/* MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016--2017 Felix Lenders * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef TRLIB_LEFTMOST_H #define TRLIB_LEFTMOST_H #define TRLIB_LMR_CONV (0) #define TRLIB_LMR_ITMAX (-1) #define TRLIB_LMR_NEWTON_BREAK (3) /** Computes smallest eigenvalue of symmetric tridiagonal matrix * :math:`T \in \mathbb R^{n\times n}`, * using a iteration based on last-pivot function of Parlett and Reid. * * Let :math:`T = \begin{pmatrix} T_1 & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & T_\ell \end{pmatrix}` * be composed into irreducible blocks :math:`T_i`. * * Calls :c:func:`trlib_leftmost_irreducible` on every irreducible block in case of coldstart, * in case of warmstart just updates information on :math:`T_\ell`. * * :param nirblk: number of irreducible blocks :math:`\ell`, ensure :math:`\ell > 0` * :type nirblk: trlib_int_t, input * :param irblk: pointer to indices of irreducible blocks, length :c:data:`nirblk+1`: * * - :c:data:`irblk[i]` is the start index of block :math:`i` in :c:data:`diag` and :c:data:`offdiag` * - :c:data:`irblk[i+1] - 1` is the stop index of block :math:`i` * - :c:data:`irblk[i+1] - irred[i]` the dimension :math:`n_\ell` of block :math:`i` * - :c:data:`irblk[nirred]` the dimension of :math:`T` * * :type irblk: trlib_int_t, input * :param diag: pointer to array holding diagonal of :math:`T`, length :c:data:`irblk[nirblk]` * :type diag: trlib_flt_t, input * :param offdiag: pointer to array holding offdiagonal of :math:`T`, length :c:data:`irblk[nirblk]` * :type offdiag: trlib_flt_t, input * :param warm: set :math:`\ge 1` if you want to update information about block :math:`\ell`, provide values in :c:data:`leftmost_minor`, :c:data:`ileftmost`, :c:data:`leftmost`; else ``0`` * :type warm: trlib_int_t, input * :param leftmost_minor: smallest eigenvalue of principal :math:`(n_\ell-1)\times (n_\ell-1)` submatrix of :math:`T_\ell` * :type leftmost_minor: trlib_flt_t, input * :param itmax: maximum number of iterations * :type itmax: trlib_int_t, input * :param tol_abs: absolute stopping tolerance in Reid-Parlett zero finding, good default may be :math:`\sqrt{\texttt{macheps}}^{3/4}` (:c:macro:`TRLIB_EPS_POW_75`) * :type tol_abs: trlib_flt_t, input * :param verbose: determines the verbosity level of output that is written to :c:data:`fout` * :type verbose: trlib_int_t, input * :param unicode: set to ``1`` if :c:data:`fout` can handle unicode, otherwise to ``0`` * :type unicode: trlib_int_t, input * :param prefix: string that is printed before iteration output * :type prefix: char, input * :param fout: output stream * :type fout: FILE, input * :param timing: gives timing details, provide allocated zero initialized memory of length :c:func:`trlib_leftmost_timing_size` * * ====== ================================ * block description * ====== ================================ * 0 total duration * ====== ================================ * * :type timing: trlib_int_t, input/output * :param ileftmost: index of block that corresponds to absolute smallest eigenvalue * :type ileftmost: trlib_int_t, input/output * :param leftmost: smallest eigenvalue of :math:`T`, length :math:`\ell` * * - on entry: allocated memory * - on exit: :c:data:`leftmost[i]` smallest eigenvalue of :math:`T_i` * * :type leftmost: trlib_flt_t, input/output * :returns: status * * - :c:macro:`TRLIB_LMR_CONV` success * - :c:macro:`TRLIB_LMR_ITMAX` iteration limit exceeded * * :rtype: trlib_int_t */ trlib_int_t trlib_leftmost( trlib_int_t nirblk, trlib_int_t *irblk, trlib_flt_t *diag, trlib_flt_t *offdiag, trlib_int_t warm, trlib_flt_t leftmost_minor, trlib_int_t itmax, trlib_flt_t tol_abs, trlib_int_t verbose, trlib_int_t unicode, char *prefix, FILE *fout, trlib_int_t *timing, trlib_int_t *ileftmost, trlib_flt_t *leftmost); /** Computes smallest eigenvalue of irreducible symmetric tridiagonal matrix * :math:`T \in \mathbb R^{n\times n}`, * using a iteration based on last-pivot function of Parlett and Reid. * * Method is sketched on p. 516 in [Gould1999]_. * * Note that this function most likely will fail in the case of a reducible matrix * (:c:data:`offdiag` contains 0). * * **Convergence** * * Convergence is reported if :math:`\texttt{up}-\texttt{low} \le \texttt{tol}\_\texttt{abs} * \max\{1, \vert \texttt{low} \vert, \vert \texttt{up} \vert \}` or :math:`\texttt{prlp} \le \texttt{tol}\_\texttt{abs}`, :math:`\texttt{low}` and :math:`\texttt{up}` denote bracket values enclosing the leftmost eigenvalue and :math:`\texttt{prlp}` denotes the last-pivot function value used in root finding. * * :param n: dimension, ensure :math:`n > 0` * :type n: trlib_int_t, input * :param diag: pointer to array holding diagonal of :math:`T`, length :c:data:`n` * :type diag: trlib_flt_t, input * :param offdiag: pointer to array holding offdiagonal of :math:`T`, length :c:data:`n-1` * :type offdiag: trlib_flt_t, input * :param warm: set :math:`\ge 1` if you provide a valid value in :c:data:`leftmost_minor`, else ``0``. Exact value determines which model will be used for zero-finding * * ===== ====== * warm model * ===== ====== * 0 linear model for rational function * 1 sensible heuristic model choice for lifted rational function * 2 asymptotic quadratic model :math:`\theta^2 + b \theta + c` for lifted rational function * 3 taylor quadratic model :math:`a \theta^2 + b \theta + c` for lifted rational function * 4 linear model :math:`b \theta + c` for lifted rational function * ===== ====== * * :type warm: trlib_int_t, input * :param leftmost_minor: smallest eigenvalue of principal :math:`(n-1)\times (n-1)` submatrix of :math:`T` * :type leftmost_minor: trlib_flt_t, input * :param itmax: maximum number of iterations * :type itmax: trlib_int_t, input * :param tol_abs: absolute stopping tolerance in Reid-Parlett zero finding, good default may be :math:`\sqrt{\texttt{macheps}}^{3/4}` (:c:macro:`TRLIB_EPS_POW_75`) * :type tol_abs: trlib_flt_t, input * :param verbose: determines the verbosity level of output that is written to :c:data:`fout` * :type verbose: trlib_int_t, input * :param unicode: set to ``1`` if :c:data:`fout` can handle unicode, otherwise to ``0`` * :type unicode: trlib_int_t, input * :param prefix: string that is printed before iteration output * :type prefix: char, input * :param fout: output stream * :type fout: FILE, input * :param timing: gives timing details, provide allocated zero initialized memory of length :c:func:`trlib_leftmost_timing_size` * * ====== ================================ * block description * ====== ================================ * 0 total duration * ====== ================================ * * :type timing: trlib_int_t, input/output * :param leftmost: smallest eigenvalue of :math:`T` * :type leftmost: trlib_flt_t, output * :param iter_pr: number of Parlett-Reid iterations * :type iter_pr: trlib_int_t, output * * :returns: status * * - :c:macro:`TRLIB_LMR_CONV` success * - :c:macro:`TRLIB_LMR_ITMAX` iteration limit exceeded * * :rtype: trlib_int_t */ trlib_int_t trlib_leftmost_irreducible( trlib_int_t n, trlib_flt_t *diag, trlib_flt_t *offdiag, trlib_int_t warm, trlib_flt_t leftmost_minor, trlib_int_t itmax, trlib_flt_t tol_abs, trlib_int_t verbose, trlib_int_t unicode, char *prefix, FILE *fout, trlib_int_t *timing, trlib_flt_t *leftmost, trlib_int_t *iter_pr); /** size that has to be allocated for :c:data:`timing` in :c:func:`trlib_leftmost_irreducible` and :c:func:`trlib_leftmost` */ trlib_int_t trlib_leftmost_timing_size(void); #endif