints in the current iteration; c isave(41) = the number of variables entering the set of active c constraints in the current iteration. c c dsave is a double precision working array of dimension 29. c On exit with 'task' = NEW_X, the following information is c available: c dsave(1) = current 'theta' in the BFGS matrix; c dsave(2) = f(x) in the previous iteration; c dsave(3) = factr*epsmch; c dsave(4) = 2-norm of the line search direction vector; c dsave(5) = the machine precision epsmch generated by the code; c dsave(7) = the accumulated time spent on searching for c Cauchy points; c dsave(8) = the accumulated time spent on c subspace minimization; c dsave(9) = the accumulated time spent on line search; c dsave(11) = the slope of the line search function at c the current point of line search; c dsave(12) = the maximum relative step length imposed in c line search; c dsave(13) = the infinity norm of the projected gradient; c dsave(14) = the relative step length in the line search; c dsave(15) = the slope of the line search function at c the starting point of the line search; c dsave(16) = the square of the 2-norm of the line search c direction vector. c c Subprograms called: c c L-BFGS-B Library ... mainlb. c c c References: c c [1] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal and C. Zhu, ``A limited c memory algorithm for bound constrained optimization'', c SIAM J. Scientific Computing 16 (1995), no. 5, pp. 1190--1208. c c [2] C. Zhu, R.H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal, ``L-BFGS-B: a c limited memory FORTRAN code for solving bound constrained c optimization problems'', Tech. Report, NAM-11, EECS Department, c Northwestern University, 1994. c c (Postscript files of these papers are available via anonymous c ftp to eecs.nwu.edu in the directory pub/lbfgs/lbfgs_bcm.) c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ c-jlm-jn integer lws,lr,lz,lt,ld,lxp,lwa, + lwy,lsy,lss,lwt,lwn,lsnd if (task .eq. 'START') then isave(1) = m*n isave(2) = m**2 isave(3) = 4*m**2 isave(4) = 1 ! ws m*n isave(5) = isave(4) + isave(1) ! wy m*n isave(6) = isave(5) + isave(1) ! wsy m**2 isave(7) = isave(6) + isave(2) ! wss m**2 isave(8) = isave(7) + isave(2) ! wt m**2 isave(9) = isave(8) + isave(2) ! wn 4*m**2 isave(10) = isave(9) + isave(3) ! wsnd 4*m**2 isave(11) = isave(10) + isave(3) ! wz n isave(12) = isave(11) + n ! wr n isave(13) = isave(12) + n ! wd n isave(14) = isave(13) + n ! wt n isave(15) = isave(14) + n ! wxp n isave(16) = isave(15) + n ! wa 8*m endif lws = isave(4) lwy = isave(5) lsy = isave(6) lss = isave(7) lwt = isave(8) lwn = isave(9) lsnd = isave(10) lz = isave(11) lr = isave(12) ld = isave(13) lt = isave(14) lxp = isave(15) lwa = isave(16) call mainlb(n,m,x,l,u,nbd,f,g,factr,pgtol, + wa(lws),wa(lwy),wa(lsy),wa(lss), wa(lwt), + wa(lwn),wa(lsnd),wa(lz),wa(lr),wa(ld),wa(lt),wa(lxp), + wa(lwa), + iwa(1),iwa(n+1),iwa(2*n+1),task,iprint, + csave,lsave,isave(22),dsave, maxls) return end c======================= The end of setulb ============================= subroutine mainlb(n, m, x, l, u, nbd, f, g, factr, pgtol, ws, wy, + sy, ss, wt, wn, snd, z, r, d, t, xp, wa, + index, iwhere, indx2, task, + iprint, csave, lsave, isave, dsave, maxls) implicit none character*60 task, csave logical lsave(4) integer n, m, iprint, nbd(n), index(n), + iwhere(n), indx2(n), isave(23), + maxls double precision f, factr, pgtol, + x(n), l(n), u(n), g(n), z(n), r(n), d(n), t(n), c-jlm-jn + xp(n), + wa(8*m), + ws(n, m), wy(n, m), sy(m, m), ss(m, m), + wt(m, m), wn(2*m, 2*m), snd(2*m, 2*m), dsave(29) c ************ c c Subroutine mainlb c c This subroutine solves bound constrained optimization problems by c using the compact formula of the limited memory BFGS updates. c c n is an integer variable. c On entry n is the number of variables. c On exit n is unchanged. c c m is an integer variable. c On entry m is the maximum number of variable metric c corrections allowed in the limited memory matrix. c On exit m is unchanged. c c x is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry x is an approximation to the solution. c On exit x is the current approximation. c c l is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry l is the lower bound of x. c On exit l is unchanged. c c u is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry u is the upper bound of x. c On exit u is unchanged. c c nbd is an integer array of dimension n. c On entry nbd represents the type of bounds imposed on the c variables, and must be specified as follows: c nbd(i)=0 if x(i) is unbounded, c 1 if x(i) has only a lower bound, c 2 if x(i) has both lower and upper bounds, c 3 if x(i) has only an upper bound. c On exit nbd is unchanged. c c f is a double precision variable. c On first entry f is unspecified. c On final exit f is the value of the function at x. c c g is a double precision array of dimension n. c On first entry g is unspecified. c On final exit g is the value of the gradient at x. c c factr is a double precision variable. c On entry factr >= 0 is specified by the user. The iteration c will stop when c c (f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= factr*epsmch c c where epsmch is the machine precision, which is automatically c generated by the code. c On exit factr is unchanged. c c pgtol is a double precision variable. c On entry pgtol >= 0 is specified by the user. The iteration c will stop when c c max{|proj g_i | i = 1, ..., n} <= pgtol c c where pg_i is the ith component of the projected gradient. c On exit pgtol is unchanged. c c ws, wy, sy, and wt are double precision working arrays used to c store the following information defining the limited memory c BFGS matrix: c ws, of dimension n x m, stores S, the matrix of s-vectors; c wy, of dimension n x m, stores Y, the matrix of y-vectors; c sy, of dimension m x m, stores S'Y; c ss, of dimension m x m, stores S'S; c yy, of dimension m x m, stores Y'Y; c wt, of dimension m x m, stores the Cholesky factorization c of (theta*S'S+LD^(-1)L'); see eq. c (2.26) in [3]. c c wn is a double precision working array of dimension 2m x 2m c used to store the LEL^T factorization of the indefinite matrix c K = [-D -Y'ZZ'Y/theta L_a'-R_z' ] c [L_a -R_z theta*S'AA'S ] c c where E = [-I 0] c [ 0 I] c c snd is a double precision working array of dimension 2m x 2m c used to store the lower triangular part of c N = [Y' ZZ'Y L_a'+R_z'] c [L_a +R_z S'AA'S ] c c z(n),r(n),d(n),t(n), xp(n),wa(8*m) are double precision working arrays. c z is used at different times to store the Cauchy point and c the Newton point. c xp is used to safeguard the projected Newton direction c c sg(m),sgo(m),yg(m),ygo(m) are double precision working arrays. c c index is an integer working array of dimension n. c In subroutine freev, index is used to store the free and fixed c variables at the Generalized Cauchy Point (GCP). c c iwhere is an integer working array of dimension n used to record c the status of the vector x for GCP computation. c iwhere(i)=0 or -3 if x(i) is free and has bounds, c 1 if x(i) is fixed at l(i), and l(i) .ne. u(i) c 2 if x(i) is fixed at u(i), and u(i) .ne. l(i) c 3 if x(i) is always fixed, i.e., u(i)=x(i)=l(i) c -1 if x(i) is always free, i.e., no bounds on it. c c indx2 is an integer working array of dimension n. c Within subroutine cauchy, indx2 corresponds to the array iorder. c In subroutine freev, a list of variables entering and leaving c the free set is stored in indx2, and it is passed on to c subroutine formk with this information. c c task is a working string of characters of length 60 indicating c the current job when entering and leaving this subroutine. c c iprint is an INTEGER variable that must be set by the user. c It controls the frequency and type of output generated: c iprint<0 no output is generated; c iprint=0 print only one line at the last iteration; c 0100 print details of every iteration including x and g; c c c csave is a working string of characters of length 60. c c lsave is a logical working array of dimension 4. c c isave is an integer working array of dimension 23. c c dsave is a double precision working array of dimension 29. c c c Subprograms called c c L-BFGS-B Library ... cauchy, subsm, lnsrlb, formk, c c errclb, prn1lb, prn2lb, prn3lb, active, projgr, c c freev, cmprlb, matupd, formt. c c Minpack2 Library ... timer c c Linpack Library ... dcopy, ddot. c c c References: c c [1] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal and C. Zhu, ``A limited c memory algorithm for bound constrained optimization'', c SIAM J. Scientific Computing 16 (1995), no. 5, pp. 1190--1208. c c [2] C. Zhu, R.H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal, ``L-BFGS-B: FORTRAN c Subroutines for Large Scale Bound Constrained Optimization'' c Tech. Report, NAM-11, EECS Department, Northwestern University, c 1994. c c [3] R. Byrd, J. Nocedal and R. Schnabel "Representations of c Quasi-Newton Matrices and their use in Limited Memory Methods'', c Mathematical Programming 63 (1994), no. 4, pp. 129-156. c c (Postscript files of these papers are available via anonymous c ftp to eecs.nwu.edu in the directory pub/lbfgs/lbfgs_bcm.) c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ logical prjctd,cnstnd,boxed,updatd,wrk character*3 word integer i,k,nintol,iback,nskip, + head,col,iter,itail,iupdat, + nseg,nfgv,info,ifun, + iword,nfree,nact,ileave,nenter double precision theta,fold,ddot,dr,rr,tol, + xstep,sbgnrm,ddum,dnorm,dtd,epsmch, + cpu1,cpu2,cachyt,sbtime,lnscht,time1,time2, + gd,gdold,stp,stpmx,time double precision one,zero double precision dlamch external dlamch parameter (one=1.0d0,zero=0.0d0) if (task .eq. 'START') then epsmch = 2 * dlamch('e') call timer(time1) c Initialize counters and scalars when task='START'. c for the limited memory BFGS matrices: col = 0 head = 1 theta = one iupdat = 0 updatd = .false. iback = 0 itail = 0 iword = 0 nact = 0 ileave = 0 nenter = 0 fold = zero dnorm = zero cpu1 = zero gd = zero stpmx = zero sbgnrm = zero stp = zero gdold = zero dtd = zero c for operation counts: iter = 0 nfgv = 0 nseg = 0 nintol = 0 nskip = 0 nfree = n ifun = 0 c for stopping tolerance: tol = factr*epsmch c for measuring running time: cachyt = 0 sbtime = 0 lnscht = 0 c 'word' records the status of subspace solutions. word = '---' c 'info' records the termination information. info = 0 c Check the input arguments for errors. call errclb(n,m,factr,l,u,nbd,task,info,k) if (task(1:5) .eq. 'ERROR') then call prn3lb(n,x,f,task,iprint,info, + iter,nfgv,nintol,nskip,nact,sbgnrm, + zero,nseg,word,iback,stp,xstep,k, + cachyt,sbtime,lnscht) return endif call prn1lb(n,m,l,u,x,iprint,epsmch) c Initialize iwhere & project x onto the feasible set. call active(n,l,u,nbd,x,iwhere,iprint,prjctd,cnstnd,boxed) c The end of the initialization. else c restore local variables. prjctd = lsave(1) cnstnd = lsave(2) boxed = lsave(3) updatd = lsave(4) nintol = isave(1) iback = isave(4) nskip = isave(5) head = isave(6) col = isave(7) itail = isave(8) iter = isave(9) iupdat = isave(10) nseg = isave(12) nfgv = isave(13) info = isave(14) ifun = isave(15) iword = isave(16) nfree = isave(17) nact = isave(18) ileave = isave(19) nenter = isave(20) theta = dsave(1) fold = dsave(2) tol = dsave(3) dnorm = dsave(4) epsmch = dsave(5) cpu1 = dsave(6) cachyt = dsave(7) sbtime = dsave(8) lnscht = dsave(9) time1 = dsave(10) gd = dsave(11) stpmx = dsave(12) sbgnrm = dsave(13) stp = dsave(14) gdold = dsave(15) dtd = dsave(16) c After returning from the driver go to the point where execution c is to resume. if (task(1:5) .eq. 'FG_LN') goto 666 if (task(1:5) .eq. 'NEW_X') goto 777 if (task(1:5) .eq. 'FG_ST') goto 111 if (task(1:4) .eq. 'STOP') then if (task(7:9) .eq. 'CPU') then c restore the previous iterate. call dcopy(n,t,1,x,1) call dcopy(n,r,1,g,1) f = fold endif goto 999 endif endif c Compute f0 and g0. task = 'FG_START' c return to the driver to calculate f and g; reenter at 111. goto 1000 111 continue nfgv = 1 c Compute the infinity norm of the (-) projected gradient. call projgr(n,l,u,nbd,x,g,sbgnrm) if (iprint .ge. 1) then write (6,1002) iter,f,sbgnrm endif if (sbgnrm .le. pgtol) then c terminate the algorithm. task = 'CONVERGENCE: NORM_OF_PROJECTED_GRADIENT_<=_PGTOL' goto 999 endif c ----------------- the beginning of the loop -------------------------- 222 continue if (iprint .ge. 99) write (6,1001) iter + 1 iword = -1 c if (.not. cnstnd .and. col .gt. 0) then c skip the search for GCP. call dcopy(n,x,1,z,1) wrk = updatd nseg = 0 goto 333 endif cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c Compute the Generalized Cauchy Point (GCP). c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc call timer(cpu1) call cauchy(n,x,l,u,nbd,g,indx2,iwhere,t,d,z, + m,wy,ws,sy,wt,theta,col,head, + wa(1),wa(2*m+1),wa(4*m+1),wa(6*m+1),nseg, + iprint, sbgnrm, info, epsmch) if (info .ne. 0) then c singular triangular system detected; refresh the lbfgs memory. if(iprint .ge. 1) write (0, 1005) info = 0 col = 0 head = 1 theta = one iupdat = 0 updatd = .false. call timer(cpu2) cachyt = cachyt + cpu2 - cpu1 goto 222 endif call timer(cpu2) cachyt = cachyt + cpu2 - cpu1 nintol = nintol + nseg c Count the entering and leaving variables for iter > 0; c find the index set of free and active variables at the GCP. call freev(n,nfree,index,nenter,ileave,indx2, + iwhere,wrk,updatd,cnstnd,iprint,iter) nact = n - nfree 333 continue c If there are no free variables or B=theta*I, then c skip the subspace minimization. if (nfree .eq. 0 .or. col .eq. 0) goto 555 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c Subspace minimization. c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc call timer(cpu1) c Form the LEL^T factorization of the indefinite c matrix K = [-D -Y'ZZ'Y/theta L_a'-R_z' ] c [L_a -R_z theta*S'AA'S ] c where E = [-I 0] c [ 0 I] if (wrk) call formk(n,nfree,index,nenter,ileave,indx2,iupdat, + updatd,wn,snd,m,ws,wy,sy,theta,col,head,info) if (info .ne. 0) then c nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization; c refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration. if(iprint .ge. 1) write (0, 1006) info = 0 col = 0 head = 1 theta = one iupdat = 0 updatd = .false. call timer(cpu2) sbtime = sbtime + cpu2 - cpu1 goto 222 endif c compute r=-Z'B(xcp-xk)-Z'g (using wa(2m+1)=W'(xcp-x) c from 'cauchy'). call cmprlb(n,m,x,g,ws,wy,sy,wt,z,r,wa,index, + theta,col,head,nfree,cnstnd,info) if (info .ne. 0) goto 444 c-jlm-jn call the direct method. call subsm( n, m, nfree, index, l, u, nbd, z, r, xp, ws, wy, + theta, x, g, col, head, iword, wa, wn, iprint, info) 444 continue if (info .ne. 0) then c singular triangular system detected; c refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration. if(iprint .ge. 1) write (0, 1005) info = 0 col = 0 head = 1 theta = one iupdat = 0 updatd = .false. call timer(cpu2) sbtime = sbtime + cpu2 - cpu1 goto 222 endif call timer(cpu2) sbtime = sbtime + cpu2 - cpu1 555 continue cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c Line search and optimality tests. c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Generate the search direction d:=z-x. do 40 i = 1, n d(i) = z(i) - x(i) 40 continue call timer(cpu1) 666 continue call lnsrlb(n,l,u,nbd,x,f,fold,gd,gdold,g,d,r,t,z,stp,dnorm, + dtd,xstep,stpmx,iter,ifun,iback,nfgv,info,task, + boxed,cnstnd,csave,isave(22),dsave(17), iprint) if (info .ne. 0 .or. iback .ge. maxls) then c restore the previous iterate. call dcopy(n,t,1,x,1) call dcopy(n,r,1,g,1) f = fold if (col .eq. 0) then c abnormal termination. if (info .eq. 0) then info = -9 c restore the actual number of f and g evaluations etc. nfgv = nfgv - 1 ifun = ifun - 1 iback = iback - 1 endif task = 'ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH' iter = iter + 1 goto 999 else c refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration. if(iprint .ge. 1) write (0, 1008) if (info .eq. 0) nfgv = nfgv - 1 info = 0 col = 0 head = 1 theta = one iupdat = 0 updatd = .false. task = 'RESTART_FROM_LNSRCH' call timer(cpu2) lnscht = lnscht + cpu2 - cpu1 goto 222 endif else if (task(1:5) .eq. 'FG_LN') then c return to the driver for calculating f and g; reenter at 666. goto 1000 else c calculate and print out the quantities related to the new X. call timer(cpu2) lnscht = lnscht + cpu2 - cpu1 iter = iter + 1 c Compute the infinity norm of the projected (-)gradient. call projgr(n,l,u,nbd,x,g,sbgnrm) c Print iteration information. call prn2lb(n,x,f,g,iprint,iter,nfgv,nact, + sbgnrm,nseg,word,iword,iback,stp,xstep) goto 1000 endif 777 continue c Test for termination. if (sbgnrm .le. pgtol) then c terminate the algorithm. task = 'CONVERGENCE: NORM_OF_PROJECTED_GRADIENT_<=_PGTOL' goto 999 endif ddum = max(abs(fold), abs(f), one) if ((fold - f) .le. tol*ddum) then c terminate the algorithm. task = 'CONVERGENCE: REL_REDUCTION_OF_F_<=_FACTR*EPSMCH' if (iback .ge. 10) info = -5 c i.e., to issue a warning if iback>10 in the line search. goto 999 endif c Compute d=newx-oldx, r=newg-oldg, rr=y'y and dr=y's. do 42 i = 1, n r(i) = g(i) - r(i) 42 continue rr = ddot(n,r,1,r,1) if (stp .eq. one) then dr = gd - gdold ddum = -gdold else dr = (gd - gdold)*stp call dscal(n,stp,d,1) ddum = -gdold*stp endif if (dr .le. epsmch*ddum) then c skip the L-BFGS update. nskip = nskip + 1 updatd = .false. if (iprint .ge. 1) write (6,1004) dr, ddum goto 888 endif cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c Update the L-BFGS matrix. c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc updatd = .true. iupdat = iupdat + 1 c Update matrices WS and WY and form the middle matrix in B. call matupd(n,m,ws,wy,sy,ss,d,r,itail, + iupdat,col,head,theta,rr,dr,stp,dtd) c Form the upper half of the pds T = theta*SS + L*D^(-1)*L'; c Store T in the upper triangular of the array wt; c Cholesky factorize T to J*J' with c J' stored in the upper triangular of wt. call formt(m,wt,sy,ss,col,theta,info) if (info .ne. 0) then c nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization; c refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration. if(iprint .ge. 1) write (0, 1007) info = 0 col = 0 head = 1 theta = one iupdat = 0 updatd = .false. goto 222 endif c Now the inverse of the middle matrix in B is c [ D^(1/2) O ] [ -D^(1/2) D^(-1/2)*L' ] c [ -L*D^(-1/2) J ] [ 0 J' ] 888 continue c -------------------- the end of the loop ----------------------------- goto 222 999 continue call timer(time2) time = time2 - time1 call prn3lb(n,x,f,task,iprint,info, + iter,nfgv,nintol,nskip,nact,sbgnrm, + time,nseg,word,iback,stp,xstep,k, + cachyt,sbtime,lnscht) 1000 continue c Save local variables. lsave(1) = prjctd lsave(2) = cnstnd lsave(3) = boxed lsave(4) = updatd isave(1) = nintol isave(4) = iback isave(5) = nskip isave(6) = head isave(7) = col isave(8) = itail isave(9) = iter isave(10) = iupdat isave(12) = nseg isave(13) = nfgv isave(14) = info isave(15) = ifun isave(16) = iword isave(17) = nfree isave(18) = nact isave(19) = ileave isave(20) = nenter dsave(1) = theta dsave(2) = fold dsave(3) = tol dsave(4) = dnorm dsave(5) = epsmch dsave(6) = cpu1 dsave(7) = cachyt dsave(8) = sbtime dsave(9) = lnscht dsave(10) = time1 dsave(11) = gd dsave(12) = stpmx dsave(13) = sbgnrm dsave(14) = stp dsave(15) = gdold dsave(16) = dtd 1001 format (//,'ITERATION ',i5) 1002 format + (/,'At iterate',i5,4x,'f= ',1p,d12.5,4x,'|proj g|= ',1p,d12.5) 1003 format (2(1x,i4),5x,'-',5x,'-',3x,'-',5x,'-',5x,'-',8x,'-',3x, + 1p,2(1x,d10.3)) 1004 format (' ys=',1p,e10.3,' -gs=',1p,e10.3,' BFGS update SKIPPED') 1005 format (/, +' Singular triangular system detected;',/, +' refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.') 1006 format (/, +' Nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization in formk;',/, +' refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.') 1007 format (/, +' Nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization in formt;',/, +' refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.') 1008 format (/, +' Bad direction in the line search;',/, +' refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.') return end c======================= The end of mainlb ============================= subroutine active(n, l, u, nbd, x, iwhere, iprint, + prjctd, cnstnd, boxed) logical prjctd, cnstnd, boxed integer n, iprint, nbd(n), iwhere(n) double precision x(n), l(n), u(n) c ************ c c Subroutine active c c This subroutine initializes iwhere and projects the initial x to c the feasible set if necessary. c c iwhere is an integer array of dimension n. c On entry iwhere is unspecified. c On exit iwhere(i)=-1 if x(i) has no bounds c 3 if l(i)=u(i) c 0 otherwise. c In cauchy, iwhere is given finer gradations. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer nbdd,i double precision zero parameter (zero=0.0d0) c Initialize nbdd, prjctd, cnstnd and boxed. nbdd = 0 prjctd = .false. cnstnd = .false. boxed = .true. c Project the initial x to the easible set if necessary. do 10 i = 1, n if (nbd(i) .gt. 0) then if (nbd(i) .le. 2 .and. x(i) .le. l(i)) then if (x(i) .lt. l(i)) then prjctd = .true. x(i) = l(i) endif nbdd = nbdd + 1 else if (nbd(i) .ge. 2 .and. x(i) .ge. u(i)) then if (x(i) .gt. u(i)) then prjctd = .true. x(i) = u(i) endif nbdd = nbdd + 1 endif endif 10 continue c Initialize iwhere and assign values to cnstnd and boxed. do 20 i = 1, n if (nbd(i) .ne. 2) boxed = .false. if (nbd(i) .eq. 0) then c this variable is always free iwhere(i) = -1 c otherwise set x(i)=mid(x(i), u(i), l(i)). else cnstnd = .true. if (nbd(i) .eq. 2 .and. u(i) - l(i) .le. zero) then c this variable is always fixed iwhere(i) = 3 else iwhere(i) = 0 endif endif 20 continue if (iprint .ge. 0) then if (prjctd) write (0,*) + 'The initial X is infeasible. Restart with its projection.' if (.not. cnstnd) + write (0,*) 'This problem is unconstrained.' endif if (iprint .gt. 0) write (6,1001) nbdd 1001 format (/,'At X0 ',i9,' variables are exactly at the bounds') return end c======================= The end of active ============================= subroutine bmv(m, sy, wt, col, v, p, info) integer m, col, info double precision sy(m, m), wt(m, m), v(2*col), p(2*col) c ************ c c Subroutine bmv c c This subroutine computes the product of the 2m x 2m middle matrix c in the compact L-BFGS formula of B and a 2m vector v; c it returns the product in p. c c m is an integer variable. c On entry m is the maximum number of variable metric corrections c used to define the limited memory matrix. c On exit m is unchanged. c c sy is a double precision array of dimension m x m. c On entry sy specifies the matrix S'Y. c On exit sy is unchanged. c c wt is a double precision array of dimension m x m. c On entry wt specifies the upper triangular matrix J' which is c the Cholesky factor of (thetaS'S+LD^(-1)L'). c On exit wt is unchanged. c c col is an integer variable. c On entry col specifies the number of s-vectors (or y-vectors) c stored in the compact L-BFGS formula. c On exit col is unchanged. c c v is a double precision array of dimension 2col. c On entry v specifies vector v. c On exit v is unchanged. c c p is a double precision array of dimension 2col. c On entry p is unspecified. c On exit p is the product Mv. c c info is an integer variable. c On entry info is unspecified. c On exit info = 0 for normal return, c = nonzero for abnormal return when the system c to be solved by dtrsl is singular. c c Subprograms called: c c Linpack ... dtrsl. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer i,k,i2 double precision sum if (col .eq. 0) return c PART I: solve [ D^(1/2) O ] [ p1 ] = [ v1 ] c [ -L*D^(-1/2) J ] [ p2 ] [ v2 ]. c solve Jp2=v2+LD^(-1)v1. p(col + 1) = v(col + 1) do 20 i = 2, col i2 = col + i sum = 0.0d0 do 10 k = 1, i - 1 sum = sum + sy(i,k)*v(k)/sy(k,k) 10 continue p(i2) = v(i2) + sum 20 continue c Solve the triangular system call dtrsl(wt,m,col,p(col+1),11,info) if (info .ne. 0) return c solve D^(1/2)p1=v1. do 30 i = 1, col p(i) = v(i)/sqrt(sy(i,i)) 30 continue c PART II: solve [ -D^(1/2) D^(-1/2)*L' ] [ p1 ] = [ p1 ] c [ 0 J' ] [ p2 ] [ p2 ]. c solve J^Tp2=p2. call dtrsl(wt,m,col,p(col+1),01,info) if (info .ne. 0) return c compute p1=-D^(-1/2)(p1-D^(-1/2)L'p2) c =-D^(-1/2)p1+D^(-1)L'p2. do 40 i = 1, col p(i) = -p(i)/sqrt(sy(i,i)) 40 continue do 60 i = 1, col sum = 0.d0 do 50 k = i + 1, col sum = sum + sy(k,i)*p(col+k)/sy(i,i) 50 continue p(i) = p(i) + sum 60 continue return end c======================== The end of bmv =============================== subroutine cauchy(n, x, l, u, nbd, g, iorder, iwhere, t, d, xcp, + m, wy, ws, sy, wt, theta, col, head, p, c, wbp, + v, nseg, iprint, sbgnrm, info, epsmch) implicit none integer n, m, head, col, nseg, iprint, info, + nbd(n), iorder(n), iwhere(n) double precision theta, epsmch, + x(n), l(n), u(n), g(n), t(n), d(n), xcp(n), + wy(n, col), ws(n, col), sy(m, m), + wt(m, m), p(2*m), c(2*m), wbp(2*m), v(2*m) c ************ c c Subroutine cauchy c c For given x, l, u, g (with sbgnrm > 0), and a limited memory c BFGS matrix B defined in terms of matrices WY, WS, WT, and c scalars head, col, and theta, this subroutine computes the c generalized Cauchy point (GCP), defined as the first local c minimizer of the quadratic c c Q(x + s) = g's + 1/2 s'Bs c c along the projected gradient direction P(x-tg,l,u). c The routine returns the GCP in xcp. c c n is an integer variable. c On entry n is the dimension of the problem. c On exit n is unchanged. c c x is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry x is the starting point for the GCP computation. c On exit x is unchanged. c c l is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry l is the lower bound of x. c On exit l is unchanged. c c u is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry u is the upper bound of x. c On exit u is unchanged. c c nbd is an integer array of dimension n. c On entry nbd represents the type of bounds imposed on the c variables, and must be specified as follows: c nbd(i)=0 if x(i) is unbounded, c 1 if x(i) has only a lower bound, c 2 if x(i) has both lower and upper bounds, and c 3 if x(i) has only an upper bound. c On exit nbd is unchanged. c c g is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry g is the gradient of f(x). g must be a nonzero vector. c On exit g is unchanged. c c iorder is an integer working array of dimension n. c iorder will be used to store the breakpoints in the piecewise c linear path and free variables encountered. On exit, c iorder(1),...,iorder(nleft) are indices of breakpoints c which have not been encountered; c iorder(nleft+1),...,iorder(nbreak) are indices of c encountered breakpoints; and c iorder(nfree),...,iorder(n) are indices of variables which c have no bound constraits along the search direction. c c iwhere is an integer array of dimension n. c On entry iwhere indicates only the permanently fixed (iwhere=3) c or free (iwhere= -1) components of x. c On exit iwhere records the status of the current x variables. c iwhere(i)=-3 if x(i) is free and has bounds, but is not moved c 0 if x(i) is free and has bounds, and is moved c 1 if x(i) is fixed at l(i), and l(i) .ne. u(i) c 2 if x(i) is fixed at u(i), and u(i) .ne. l(i) c 3 if x(i) is always fixed, i.e., u(i)=x(i)=l(i) c -1 if x(i) is always free, i.e., it has no bounds. c c t is a double precision working array of dimension n. c t will be used to store the break points. c c d is a double precision array of dimension n used to store c the Cauchy direction P(x-tg)-x. c c xcp is a double precision array of dimension n used to return the c GCP on exit. c c m is an integer variable. c On entry m is the maximum number of variable metric corrections c used to define the limited memory matrix. c On exit m is unchanged. c c ws, wy, sy, and wt are double precision arrays. c On entry they store information that defines the c limited memory BFGS matrix: c ws(n,m) stores S, a set of s-vectors; c wy(n,m) stores Y, a set of y-vectors; c sy(m,m) stores S'Y; c wt(m,m) stores the c Cholesky factorization of (theta*S'S+LD^(-1)L'). c On exit these arrays are unchanged. c c theta is a double precision variable. c On entry theta is the scaling factor specifying B_0 = theta I. c On exit theta is unchanged. c c col is an integer variable. c On entry col is the actual number of variable metric c corrections stored so far. c On exit col is unchanged. c c head is an integer variable. c On entry head is the location of the first s-vector (or y-vector) c in S (or Y). c On exit col is unchanged. c c p is a double precision working array of dimension 2m. c p will be used to store the vector p = W^(T)d. c c c is a double precision working array of dimension 2m. c c will be used to store the vector c = W^(T)(xcp-x). c c wbp is a double precision working array of dimension 2m. c wbp will be used to store the row of W corresponding c to a breakpoint. c c v is a double precision working array of dimension 2m. c c nseg is an integer variable. c On exit nseg records the number of quadratic segments explored c in searching for the GCP. c c sg and yg are double precision arrays of dimension m. c On entry sg and yg store S'g and Y'g correspondingly. c On exit they are unchanged. c c iprint is an INTEGER variable that must be set by the user. c It controls the frequency and type of output generated: c iprint<0 no output is generated; c iprint=0 print only one line at the last iteration; c 0100 print details of every iteration including x and g; c c c sbgnrm is a double precision variable. c On entry sbgnrm is the norm of the projected gradient at x. c On exit sbgnrm is unchanged. c c info is an integer variable. c On entry info is 0. c On exit info = 0 for normal return, c = nonzero for abnormal return when the the system c used in routine bmv is singular. c c Subprograms called: c c L-BFGS-B Library ... hpsolb, bmv. c c Linpack ... dscal dcopy, daxpy. c c c References: c c [1] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal and C. Zhu, ``A limited c memory algorithm for bound constrained optimization'', c SIAM J. Scientific Computing 16 (1995), no. 5, pp. 1190--1208. c c [2] C. Zhu, R.H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal, ``L-BFGS-B: FORTRAN c Subroutines for Large Scale Bound Constrained Optimization'' c Tech. Report, NAM-11, EECS Department, Northwestern University, c 1994. c c (Postscript files of these papers are available via anonymous c ftp to eecs.nwu.edu in the directory pub/lbfgs/lbfgs_bcm.) c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ logical xlower,xupper,bnded integer i,j,col2,nfree,nbreak,pointr, + ibp,nleft,ibkmin,iter double precision f1,f2,dt,dtm,tsum,dibp,zibp,dibp2,bkmin, + tu,tl,wmc,wmp,wmw,ddot,tj,tj0,neggi,sbgnrm, + f2_org double precision one,zero parameter (one=1.0d0,zero=0.0d0) c Check the status of the variables, reset iwhere(i) if necessary; c compute the Cauchy direction d and the breakpoints t; initialize c the derivative f1 and the vector p = W'd (for theta = 1). if (sbgnrm .le. zero) then if (iprint .ge. 0) write (6,*) 'Subgnorm = 0. GCP = X.' call dcopy(n,x,1,xcp,1) return endif bnded = .true. nfree = n + 1 nbreak = 0 ibkmin = 0 tl = 0 tu = 0 bkmin = zero col2 = 2*col f1 = zero if (iprint .ge. 99) write (6,3010) c We set p to zero and build it up as we determine d. do 20 i = 1, col2 p(i) = zero 20 continue c In the following loop we determine for each variable its bound c status and its breakpoint, and update p accordingly. c Smallest breakpoint is identified. do 50 i = 1, n neggi = -g(i) if (iwhere(i) .ne. 3 .and. iwhere(i) .ne. -1) then c if x(i) is not a constant and has bounds, c compute the difference between x(i) and its bounds. if (nbd(i) .le. 2) tl = x(i) - l(i) if (nbd(i) .ge. 2) tu = u(i) - x(i) c If a variable is close enough to a bound c we treat it as at bound. xlower = nbd(i) .le. 2 .and. tl .le. zero xupper = nbd(i) .ge. 2 .and. tu .le. zero c reset iwhere(i). iwhere(i) = 0 if (xlower) then if (neggi .le. zero) iwhere(i) = 1 else if (xupper) then if (neggi .ge. zero) iwhere(i) = 2 else if (abs(neggi) .le. zero) iwhere(i) = -3 endif endif pointr = head if (iwhere(i) .ne. 0 .and. iwhere(i) .ne. -1) then d(i) = zero else d(i) = neggi f1 = f1 - neggi*neggi c calculate p := p - W'e_i* (g_i). do 40 j = 1, col p(j) = p(j) + wy(i,pointr)* neggi p(col + j) = p(col + j) + ws(i,pointr)*neggi pointr = mod(pointr,m) + 1 40 continue if (nbd(i) .le. 2 .and. nbd(i) .ne. 0 + .and. neggi .lt. zero) then c x(i) + d(i) is bounded; compute t(i). nbreak = nbreak + 1 iorder(nbreak) = i t(nbreak) = tl/(-neggi) if (nbreak .eq. 1 .or. t(nbreak) .lt. bkmin) then bkmin = t(nbreak) ibkmin = nbreak endif else if (nbd(i) .ge. 2 .and. neggi .gt. zero) then c x(i) + d(i) is bounded; compute t(i). nbreak = nbreak + 1 iorder(nbreak) = i t(nbreak) = tu/neggi if (nbreak .eq. 1 .or. t(nbreak) .lt. bkmin) then bkmin = t(nbreak) ibkmin = nbreak endif else c x(i) + d(i) is not bounded. nfree = nfree - 1 iorder(nfree) = i if (abs(neggi) .gt. zero) bnded = .false. endif endif 50 continue c The indices of the nonzero components of d are now stored c in iorder(1),...,iorder(nbreak) and iorder(nfree),...,iorder(n). c The smallest of the nbreak breakpoints is in t(ibkmin)=bkmin. if (theta .ne. one) then c complete the initialization of p for theta not= one. call dscal(col,theta,p(col+1),1) endif c Initialize GCP xcp = x. call dcopy(n,x,1,xcp,1) if (nbreak .eq. 0 .and. nfree .eq. n + 1) then c is a zero vector, return with the initial xcp as GCP. if (iprint .gt. 100) write (6,1010) (xcp(i), i = 1, n) return endif c Initialize c = W'(xcp - x) = 0. do 60 j = 1, col2 c(j) = zero 60 continue c Initialize derivative f2. f2 = -theta*f1 f2_org = f2 if (col .gt. 0) then call bmv(m,sy,wt,col,p,v,info) if (info .ne. 0) return f2 = f2 - ddot(col2,v,1,p,1) endif dtm = -f1/f2 tsum = zero nseg = 1 if (iprint .ge. 99) + write (6,*) 'There are ',nbreak,' breakpoints ' c If there are no breakpoints, locate the GCP and return. if (nbreak .eq. 0) goto 888 nleft = nbreak iter = 1 tj = zero c------------------- the beginning of the loop ------------------------- 777 continue c Find the next smallest breakpoint; c compute dt = t(nleft) - t(nleft + 1). tj0 = tj if (iter .eq. 1) then c Since we already have the smallest breakpoint we need not do c heapsort yet. Often only one breakpoint is used and the c cost of heapsort is avoided. tj = bkmin ibp = iorder(ibkmin) else if (iter .eq. 2) then c Replace the already used smallest breakpoint with the c breakpoint numbered nbreak > nlast, before heapsort call. if (ibkmin .ne. nbreak) then t(ibkmin) = t(nbreak) iorder(ibkmin) = iorder(nbreak) endif c Update heap structure of breakpoints c (if iter=2, initialize heap). endif call hpsolb(nleft,t,iorder,iter-2) tj = t(nleft) ibp = iorder(nleft) endif dt = tj - tj0 if (dt .ne. zero .and. iprint .ge. 100) then write (6,4011) nseg,f1,f2 write (6,5010) dt write (6,6010) dtm endif c If a minimizer is within this interval, locate the GCP and return. if (dtm .lt. dt) goto 888 c Otherwise fix one variable and c reset the corresponding component of d to zero. tsum = tsum + dt nleft = nleft - 1 iter = iter + 1 dibp = d(ibp) d(ibp) = zero if (dibp .gt. zero) then zibp = u(ibp) - x(ibp) xcp(ibp) = u(ibp) iwhere(ibp) = 2 else zibp = l(ibp) - x(ibp) xcp(ibp) = l(ibp) iwhere(ibp) = 1 endif if (iprint .ge. 100) write (6,*) 'Variable ',ibp,' is fixed.' if (nleft .eq. 0 .and. nbreak .eq. n) then c all n variables are fixed, c return with xcp as GCP. dtm = dt goto 999 endif c Update the derivative information. nseg = nseg + 1 dibp2 = dibp**2 c Update f1 and f2. c temporarily set f1 and f2 for col=0. f1 = f1 + dt*f2 + dibp2 - theta*dibp*zibp f2 = f2 - theta*dibp2 if (col .gt. 0) then c update c = c + dt*p. call daxpy(col2,dt,p,1,c,1) c choose wbp, c the row of W corresponding to the breakpoint encountered. pointr = head do 70 j = 1,col wbp(j) = wy(ibp,pointr) wbp(col + j) = theta*ws(ibp,pointr) pointr = mod(pointr,m) + 1 70 continue c compute (wbp)Mc, (wbp)Mp, and (wbp)M(wbp)'. call bmv(m,sy,wt,col,wbp,v,info) if (info .ne. 0) return wmc = ddot(col2,c,1,v,1) wmp = ddot(col2,p,1,v,1) wmw = ddot(col2,wbp,1,v,1) c update p = p - dibp*wbp. call daxpy(col2,-dibp,wbp,1,p,1) c complete updating f1 and f2 while col > 0. f1 = f1 + dibp*wmc f2 = f2 + 2.0d0*dibp*wmp - dibp2*wmw endif f2 = max(epsmch*f2_org,f2) if (nleft .gt. 0) then dtm = -f1/f2 goto 777 c to repeat the loop for unsearched intervals. else if(bnded) then f1 = zero f2 = zero dtm = zero else dtm = -f1/f2 endif c------------------- the end of the loop ------------------------------- 888 continue if (iprint .ge. 99) then write (6,*) write (6,*) 'GCP found in this segment' write (6,4010) nseg,f1,f2 write (6,6010) dtm endif if (dtm .le. zero) dtm = zero tsum = tsum + dtm c Move free variables (i.e., the ones w/o breakpoints) and c the variables whose breakpoints haven't been reached. call daxpy(n,tsum,d,1,xcp,1) 999 continue c Update c = c + dtm*p = W'(x^c - x) c which will be used in computing r = Z'(B(x^c - x) + g). if (col .gt. 0) call daxpy(col2,dtm,p,1,c,1) if (iprint .gt. 100) write (6,1010) (xcp(i),i = 1,n) if (iprint .ge. 99) write (6,2010) 1010 format ('Cauchy X = ',/,(4x,1p,6(1x,d11.4))) 2010 format (/,'---------------- exit CAUCHY----------------------',/) 3010 format (/,'---------------- CAUCHY entered-------------------') 4010 format ('Piece ',i3,' --f1, f2 at start point ',1p,2(1x,d11.4)) 4011 format (/,'Piece ',i3,' --f1, f2 at start point ', + 1p,2(1x,d11.4)) 5010 format ('Distance to the next break point = ',1p,d11.4) 6010 format ('Distance to the stationary point = ',1p,d11.4) return end c====================== The end of cauchy ============================== subroutine cmprlb(n, m, x, g, ws, wy, sy, wt, z, r, wa, index, + theta, col, head, nfree, cnstnd, info) logical cnstnd integer n, m, col, head, nfree, info, index(n) double precision theta, + x(n), g(n), z(n), r(n), wa(4*m), + ws(n, m), wy(n, m), sy(m, m), wt(m, m) c ************ c c Subroutine cmprlb c c This subroutine computes r=-Z'B(xcp-xk)-Z'g by using c wa(2m+1)=W'(xcp-x) from subroutine cauchy. c c Subprograms called: c c L-BFGS-B Library ... bmv. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer i,j,k,pointr double precision a1,a2 if (.not. cnstnd .and. col .gt. 0) then do 26 i = 1, n r(i) = -g(i) 26 continue else do 30 i = 1, nfree k = index(i) r(i) = -theta*(z(k) - x(k)) - g(k) 30 continue call bmv(m,sy,wt,col,wa(2*m+1),wa(1),info) if (info .ne. 0) then info = -8 return endif pointr = head do 34 j = 1, col a1 = wa(j) a2 = theta*wa(col + j) do 32 i = 1, nfree k = index(i) r(i) = r(i) + wy(k,pointr)*a1 + ws(k,pointr)*a2 32 continue pointr = mod(pointr,m) + 1 34 continue endif return end c======================= The end of cmprlb ============================= subroutine errclb(n, m, factr, l, u, nbd, task, info, k) character*60 task integer n, m, info, k, nbd(n) double precision factr, l(n), u(n) c ************ c c Subroutine errclb c c This subroutine checks the validity of the input data. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer i double precision one,zero parameter (one=1.0d0,zero=0.0d0) c Check the input arguments for errors. if (n .le. 0) task = 'ERROR: N .LE. 0' if (m .le. 0) task = 'ERROR: M .LE. 0' if (factr .lt. zero) task = 'ERROR: FACTR .LT. 0' c Check the validity of the arrays nbd(i), u(i), and l(i). do 10 i = 1, n if (nbd(i) .lt. 0 .or. nbd(i) .gt. 3) then c return task = 'ERROR: INVALID NBD' info = -6 k = i endif if (nbd(i) .eq. 2) then if (l(i) .gt. u(i)) then c return task = 'ERROR: NO FEASIBLE SOLUTION' info = -7 k = i endif endif 10 continue return end c======================= The end of errclb ============================= subroutine formk(n, nsub, ind, nenter, ileave, indx2, iupdat, + updatd, wn, wn1, m, ws, wy, sy, theta, col, + head, info) integer n, nsub, m, col, head, nenter, ileave, iupdat, + info, ind(n), indx2(n) double precision theta, wn(2*m, 2*m), wn1(2*m, 2*m), + ws(n, m), wy(n, m), sy(m, m) logical updatd c ************ c c Subroutine formk c c This subroutine forms the LEL^T factorization of the indefinite c c matrix K = [-D -Y'ZZ'Y/theta L_a'-R_z' ] c [L_a -R_z theta*S'AA'S ] c where E = [-I 0] c [ 0 I] c The matrix K can be shown to be equal to the matrix M^[-1]N c occurring in section 5.1 of [1], as well as to the matrix c Mbar^[-1] Nbar in section 5.3. c c n is an integer variable. c On entry n is the dimension of the problem. c On exit n is unchanged. c c nsub is an integer variable c On entry nsub is the number of subspace variables in free set. c On exit nsub is not changed. c c ind is an integer array of dimension nsub. c On entry ind specifies the indices of subspace variables. c On exit ind is unchanged. c c nenter is an integer variable. c On entry nenter is the number of variables entering the c free set. c On exit nenter is unchanged. c c ileave is an integer variable. c On entry indx2(ileave),...,indx2(n) are the variables leaving c the free set. c On exit ileave is unchanged. c c indx2 is an integer array of dimension n. c On entry indx2(1),...,indx2(nenter) are the variables entering c the free set, while indx2(ileave),...,indx2(n) are the c variables leaving the free set. c On exit indx2 is unchanged. c c iupdat is an integer variable. c On entry iupdat is the total number of BFGS updates made so far. c On exit iupdat is unchanged. c c updatd is a logical variable. c On entry 'updatd' is true if the L-BFGS matrix is updatd. c On exit 'updatd' is unchanged. c c wn is a double precision array of dimension 2m x 2m. c On entry wn is unspecified. c On exit the upper triangle of wn stores the LEL^T factorization c of the 2*col x 2*col indefinite matrix c [-D -Y'ZZ'Y/theta L_a'-R_z' ] c [L_a -R_z theta*S'AA'S ] c c wn1 is a double precision array of dimension 2m x 2m. c On entry wn1 stores the lower triangular part of c [Y' ZZ'Y L_a'+R_z'] c [L_a+R_z S'AA'S ] c in the previous iteration. c On exit wn1 stores the corresponding updated matrices. c The purpose of wn1 is just to store these inner products c so they can be easily updated and inserted into wn. c c m is an integer variable. c On entry m is the maximum number of variable metric corrections c used to define the limited memory matrix. c On exit m is unchanged. c c ws, wy, sy, and wtyy are double precision arrays; c theta is a double precision variable; c col is an integer variable; c head is an integer variable. c On entry they store the information defining the c limited memory BFGS matrix: c ws(n,m) stores S, a set of s-vectors; c wy(n,m) stores Y, a set of y-vectors; c sy(m,m) stores S'Y; c wtyy(m,m) stores the Cholesky factorization c of (theta*S'S+LD^(-1)L') c theta is the scaling factor specifying B_0 = theta I; c col is the number of variable metric corrections stored; c head is the location of the 1st s- (or y-) vector in S (or Y). c On exit they are unchanged. c c info is an integer variable. c On entry info is unspecified. c On exit info = 0 for normal return; c = -1 when the 1st Cholesky factorization failed; c = -2 when the 2st Cholesky factorization failed. c c Subprograms called: c c Linpack ... dcopy, dpofa, dtrsl. c c c References: c [1] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal and C. Zhu, ``A limited c memory algorithm for bound constrained optimization'', c SIAM J. Scientific Computing 16 (1995), no. 5, pp. 1190--1208. c c [2] C. Zhu, R.H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal, ``L-BFGS-B: a c limited memory FORTRAN code for solving bound constrained c optimization problems'', Tech. Report, NAM-11, EECS Department, c Northwestern University, 1994. c c (Postscript files of these papers are available via anonymous c ftp to eecs.nwu.edu in the directory pub/lbfgs/lbfgs_bcm.) c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer m2,ipntr,jpntr,iy,is,jy,js,is1,js1,k1,i,k, + col2,pbegin,pend,dbegin,dend,upcl double precision ddot,temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4 double precision one,zero parameter (one=1.0d0,zero=0.0d0) c Form the lower triangular part of c WN1 = [Y' ZZ'Y L_a'+R_z'] c [L_a+R_z S'AA'S ] c where L_a is the strictly lower triangular part of S'AA'Y c R_z is the upper triangular part of S'ZZ'Y. if (updatd) then if (iupdat .gt. m) then c shift old part of WN1. do 10 jy = 1, m - 1 js = m + jy call dcopy(m-jy,wn1(jy+1,jy+1),1,wn1(jy,jy),1) call dcopy(m-jy,wn1(js+1,js+1),1,wn1(js,js),1) call dcopy(m-1,wn1(m+2,jy+1),1,wn1(m+1,jy),1) 10 continue endif c put new rows in blocks (1,1), (2,1) and (2,2). pbegin = 1 pend = nsub dbegin = nsub + 1 dend = n iy = col is = m + col ipntr = head + col - 1 if (ipntr .gt. m) ipntr = ipntr - m jpntr = head do 20 jy = 1, col js = m + jy temp1 = zero temp2 = zero temp3 = zero c compute element jy of row 'col' of Y'ZZ'Y do 15 k = pbegin, pend k1 = ind(k) temp1 = temp1 + wy(k1,ipntr)*wy(k1,jpntr) 15 continue c compute elements jy of row 'col' of L_a and S'AA'S do 16 k = dbegin, dend k1 = ind(k) temp2 = temp2 + ws(k1,ipntr)*ws(k1,jpntr) temp3 = temp3 + ws(k1,ipntr)*wy(k1,jpntr) 16 continue wn1(iy,jy) = temp1 wn1(is,js) = temp2 wn1(is,jy) = temp3 jpntr = mod(jpntr,m) + 1 20 continue c put new column in block (2,1). jy = col jpntr = head + col - 1 if (jpntr .gt. m) jpntr = jpntr - m ipntr = head do 30 i = 1, col is = m + i temp3 = zero c compute element i of column 'col' of R_z do 25 k = pbegin, pend k1 = ind(k) temp3 = temp3 + ws(k1,ipntr)*wy(k1,jpntr) 25 continue ipntr = mod(ipntr,m) + 1 wn1(is,jy) = temp3 30 continue upcl = col - 1 else upcl = col endif c modify the old parts in blocks (1,1) and (2,2) due to changes c in the set of free variables. ipntr = head do 45 iy = 1, upcl is = m + iy jpntr = head do 40 jy = 1, iy js = m + jy temp1 = zero temp2 = zero temp3 = zero temp4 = zero do 35 k = 1, nenter k1 = indx2(k) temp1 = temp1 + wy(k1,ipntr)*wy(k1,jpntr) temp2 = temp2 + ws(k1,ipntr)*ws(k1,jpntr) 35 continue do 36 k = ileave, n k1 = indx2(k) temp3 = temp3 + wy(k1,ipntr)*wy(k1,jpntr) temp4 = temp4 + ws(k1,ipntr)*ws(k1,jpntr) 36 continue wn1(iy,jy) = wn1(iy,jy) + temp1 - temp3 wn1(is,js) = wn1(is,js) - temp2 + temp4 jpntr = mod(jpntr,m) + 1 40 continue ipntr = mod(ipntr,m) + 1 45 continue c modify the old parts in block (2,1). ipntr = head do 60 is = m + 1, m + upcl jpntr = head do 55 jy = 1, upcl temp1 = zero temp3 = zero do 50 k = 1, nenter k1 = indx2(k) temp1 = temp1 + ws(k1,ipntr)*wy(k1,jpntr) 50 continue do 51 k = ileave, n k1 = indx2(k) temp3 = temp3 + ws(k1,ipntr)*wy(k1,jpntr) 51 continue if (is .le. jy + m) then wn1(is,jy) = wn1(is,jy) + temp1 - temp3 else wn1(is,jy) = wn1(is,jy) - temp1 + temp3 endif jpntr = mod(jpntr,m) + 1 55 continue ipntr = mod(ipntr,m) + 1 60 continue c Form the upper triangle of WN = [D+Y' ZZ'Y/theta -L_a'+R_z' ] c [-L_a +R_z S'AA'S*theta] m2 = 2*m do 70 iy = 1, col is = col + iy is1 = m + iy do 65 jy = 1, iy js = col + jy js1 = m + jy wn(jy,iy) = wn1(iy,jy)/theta wn(js,is) = wn1(is1,js1)*theta 65 continue do 66 jy = 1, iy - 1 wn(jy,is) = -wn1(is1,jy) 66 continue do 67 jy = iy, col wn(jy,is) = wn1(is1,jy) 67 continue wn(iy,iy) = wn(iy,iy) + sy(iy,iy) 70 continue c Form the upper triangle of WN= [ LL' L^-1(-L_a'+R_z')] c [(-L_a +R_z)L'^-1 S'AA'S*theta ] c first Cholesky factor (1,1) block of wn to get LL' c with L' stored in the upper triangle of wn. call dpofa(wn,m2,col,info) if (info .ne. 0) then info = -1 return endif c then form L^-1(-L_a'+R_z') in the (1,2) block. col2 = 2*col do 71 js = col+1 ,col2 call dtrsl(wn,m2,col,wn(1,js),11,info) 71 continue c Form S'AA'S*theta + (L^-1(-L_a'+R_z'))'L^-1(-L_a'+R_z') in the c upper triangle of (2,2) block of wn. do 72 is = col+1, col2 do 74 js = is, col2 wn(is,js) = wn(is,js) + ddot(col,wn(1,is),1,wn(1,js),1) 74 continue 72 continue c Cholesky factorization of (2,2) block of wn. call dpofa(wn(col+1,col+1),m2,col,info) if (info .ne. 0) then info = -2 return endif return end c======================= The end of formk ============================== subroutine formt(m, wt, sy, ss, col, theta, info) integer m, col, info double precision theta, wt(m, m), sy(m, m), ss(m, m) c ************ c c Subroutine formt c c This subroutine forms the upper half of the pos. def. and symm. c T = theta*SS + L*D^(-1)*L', stores T in the upper triangle c of the array wt, and performs the Cholesky factorization of T c to produce J*J', with J' stored in the upper triangle of wt. c c Subprograms called: c c Linpack ... dpofa. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer i,j,k,k1 double precision ddum double precision zero parameter (zero=0.0d0) c Form the upper half of T = theta*SS + L*D^(-1)*L', c store T in the upper triangle of the array wt. do 52 j = 1, col wt(1,j) = theta*ss(1,j) 52 continue do 55 i = 2, col do 54 j = i, col k1 = min(i,j) - 1 ddum = zero do 53 k = 1, k1 ddum = ddum + sy(i,k)*sy(j,k)/sy(k,k) 53 continue wt(i,j) = ddum + theta*ss(i,j) 54 continue 55 continue c Cholesky factorize T to J*J' with c J' stored in the upper triangle of wt. call dpofa(wt,m,col,info) if (info .ne. 0) then info = -3 endif return end c======================= The end of formt ============================== subroutine freev(n, nfree, index, nenter, ileave, indx2, + iwhere, wrk, updatd, cnstnd, iprint, iter) integer n, nfree, nenter, ileave, iprint, iter, + index(n), indx2(n), iwhere(n) logical wrk, updatd, cnstnd c ************ c c Subroutine freev c c This subroutine counts the entering and leaving variables when c iter > 0, and finds the index set of free and active variables c at the GCP. c c cnstnd is a logical variable indicating whether bounds are present c c index is an integer array of dimension n c for i=1,...,nfree, index(i) are the indices of free variables c for i=nfree+1,...,n, index(i) are the indices of bound variables c On entry after the first iteration, index gives c the free variables at the previous iteration. c On exit it gives the free variables based on the determination c in cauchy using the array iwhere. c c indx2 is an integer array of dimension n c On entry indx2 is unspecified. c On exit with iter>0, indx2 indicates which variables c have changed status since the previous iteration. c For i= 1,...,nenter, indx2(i) have changed from bound to free. c For i= ileave+1,...,n, indx2(i) have changed from free to bound. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer iact,i,k nenter = 0 ileave = n + 1 if (iter .gt. 0 .and. cnstnd) then c count the entering and leaving variables. do 20 i = 1, nfree k = index(i) c write(6,*) ' k = index(i) ', k c write(6,*) ' index = ', i if (iwhere(k) .gt. 0) then ileave = ileave - 1 indx2(ileave) = k if (iprint .ge. 100) write (6,*) + 'Variable ',k,' leaves the set of free variables' endif 20 continue do 22 i = 1 + nfree, n k = index(i) if (iwhere(k) .le. 0) then nenter = nenter + 1 indx2(nenter) = k if (iprint .ge. 100) write (6,*) + 'Variable ',k,' enters the set of free variables' endif 22 continue if (iprint .ge. 99) write (6,*) + n+1-ileave,' variables leave; ',nenter,' variables enter' endif wrk = (ileave .lt. n+1) .or. (nenter .gt. 0) .or. updatd c Find the index set of free and active variables at the GCP. nfree = 0 iact = n + 1 do 24 i = 1, n if (iwhere(i) .le. 0) then nfree = nfree + 1 index(nfree) = i else iact = iact - 1 index(iact) = i endif 24 continue if (iprint .ge. 99) write (6,*) + nfree,' variables are free at GCP ',iter + 1 return end c======================= The end of freev ============================== subroutine hpsolb(n, t, iorder, iheap) integer iheap, n, iorder(n) double precision t(n) c ************ c c Subroutine hpsolb c c This subroutine sorts out the least element of t, and puts the c remaining elements of t in a heap. c c n is an integer variable. c On entry n is the dimension of the arrays t and iorder. c On exit n is unchanged. c c t is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry t stores the elements to be sorted, c On exit t(n) stores the least elements of t, and t(1) to t(n-1) c stores the remaining elements in the form of a heap. c c iorder is an integer array of dimension n. c On entry iorder(i) is the index of t(i). c On exit iorder(i) is still the index of t(i), but iorder may be c permuted in accordance with t. c c iheap is an integer variable specifying the task. c On entry iheap should be set as follows: c iheap .eq. 0 if t(1) to t(n) is not in the form of a heap, c iheap .ne. 0 if otherwise. c On exit iheap is unchanged. c c c References: c Algorithm 232 of CACM (J. W. J. Williams): HEAPSORT. c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c ************ integer i,j,k,indxin,indxou double precision ddum,out if (iheap .eq. 0) then c Rearrange the elements t(1) to t(n) to form a heap. do 20 k = 2, n ddum = t(k) indxin = iorder(k) c Add ddum to the heap. i = k 10 continue if (i.gt.1) then j = i/2 if (ddum .lt. t(j)) then t(i) = t(j) iorder(i) = iorder(j) i = j goto 10 endif endif t(i) = ddum iorder(i) = indxin 20 continue endif c Assign to 'out' the value of t(1), the least member of the heap, c and rearrange the remaining members to form a heap as c elements 1 to n-1 of t. if (n .gt. 1) then i = 1 out = t(1) indxou = iorder(1) ddum = t(n) indxin = iorder(n) c Restore the heap 30 continue j = i+i if (j .le. n-1) then if (t(j+1) .lt. t(j)) j = j+1 if (t(j) .lt. ddum ) then t(i) = t(j) iorder(i) = iorder(j) i = j goto 30 endif endif t(i) = ddum iorder(i) = indxin c Put the least member in t(n). t(n) = out iorder(n) = indxou endif return end c====================== The end of hpsolb ============================== subroutine lnsrlb(n, l, u, nbd, x, f, fold, gd, gdold, g, d, r, t, + z, stp, dnorm, dtd, xstep, stpmx, iter, ifun, + iback, nfgv, info, task, boxed, cnstnd, csave, + isave, dsave, iprint) character*60 task, csave logical boxed, cnstnd integer n, iter, ifun, iback, nfgv, info, + nbd(n), isave(2), iprint double precision f, fold, gd, gdold, stp, dnorm, dtd, xstep, + stpmx, x(n), l(n), u(n), g(n), d(n), r(n), t(n), + z(n), dsave(13) c ********** c c Subroutine lnsrlb c c This subroutine calls subroutine dcsrch from the Minpack2 library c to perform the line search. Subroutine dscrch is safeguarded so c that all trial points lie within the feasible region. c c Be mindful that the dcsrch subroutine being called is a copy in c this file (lbfgsb.f) and NOT in the Minpack2 copy distributed c by scipy. c c Subprograms called: c c Minpack2 Library ... dcsrch. c c Linpack ... dtrsl, ddot. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ********** integer i double precision ddot,a1,a2 double precision one,zero,big parameter (one=1.0d0,zero=0.0d0,big=1.0d+10) double precision ftol,gtol,xtol parameter (ftol=1.0d-3,gtol=0.9d0,xtol=0.1d0) if (task(1:5) .eq. 'FG_LN') goto 556 dtd = ddot(n,d,1,d,1) dnorm = sqrt(dtd) c Determine the maximum step length. stpmx = big if (cnstnd) then if (iter .eq. 0) then stpmx = one else do 43 i = 1, n a1 = d(i) if (nbd(i) .ne. 0) then if (a1 .lt. zero .and. nbd(i) .le. 2) then a2 = l(i) - x(i) if (a2 .ge. zero) then stpmx = zero else if (a1*stpmx .lt. a2) then stpmx = a2/a1 endif else if (a1 .gt. zero .and. nbd(i) .ge. 2) then a2 = u(i) - x(i) if (a2 .le. zero) then stpmx = zero else if (a1*stpmx .gt. a2) then stpmx = a2/a1 endif endif endif 43 continue endif endif if (iter .eq. 0 .and. .not. boxed) then stp = min(one/dnorm, stpmx) else stp = one endif call dcopy(n,x,1,t,1) call dcopy(n,g,1,r,1) fold = f ifun = 0 iback = 0 csave = 'START' 556 continue gd = ddot(n,g,1,d,1) if (ifun .eq. 0) then gdold=gd if (gd .ge. zero) then c the directional derivative >=0. c Line search is impossible. if (iprint .ge. 0) then write(0,*)' ascent direction in projection gd = ', gd endif info = -4 return endif endif call dcsrch(f,gd,stp,ftol,gtol,xtol,zero,stpmx,csave,isave,dsave) xstep = stp*dnorm if (csave(1:4) .ne. 'CONV' .and. csave(1:4) .ne. 'WARN') then task = 'FG_LNSRCH' ifun = ifun + 1 nfgv = nfgv + 1 iback = ifun - 1 if (stp .eq. one) then call dcopy(n,z,1,x,1) else c take step and prevent rounding error beyond bound do 41 i = 1, n x(i) = stp*d(i) + t(i) if (nbd(i).eq.1.or.nbd(i).eq.2) x(i) = max(x(i), l(i)) if (nbd(i).eq.2.or.nbd(i).eq.3) x(i) = min(x(i), u(i)) 41 continue endif else task = 'NEW_X' endif return end c======================= The end of lnsrlb ============================= subroutine matupd(n, m, ws, wy, sy, ss, d, r, itail, + iupdat, col, head, theta, rr, dr, stp, dtd) integer n, m, itail, iupdat, col, head double precision theta, rr, dr, stp, dtd, d(n), r(n), + ws(n, m), wy(n, m), sy(m, m), ss(m, m) c ************ c c Subroutine matupd c c This subroutine updates matrices WS and WY, and forms the c middle matrix in B. c c Subprograms called: c c Linpack ... dcopy, ddot. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer j,pointr double precision ddot double precision one parameter (one=1.0d0) c Set pointers for matrices WS and WY. if (iupdat .le. m) then col = iupdat itail = mod(head+iupdat-2,m) + 1 else itail = mod(itail,m) + 1 head = mod(head,m) + 1 endif c Update matrices WS and WY. call dcopy(n,d,1,ws(1,itail),1) call dcopy(n,r,1,wy(1,itail),1) c Set theta=yy/ys. theta = rr/dr c Form the middle matrix in B. c update the upper triangle of SS, c and the lower triangle of SY: if (iupdat .gt. m) then c move old information do 50 j = 1, col - 1 call dcopy(j,ss(2,j+1),1,ss(1,j),1) call dcopy(col-j,sy(j+1,j+1),1,sy(j,j),1) 50 continue endif c add new information: the last row of SY c and the last column of SS: pointr = head do 51 j = 1, col - 1 sy(col,j) = ddot(n,d,1,wy(1,pointr),1) ss(j,col) = ddot(n,ws(1,pointr),1,d,1) pointr = mod(pointr,m) + 1 51 continue if (stp .eq. one) then ss(col,col) = dtd else ss(col,col) = stp*stp*dtd endif sy(col,col) = dr return end c======================= The end of matupd ============================= subroutine prn1lb(n, m, l, u, x, iprint, epsmch) integer n, m, iprint double precision epsmch, x(n), l(n), u(n) c ************ c c Subroutine prn1lb c c This subroutine prints the input data, initial point, upper and c lower bounds of each variable, machine precision, as well as c the headings of the output. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer i if (iprint .ge. 0) then write (6,7001) epsmch write (6,*) 'N = ',n,' M = ',m if (iprint .ge. 1) then if (iprint .gt. 100) then write (6,1004) 'L =',(l(i),i = 1,n) write (6,1004) 'X0 =',(x(i),i = 1,n) write (6,1004) 'U =',(u(i),i = 1,n) endif endif endif 1004 format (/,a4, 1p, 6(1x,d11.4),/,(4x,1p,6(1x,d11.4))) 2001 format ('RUNNING THE L-BFGS-B CODE',/,/, + 'it = iteration number',/, + 'nf = number of function evaluations',/, + 'nseg = number of segments explored during the Cauchy search',/, + 'nact = number of active bounds at the generalized Cauchy point' + ,/, + 'sub = manner in which the subspace minimization terminated:' + ,/,' con = converged, bnd = a bound was reached',/, + 'itls = number of iterations performed in the line search',/, + 'stepl = step length used',/, + 'tstep = norm of the displacement (total step)',/, + 'projg = norm of the projected gradient',/, + 'f = function value',/,/, + ' * * *',/,/, + 'Machine precision =',1p,d10.3) 7001 format ('RUNNING THE L-BFGS-B CODE',/,/, + ' * * *',/,/, + 'Machine precision =',1p,d10.3) 9001 format (/,3x,'it',3x,'nf',2x,'nseg',2x,'nact',2x,'sub',2x,'itls', + 2x,'stepl',4x,'tstep',5x,'projg',8x,'f') return end c======================= The end of prn1lb ============================= subroutine prn2lb(n, x, f, g, iprint, iter, nfgv, nact, + sbgnrm, nseg, word, iword, iback, stp, xstep) character*3 word integer n, iprint, iter, nfgv, nact, nseg, + iword, iback double precision f, sbgnrm, stp, xstep, x(n), g(n) c ************ c c Subroutine prn2lb c c This subroutine prints out new information after a successful c line search. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer i,imod c 'word' records the status of subspace solutions. if (iword .eq. 0) then c the subspace minimization converged. word = 'con' else if (iword .eq. 1) then c the subspace minimization stopped at a bound. word = 'bnd' else if (iword .eq. 5) then c the truncated Newton step has been used. word = 'TNT' else word = '---' endif if (iprint .ge. 99) then write (6,*) 'LINE SEARCH',iback,' times; norm of step = ',xstep write (6,2001) iter,f,sbgnrm if (iprint .gt. 100) then write (6,1004) 'X =',(x(i), i = 1, n) write (6,1004) 'G =',(g(i), i = 1, n) endif else if (iprint .gt. 0) then imod = mod(iter,iprint) if (imod .eq. 0) write (6,2001) iter,f,sbgnrm endif 1004 format (/,a4, 1p, 6(1x,d11.4),/,(4x,1p,6(1x,d11.4))) 2001 format + (/,'At iterate',i5,4x,'f= ',1p,d12.5,4x,'|proj g|= ',1p,d12.5) 3001 format(2(1x,i4),2(1x,i5),2x,a3,1x,i4,1p,2(2x,d7.1),1p,2(1x,d10.3)) return end c======================= The end of prn2lb ============================= subroutine prn3lb(n, x, f, task, iprint, info, + iter, nfgv, nintol, nskip, nact, sbgnrm, + time, nseg, word, iback, stp, xstep, k, + cachyt, sbtime, lnscht) character*60 task character*3 word integer n, iprint, info, iter, nfgv, nintol, + nskip, nact, nseg, iback, k double precision f, sbgnrm, time, stp, xstep, cachyt, sbtime, + lnscht, x(n) c ************ c c Subroutine prn3lb c c This subroutine prints out information when either a built-in c convergence test is satisfied or when an error message is c generated. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer i if (task(1:5) .eq. 'ERROR') goto 999 if (iprint .ge. 0) then write (6,3003) write (6,3004) write(6,3005) n,iter,nfgv,nintol,nskip,nact,sbgnrm,f if (iprint .ge. 100) then write (6,1004) 'X =',(x(i),i = 1,n) endif if (iprint .ge. 1) write (6,*) ' F =',f endif 999 continue if (iprint .ge. 0) then write (6,3009) task if (info .ne. 0) then if (info .eq. -1) write (0,9011) if (info .eq. -2) write (0,9012) if (info .eq. -3) write (0,9013) if (info .eq. -4) write (0,9014) if (info .eq. -5) write (0,9015) if (info .eq. -6) write (0,*)' Input nbd(',k,') is invalid.' if (info .eq. -7) + write (6,*)' l(',k,') > u(',k,'). No feasible solution.' if (info .eq. -8) write (0,9018) if (info .eq. -9) write (0,9019) endif endif 1004 format (/,a4, 1p, 6(1x,d11.4),/,(4x,1p,6(1x,d11.4))) 3002 format(2(1x,i4),2(1x,i5),2x,a3,1x,i4,1p,2(2x,d7.1),6x,'-',10x,'-') 3003 format (/, + ' * * *',/,/, + 'Tit = total number of iterations',/, + 'Tnf = total number of function evaluations',/, + 'Tnint = total number of segments explored during', + ' Cauchy searches',/, + 'Skip = number of BFGS updates skipped',/, + 'Nact = number of active bounds at final generalized', + ' Cauchy point',/, + 'Projg = norm of the final projected gradient',/, + 'F = final function value',/,/, + ' * * *') 3004 format (/,3x,'N',4x,'Tit',5x,'Tnf',2x,'Tnint',2x, + 'Skip',2x,'Nact',5x,'Projg',8x,'F') 3005 format (i5,2(1x,i6),(1x,i6),(2x,i4),(1x,i5),1p,2(2x,d10.3)) 3007 format (/,' Cauchy time',1p,e10.3,' seconds.',/ + ' Subspace minimization time',1p,e10.3,' seconds.',/ + ' Line search time',1p,e10.3,' seconds.') 3008 format (/,' Total User time',1p,e10.3,' seconds.',/) 3009 format (/,a60) 9011 format (/, +' Matrix in 1st Cholesky factorization in formk is not Pos. Def.') 9012 format (/, +' Matrix in 2st Cholesky factorization in formk is not Pos. Def.') 9013 format (/, +' Matrix in the Cholesky factorization in formt is not Pos. Def.') 9014 format (/, +' Derivative >= 0, backtracking line search impossible.',/, +' Previous x, f and g restored.',/, +' Possible causes: 1 error in function or gradient evaluation;',/, +' 2 rounding errors dominate computation.') 9015 format (/, +' Warning: more than 10 function and gradient',/, +' evaluations in the last line search. Termination',/, +' may possibly be caused by a bad search direction.') 9018 format (/,' The triangular system is singular.') 9019 format (/, +' Line search cannot locate an adequate point after MAXLS',/ +,' function and gradient evaluations.',/ +,' Previous x, f and g restored.',/, +' Possible causes: 1 error in function or gradient evaluation;',/, +' 2 rounding error dominate computation.') return end c======================= The end of prn3lb ============================= subroutine projgr(n, l, u, nbd, x, g, sbgnrm) integer n, nbd(n) double precision sbgnrm, x(n), l(n), u(n), g(n) c ************ c c Subroutine projgr c c This subroutine computes the infinity norm of the projected c gradient. c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer i double precision gi double precision one,zero parameter (one=1.0d0,zero=0.0d0) sbgnrm = zero do 15 i = 1, n gi = g(i) if (gi.ne.gi) then c NaN value in gradient: propagate it sbgnrm = gi return endif if (nbd(i) .ne. 0) then if (gi .lt. zero) then if (nbd(i) .ge. 2) gi = max((x(i)-u(i)),gi) else if (nbd(i) .le. 2) gi = min((x(i)-l(i)),gi) endif endif sbgnrm = max(sbgnrm,abs(gi)) 15 continue return end c======================= The end of projgr ============================= subroutine subsm ( n, m, nsub, ind, l, u, nbd, x, d, xp, ws, wy, + theta, xx, gg, + col, head, iword, wv, wn, iprint, info ) implicit none integer n, m, nsub, col, head, iword, iprint, info, + ind(nsub), nbd(n) double precision theta, + l(n), u(n), x(n), d(n), xp(n), xx(n), gg(n), + ws(n, m), wy(n, m), + wv(2*m), wn(2*m, 2*m) c ********************************************************************** c c This routine contains the major changes in the updated version. c The changes are described in the accompanying paper c c Jose Luis Morales, Jorge Nocedal c "Remark On Algorithm 788: L-BFGS-B: Fortran Subroutines for Large-Scale c Bound Constrained Optimization". Decemmber 27, 2010. c c J.L. Morales Departamento de Matematicas, c Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico c Mexico D.F. c c J, Nocedal Department of Electrical Engineering and c Computer Science. c Northwestern University. Evanston, IL. USA c c January 17, 2011 c c ********************************************************************** c c c Subroutine subsm c c Given xcp, l, u, r, an index set that specifies c the active set at xcp, and an l-BFGS matrix B c (in terms of WY, WS, SY, WT, head, col, and theta), c this subroutine computes an approximate solution c of the subspace problem c c (P) min Q(x) = r'(x-xcp) + 1/2 (x-xcp)' B (x-xcp) c c subject to l<=x<=u c x_i=xcp_i for all i in A(xcp) c c along the subspace unconstrained Newton direction c c d = -(Z'BZ)^(-1) r. c c The formula for the Newton direction, given the L-BFGS matrix c and the Sherman-Morrison formula, is c c d = (1/theta)r + (1/theta*2) Z'WK^(-1)W'Z r. c c where c K = [-D -Y'ZZ'Y/theta L_a'-R_z' ] c [L_a -R_z theta*S'AA'S ] c c Note that this procedure for computing d differs c from that described in [1]. One can show that the matrix K is c equal to the matrix M^[-1]N in that paper. c c n is an integer variable. c On entry n is the dimension of the problem. c On exit n is unchanged. c c m is an integer variable. c On entry m is the maximum number of variable metric corrections c used to define the limited memory matrix. c On exit m is unchanged. c c nsub is an integer variable. c On entry nsub is the number of free variables. c On exit nsub is unchanged. c c ind is an integer array of dimension nsub. c On entry ind specifies the coordinate indices of free variables. c On exit ind is unchanged. c c l is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry l is the lower bound of x. c On exit l is unchanged. c c u is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry u is the upper bound of x. c On exit u is unchanged. c c nbd is a integer array of dimension n. c On entry nbd represents the type of bounds imposed on the c variables, and must be specified as follows: c nbd(i)=0 if x(i) is unbounded, c 1 if x(i) has only a lower bound, c 2 if x(i) has both lower and upper bounds, and c 3 if x(i) has only an upper bound. c On exit nbd is unchanged. c c x is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry x specifies the Cauchy point xcp. c On exit x(i) is the minimizer of Q over the subspace of c free variables. c c d is a double precision array of dimension n. c On entry d is the reduced gradient of Q at xcp. c On exit d is the Newton direction of Q. c c xp is a double precision array of dimension n. c used to safeguard the projected Newton direction c c xx is a double precision array of dimension n c On entry it holds the current iterate c On output it is unchanged c gg is a double precision array of dimension n c On entry it holds the gradient at the current iterate c On output it is unchanged c c ws and wy are double precision arrays; c theta is a double precision variable; c col is an integer variable; c head is an integer variable. c On entry they store the information defining the c limited memory BFGS matrix: c ws(n,m) stores S, a set of s-vectors; c wy(n,m) stores Y, a set of y-vectors; c theta is the scaling factor specifying B_0 = theta I; c col is the number of variable metric corrections stored; c head is the location of the 1st s- (or y-) vector in S (or Y). c On exit they are unchanged. c c iword is an integer variable. c On entry iword is unspecified. c On exit iword specifies the status of the subspace solution. c iword = 0 if the solution is in the box, c 1 if some bound is encountered. c c wv is a double precision working array of dimension 2m. c c wn is a double precision array of dimension 2m x 2m. c On entry the upper triangle of wn stores the LEL^T factorization c of the indefinite matrix c c K = [-D -Y'ZZ'Y/theta L_a'-R_z' ] c [L_a -R_z theta*S'AA'S ] c where E = [-I 0] c [ 0 I] c On exit wn is unchanged. c c iprint is an INTEGER variable that must be set by the user. c It controls the frequency and type of output generated: c iprint<0 no output is generated; c iprint=0 print only one line at the last iteration; c 0100 print details of every iteration including x and g; c c c info is an integer variable. c On entry info is unspecified. c On exit info = 0 for normal return, c = nonzero for abnormal return c when the matrix K is ill-conditioned. c c Subprograms called: c c Linpack dtrsl. c c c References: c c [1] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal and C. Zhu, ``A limited c memory algorithm for bound constrained optimization'', c SIAM J. Scientific Computing 16 (1995), no. 5, pp. 1190--1208. c c c c * * * c c NEOS, November 1994. (Latest revision June 1996.) c Optimization Technology Center. c Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University. c Written by c Ciyou Zhu c in collaboration with R.H. Byrd, P. Lu-Chen and J. Nocedal. c c c ************ integer pointr,m2,col2,ibd,jy,js,i,j,k double precision alpha, xk, dk, temp1, temp2 double precision one,zero parameter (one=1.0d0,zero=0.0d0) c double precision dd_p if (nsub .le. 0) return if (iprint .ge. 99) write (6,1001) c Compute wv = W'Zd. pointr = head do 20 i = 1, col temp1 = zero temp2 = zero do 10 j = 1, nsub k = ind(j) temp1 = temp1 + wy(k,pointr)*d(j) temp2 = temp2 + ws(k,pointr)*d(j) 10 continue wv(i) = temp1 wv(col + i) = theta*temp2 pointr = mod(pointr,m) + 1 20 continue c Compute wv:=K^(-1)wv. m2 = 2*m col2 = 2*col call dtrsl(wn,m2,col2,wv,11,info) if (info .ne. 0) return do 25 i = 1, col wv(i) = -wv(i) 25 continue call dtrsl(wn,m2,col2,wv,01,info) if (info .ne. 0) return c Compute d = (1/theta)d + (1/theta**2)Z'W wv. pointr = head do 40 jy = 1, col js = col + jy do 30 i = 1, nsub k = ind(i) d(i) = d(i) + wy(k,pointr)*wv(jy)/theta + + ws(k,pointr)*wv(js) 30 continue pointr = mod(pointr,m) + 1 40 continue call dscal( nsub, one/theta, d, 1 ) c c----------------------------------------------------------------- c Let us try the projection, d is the Newton direction iword = 0 call dcopy ( n, x, 1, xp, 1 ) c do 50 i=1, nsub k = ind(i) dk = d(i) xk = x(k) if ( nbd(k) .ne. 0 ) then c if ( nbd(k).eq.1 ) then ! lower bounds only x(k) = max( l(k), xk + dk ) if ( x(k).eq.l(k) ) iword = 1 else c if ( nbd(k).eq.2 ) then ! upper and lower bounds xk = max( l(k), xk + dk ) x(k) = min( u(k), xk ) if ( x(k).eq.l(k) .or. x(k).eq.u(k) ) iword = 1 else c if ( nbd(k).eq.3 ) then ! upper bounds only x(k) = min( u(k), xk + dk ) if ( x(k).eq.u(k) ) iword = 1 end if end if end if c else ! free variables x(k) = xk + dk end if 50 continue c if ( iword.eq.0 ) then go to 911 end if c c check sign of the directional derivative c dd_p = zero do 55 i=1, n dd_p = dd_p + (x(i) - xx(i))*gg(i) 55 continue if ( dd_p .gt.zero ) then call dcopy( n, xp, 1, x, 1 ) if (iprint .ge. 0) then write(6,*) ' Positive dir derivative in projection ' write(6,*) ' Using the backtracking step ' endif else go to 911 endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------- c alpha = one temp1 = alpha ibd = 0 do 60 i = 1, nsub k = ind(i) dk = d(i) if (nbd(k) .ne. 0) then if (dk .lt. zero .and. nbd(k) .le. 2) then temp2 = l(k) - x(k) if (temp2 .ge. zero) then temp1 = zero else if (dk*alpha .lt. temp2) then temp1 = temp2/dk endif else if (dk .gt. zero .and. nbd(k) .ge. 2) then temp2 = u(k) - x(k) if (temp2 .le. zero) then temp1 = zero else if (dk*alpha .gt. temp2) then temp1 = temp2/dk endif endif if (temp1 .lt. alpha) then alpha = temp1 ibd = i endif endif 60 continue if (alpha .lt. one) then dk = d(ibd) k = ind(ibd) if (dk .gt. zero) then x(k) = u(k) d(ibd) = zero else if (dk .lt. zero) then x(k) = l(k) d(ibd) = zero endif endif do 70 i = 1, nsub k = ind(i) x(k) = x(k) + alpha*d(i) 70 continue cccccc 911 continue if (iprint .ge. 99) write (6,1004) 1001 format (/,'----------------SUBSM entered-----------------',/) 1004 format (/,'----------------exit SUBSM --------------------',/) return end c====================== The end of subsm =============================== subroutine dcsrch(f,g,stp,ftol,gtol,xtol,stpmin,stpmax, + task,isave,dsave) character*(*) task integer isave(2) double precision f,g,stp,ftol,gtol,xtol,stpmin,stpmax double precision dsave(13) c ********** c c Subroutine dcsrch c c This subroutine finds a step that satisfies a sufficient c decrease condition and a curvature condition. c c Each call of the subroutine updates an interval with c endpoints stx and sty. The interval is initially chosen c so that it contains a minimizer of the modified function c c psi(stp) = f(stp) - f(0) - ftol*stp*f'(0). c c If psi(stp) <= 0 and f'(stp) >= 0 for some step, then the c interval is chosen so that it contains a minimizer of f. c c The algorithm is designed to find a step that satisfies c the sufficient decrease condition c c f(stp) <= f(0) + ftol*stp*f'(0), c c and the curvature condition c c abs(f'(stp)) <= gtol*abs(f'(0)). c c If ftol is less than gtol and if, for example, the function c is bounded below, then there is always a step which satisfies c both conditions. c c If no step can be found that satisfies both conditions, then c the algorithm stops with a warning. In this case stp only c satisfies the sufficient decrease condition. c c A typical invocation of dcsrch has the following outline: c c task = 'START' c 10 continue c call dcsrch( ... ) c if (task .eq. 'FG') then c Evaluate the function and the gradient at stp c goto 10 c end if c c NOTE: The user must no alter work arrays between calls. c c The subroutine statement is c c subroutine dcsrch(f,g,stp,ftol,gtol,xtol,stpmin,stpmax, c task,isave,dsave) c where c c f is a double precision variable. c On initial entry f is the value of the function at 0. c On subsequent entries f is the value of the c function at stp. c On exit f is the value of the function at stp. c c g is a double precision variable. c On initial entry g is the derivative of the function at 0. c On subsequent entries g is the derivative of the c function at stp. c On exit g is the derivative of the function at stp. c c stp is a double precision variable. c On entry stp is the current estimate of a satisfactory c step. On initial entry, a positive initial estimate c must be provided. c On exit stp is the current estimate of a satisfactory step c if task = 'FG'. If task = 'CONV' then stp satisfies c the sufficient decrease and curvature condition. c c ftol is a double precision variable. c On entry ftol specifies a nonnegative tolerance for the c sufficient decrease condition. c On exit ftol is unchanged. c c gtol is a double precision variable. c On entry gtol specifies a nonnegative tolerance for the c curvature condition. c On exit gtol is unchanged. c c xtol is a double precision variable. c On entry xtol specifies a nonnegative relative tolerance c for an acceptable step. The subroutine exits with a c warning if the relative difference between sty and stx c is less than xtol. c On exit xtol is unchanged. c c stpmin is a double precision variable. c On entry stpmin is a nonnegative lower bound for the step. c On exit stpmin is unchanged. c c stpmax is a double precision variable. c On entry stpmax is a nonnegative upper bound for the step. c On exit stpmax is unchanged. c c task is a character variable of length at least 60. c On initial entry task must be set to 'START'. c On exit task indicates the required action: c c If task(1:2) = 'FG' then evaluate the function and c derivative at stp and call dcsrch again. c c If task(1:4) = 'CONV' then the search is successful. c c If task(1:4) = 'WARN' then the subroutine is not able c to satisfy the convergence conditions. The exit value of c stp contains the best point found during the search. c c If task(1:5) = 'ERROR' then there is an error in the c input arguments. c c On exit with convergence, a warning or an error, the c variable task contains additional information. c c isave is an integer work array of dimension 2. c c dsave is a double precision work array of dimension 13. c c Subprograms called c c MINPACK-2 ... dcstep c c MINPACK-1 Project. June 1983. c Argonne National Laboratory. c Jorge J. More' and David J. Thuente. c c MINPACK-2 Project. October 1993. c Argonne National Laboratory and University of Minnesota. c Brett M. Averick, Richard G. Carter, and Jorge J. More'. c c ********** double precision zero,p5,p66 parameter(zero=0.0d0,p5=0.5d0,p66=0.66d0) double precision xtrapl,xtrapu parameter(xtrapl=1.1d0,xtrapu=4.0d0) logical brackt integer stage double precision finit,ftest,fm,fx,fxm,fy,fym,ginit,gtest, + gm,gx,gxm,gy,gym,stx,sty,stmin,stmax,width,width1 c Initialization block. if (task(1:5) .eq. 'START') then c Check the input arguments for errors. if (stp .lt. stpmin) task = 'ERROR: STP .LT. STPMIN' if (stp .gt. stpmax) task = 'ERROR: STP .GT. STPMAX' if (g .ge. zero) task = 'ERROR: INITIAL G .GE. ZERO' if (ftol .lt. zero) task = 'ERROR: FTOL .LT. ZERO' if (gtol .lt. zero) task = 'ERROR: GTOL .LT. ZERO' if (xtol .lt. zero) task = 'ERROR: XTOL .LT. ZERO' if (stpmin .lt. zero) task = 'ERROR: STPMIN .LT. ZERO' if (stpmax .lt. stpmin) task = 'ERROR: STPMAX .LT. STPMIN' c Exit if there are errors on input. if (task(1:5) .eq. 'ERROR') return c Initialize local variables. brackt = .false. stage = 1 finit = f ginit = g gtest = ftol*ginit width = stpmax - stpmin width1 = width/p5 c The variables stx, fx, gx contain the values of the step, c function, and derivative at the best step. c The variables sty, fy, gy contain the value of the step, c function, and derivative at sty. c The variables stp, f, g contain the values of the step, c function, and derivative at stp. stx = zero fx = finit gx = ginit sty = zero fy = finit gy = ginit stmin = zero stmax = stp + xtrapu*stp task = 'FG' goto 1000 else c Restore local variables. if (isave(1) .eq. 1) then brackt = .true. else brackt = .false. endif stage = isave(2) ginit = dsave(1) gtest = dsave(2) gx = dsave(3) gy = dsave(4) finit = dsave(5) fx = dsave(6) fy = dsave(7) stx = dsave(8) sty = dsave(9) stmin = dsave(10) stmax = dsave(11) width = dsave(12) width1 = dsave(13) endif c If psi(stp) <= 0 and f'(stp) >= 0 for some step, then the c algorithm enters the second stage. ftest = finit + stp*gtest if (stage .eq. 1 .and. f .le. ftest .and. g .ge. zero) + stage = 2 c Test for warnings. if (brackt .and. (stp .le. stmin .or. stp .ge. stmax)) + task = 'WARNING: ROUNDING ERRORS PREVENT PROGRESS' if (brackt .and. stmax - stmin .le. xtol*stmax) + task = 'WARNING: XTOL TEST SATISFIED' if (stp .eq. stpmax .and. f .le. ftest .and. g .le. gtest) + task = 'WARNING: STP = STPMAX' if (stp .eq. stpmin .and. (f .gt. ftest .or. g .ge. gtest)) + task = 'WARNING: STP = STPMIN' c Test for convergence. if (f .le. ftest .and. abs(g) .le. gtol*(-ginit)) + task = 'CONVERGENCE' c Test for termination. if (task(1:4) .eq. 'WARN' .or. task(1:4) .eq. 'CONV') goto 1000 c A modified function is used to predict the step during the c first stage if a lower function value has been obtained but c the decrease is not sufficient. if (stage .eq. 1 .and. f .le. fx .and. f .gt. ftest) then c Define the modified function and derivative values. fm = f - stp*gtest fxm = fx - stx*gtest fym = fy - sty*gtest gm = g - gtest gxm = gx - gtest gym = gy - gtest c Call dcstep to update stx, sty, and to compute the new step. call dcstep(stx,fxm,gxm,sty,fym,gym,stp,fm,gm, + brackt,stmin,stmax) c Reset the function and derivative values for f. fx = fxm + stx*gtest fy = fym + sty*gtest gx = gxm + gtest gy = gym + gtest else c Call dcstep to update stx, sty, and to compute the new step. call dcstep(stx,fx,gx,sty,fy,gy,stp,f,g, + brackt,stmin,stmax) endif c Decide if a bisection step is needed. if (brackt) then if (abs(sty-stx) .ge. p66*width1) stp = stx + p5*(sty - stx) width1 = width width = abs(sty-stx) endif c Set the minimum and maximum steps allowed for stp. if (brackt) then stmin = min(stx,sty) stmax = max(stx,sty) else stmin = stp + xtrapl*(stp - stx) stmax = stp + xtrapu*(stp - stx) endif c Force the step to be within the bounds stpmax and stpmin. stp = max(stp,stpmin) stp = min(stp,stpmax) c If further progress is not possible, let stp be the best c point obtained during the search. if (brackt .and. (stp .le. stmin .or. stp .ge. stmax) + .or. (brackt .and. stmax-stmin .le. xtol*stmax)) stp = stx c Obtain another function and derivative. task = 'FG' 1000 continue c Save local variables. if (brackt) then isave(1) = 1 else isave(1) = 0 endif isave(2) = stage dsave(1) = ginit dsave(2) = gtest dsave(3) = gx dsave(4) = gy dsave(5) = finit dsave(6) = fx dsave(7) = fy dsave(8) = stx dsave(9) = sty dsave(10) = stmin dsave(11) = stmax dsave(12) = width dsave(13) = width1 return end c====================== The end of dcsrch ============================== subroutine dcstep(stx,fx,dx,sty,fy,dy,stp,fp,dp,brackt, + stpmin,stpmax) logical brackt double precision stx,fx,dx,sty,fy,dy,stp,fp,dp,stpmin,stpmax c ********** c c Subroutine dcstep c c This subroutine computes a safeguarded step for a search c procedure and updates an interval that contains a step that c satisfies a sufficient decrease and a curvature condition. c c The parameter stx contains the step with the least function c value. If brackt is set to .true. then a minimizer has c been bracketed in an interval with endpoints stx and sty. c The parameter stp contains the current step. c The subroutine assumes that if brackt is set to .true. then c c min(stx,sty) < stp < max(stx,sty), c c and that the derivative at stx is negative in the direction c of the step. c c The subroutine statement is c c subroutine dcstep(stx,fx,dx,sty,fy,dy,stp,fp,dp,brackt, c stpmin,stpmax) c c where c c stx is a double precision variable. c On entry stx is the best step obtained so far and is an c endpoint of the interval that contains the minimizer. c On exit stx is the updated best step. c c fx is a double precision variable. c On entry fx is the function at stx. c On exit fx is the function at stx. c c dx is a double precision variable. c On entry dx is the derivative of the function at c stx. The derivative must be negative in the direction of c the step, that is, dx and stp - stx must have opposite c signs. c On exit dx is the derivative of the function at stx. c c sty is a double precision variable. c On entry sty is the second endpoint of the interval that c contains the minimizer. c On exit sty is the updated endpoint of the interval that c contains the minimizer. c c fy is a double precision variable. c On entry fy is the function at sty. c On exit fy is the function at sty. c c dy is a double precision variable. c On entry dy is the derivative of the function at sty. c On exit dy is the derivative of the function at the exit sty. c c stp is a double precision variable. c On entry stp is the current step. If brackt is set to .true. c then on input stp must be between stx and sty. c On exit stp is a new trial step. c c fp is a double precision variable. c On entry fp is the function at stp c On exit fp is unchanged. c c dp is a double precision variable. c On entry dp is the the derivative of the function at stp. c On exit dp is unchanged. c c brackt is an logical variable. c On entry brackt specifies if a minimizer has been bracketed. c Initially brackt must be set to .false. c On exit brackt specifies if a minimizer has been bracketed. c When a minimizer is bracketed brackt is set to .true. c c stpmin is a double precision variable. c On entry stpmin is a lower bound for the step. c On exit stpmin is unchanged. c c stpmax is a double precision variable. c On entry stpmax is an upper bound for the step. c On exit stpmax is unchanged. c c MINPACK-1 Project. June 1983 c Argonne National Laboratory. c Jorge J. More' and David J. Thuente. c c MINPACK-2 Project. October 1993. c Argonne National Laboratory and University of Minnesota. c Brett M. Averick and Jorge J. More'. c c ********** double precision zero,p66,two,three parameter(zero=0.0d0,p66=0.66d0,two=2.0d0,three=3.0d0) double precision gamma,p,q,r,s,sgnd,stpc,stpf,stpq,theta sgnd = dp*(dx/abs(dx)) c First case: A higher function value. The minimum is bracketed. c If the cubic step is closer to stx than the quadratic step, the c cubic step is taken, otherwise the average of the cubic and c quadratic steps is taken. if (fp .gt. fx) then theta = three*(fx - fp)/(stp - stx) + dx + dp s = max(abs(theta),abs(dx),abs(dp)) gamma = s*sqrt((theta/s)**2 - (dx/s)*(dp/s)) if (stp .lt. stx) gamma = -gamma p = (gamma - dx) + theta q = ((gamma - dx) + gamma) + dp r = p/q stpc = stx + r*(stp - stx) stpq = stx + ((dx/((fx - fp)/(stp - stx) + dx))/two)* + (stp - stx) if (abs(stpc-stx) .lt. abs(stpq-stx)) then stpf = stpc else stpf = stpc + (stpq - stpc)/two endif brackt = .true. c Second case: A lower function value and derivatives of opposite c sign. The minimum is bracketed. If the cubic step is farther from c stp than the secant step, the cubic step is taken, otherwise the c secant step is taken. else if (sgnd .lt. zero) then theta = three*(fx - fp)/(stp - stx) + dx + dp s = max(abs(theta),abs(dx),abs(dp)) gamma = s*sqrt((theta/s)**2 - (dx/s)*(dp/s)) if (stp .gt. stx) gamma = -gamma p = (gamma - dp) + theta q = ((gamma - dp) + gamma) + dx r = p/q stpc = stp + r*(stx - stp) stpq = stp + (dp/(dp - dx))*(stx - stp) if (abs(stpc-stp) .gt. abs(stpq-stp)) then stpf = stpc else stpf = stpq endif brackt = .true. c Third case: A lower function value, derivatives of the same sign, c and the magnitude of the derivative decreases. else if (abs(dp) .lt. abs(dx)) then c The cubic step is computed only if the cubic tends to infinity c in the direction of the step or if the minimum of the cubic c is beyond stp. Otherwise the cubic step is defined to be the c secant step. theta = three*(fx - fp)/(stp - stx) + dx + dp s = max(abs(theta),abs(dx),abs(dp)) c The case gamma = 0 only arises if the cubic does not tend c to infinity in the direction of the step. gamma = s*sqrt(max(zero,(theta/s)**2-(dx/s)*(dp/s))) if (stp .gt. stx) gamma = -gamma p = (gamma - dp) + theta q = (gamma + (dx - dp)) + gamma r = p/q if (r .lt. zero .and. gamma .ne. zero) then stpc = stp + r*(stx - stp) else if (stp .gt. stx) then stpc = stpmax else stpc = stpmin endif stpq = stp + (dp/(dp - dx))*(stx - stp) if (brackt) then c A minimizer has been bracketed. If the cubic step is c closer to stp than the secant step, the cubic step is c taken, otherwise the secant step is taken. if (abs(stpc-stp) .lt. abs(stpq-stp)) then stpf = stpc else stpf = stpq endif if (stp .gt. stx) then stpf = min(stp+p66*(sty-stp),stpf) else stpf = max(stp+p66*(sty-stp),stpf) endif else c A minimizer has not been bracketed. If the cubic step is c farther from stp than the secant step, the cubic step is c taken, otherwise the secant step is taken. if (abs(stpc-stp) .gt. abs(stpq-stp)) then stpf = stpc else stpf = stpq endif stpf = min(stpmax,stpf) stpf = max(stpmin,stpf) endif c Fourth case: A lower function value, derivatives of the same sign, c and the magnitude of the derivative does not decrease. If the c minimum is not bracketed, the step is either stpmin or stpmax, c otherwise the cubic step is taken. else if (brackt) then theta = three*(fp - fy)/(sty - stp) + dy + dp s = max(abs(theta),abs(dy),abs(dp)) gamma = s*sqrt((theta/s)**2 - (dy/s)*(dp/s)) if (stp .gt. sty) gamma = -gamma p = (gamma - dp) + theta q = ((gamma - dp) + gamma) + dy r = p/q stpc = stp + r*(sty - stp) stpf = stpc else if (stp .gt. stx) then stpf = stpmax else stpf = stpmin endif endif c Update the interval which contains a minimizer. if (fp .gt. fx) then sty = stp fy = fp dy = dp else if (sgnd .lt. zero) then sty = stx fy = fx dy = dx endif stx = stp fx = fp dx = dp endif c Compute the new step. stp = stpf return end