recursive subroutine parsur(iopt,ipar,idim,mu,u,mv,v,f,s,nuest, * nvest,nu,tu,nv,tv,c,fp,wrk,lwrk,iwrk,kwrk,ier) implicit none c given the set of ordered points f(i,j) in the idim-dimensional space, c corresponding to grid values (u(i),v(j)) ,i=1,...,mu ; j=1,...,mv, c parsur determines a smooth approximating spline surface s(u,v) , i.e. c f1 = s1(u,v) c ... u(1) <= u <= u(mu) ; v(1) <= v <= v(mv) c fidim = sidim(u,v) c with sl(u,v), l=1,2,...,idim bicubic spline functions with common c knots tu(i),i=1,...,nu in the u-variable and tv(j),j=1,...,nv in the c v-variable. c in addition, these splines will be periodic in the variable u if c ipar(1) = 1 and periodic in the variable v if ipar(2) = 1. c if iopt=-1, parsur determines the least-squares bicubic spline c surface according to a given set of knots. c if iopt>=0, the number of knots of s(u,v) and their position c is chosen automatically by the routine. the smoothness of s(u,v) is c achieved by minimalizing the discontinuity jumps of the derivatives c of the splines at the knots. the amount of smoothness of s(u,v) is c determined by the condition that c fp=sumi=1,mu(sumj=1,mv(dist(f(i,j)-s(u(i),v(j)))**2))<=s, c with s a given non-negative constant. c the fit s(u,v) is given in its b-spline representation and can be c evaluated by means of routine surev. c c calling sequence: c call parsur(iopt,ipar,idim,mu,u,mv,v,f,s,nuest,nvest,nu,tu, c * nv,tv,c,fp,wrk,lwrk,iwrk,kwrk,ier) c c parameters: c iopt : integer flag. unchanged on exit. c on entry iopt must specify whether a least-squares surface c (iopt=-1) or a smoothing surface (iopt=0 or 1)must be c determined. c if iopt=0 the routine will start with the initial set of c knots needed for determining the least-squares polynomial c surface. c if iopt=1 the routine will continue with the set of knots c found at the last call of the routine. c attention: a call with iopt=1 must always be immediately c preceded by another call with iopt = 1 or iopt = 0. c ipar : integer array of dimension 2. unchanged on exit. c on entry ipar(1) must specify whether (ipar(1)=1) or not c (ipar(1)=0) the splines must be periodic in the variable u. c on entry ipar(2) must specify whether (ipar(2)=1) or not c (ipar(2)=0) the splines must be periodic in the variable v. c idim : integer. on entry idim must specify the dimension of the c surface. 1 <= idim <= 3. unchanged on exit. c mu : integer. on entry mu must specify the number of grid points c along the u-axis. unchanged on exit. c mu >= mumin where mumin=4-2*ipar(1) c u : real array of dimension at least (mu). before entry, u(i) c must be set to the u-co-ordinate of the i-th grid point c along the u-axis, for i=1,2,...,mu. these values must be c supplied in strictly ascending order. unchanged on exit. c mv : integer. on entry mv must specify the number of grid points c along the v-axis. unchanged on exit. c mv >= mvmin where mvmin=4-2*ipar(2) c v : real array of dimension at least (mv). before entry, v(j) c must be set to the v-co-ordinate of the j-th grid point c along the v-axis, for j=1,2,...,mv. these values must be c supplied in strictly ascending order. unchanged on exit. c f : real array of dimension at least (mu*mv*idim). c before entry, f(mu*mv*(l-1)+mv*(i-1)+j) must be set to the c l-th co-ordinate of the data point corresponding to the c the grid point (u(i),v(j)) for l=1,...,idim ,i=1,...,mu c and j=1,...,mv. unchanged on exit. c if ipar(1)=1 it is expected that f(mu*mv*(l-1)+mv*(mu-1)+j) c = f(mu*mv*(l-1)+j), l=1,...,idim ; j=1,...,mv c if ipar(2)=1 it is expected that f(mu*mv*(l-1)+mv*(i-1)+mv) c = f(mu*mv*(l-1)+mv*(i-1)+1), l=1,...,idim ; i=1,...,mu c s : real. on entry (if iopt>=0) s must specify the smoothing c factor. s >=0. unchanged on exit. c for advice on the choice of s see further comments c nuest : integer. unchanged on exit. c nvest : integer. unchanged on exit. c on entry, nuest and nvest must specify an upper bound for the c number of knots required in the u- and v-directions respect. c these numbers will also determine the storage space needed by c the routine. nuest >= 8, nvest >= 8. c in most practical situation nuest = mu/2, nvest=mv/2, will c be sufficient. always large enough are nuest=mu+4+2*ipar(1), c nvest = mv+4+2*ipar(2), the number of knots needed for c interpolation (s=0). see also further comments. c nu : integer. c unless ier=10 (in case iopt>=0), nu will contain the total c number of knots with respect to the u-variable, of the spline c surface returned. if the computation mode iopt=1 is used, c the value of nu should be left unchanged between subsequent c calls. in case iopt=-1, the value of nu should be specified c on entry. c tu : real array of dimension at least (nuest). c on successful exit, this array will contain the knots of the c splines with respect to the u-variable, i.e. the position of c the interior knots tu(5),...,tu(nu-4) as well as the position c of the additional knots tu(1),...,tu(4) and tu(nu-3),..., c tu(nu) needed for the b-spline representation. c if the computation mode iopt=1 is used,the values of tu(1) c ...,tu(nu) should be left unchanged between subsequent calls. c if the computation mode iopt=-1 is used, the values tu(5), c ...tu(nu-4) must be supplied by the user, before entry. c see also the restrictions (ier=10). c nv : integer. c unless ier=10 (in case iopt>=0), nv will contain the total c number of knots with respect to the v-variable, of the spline c surface returned. if the computation mode iopt=1 is used, c the value of nv should be left unchanged between subsequent c calls. in case iopt=-1, the value of nv should be specified c on entry. c tv : real array of dimension at least (nvest). c on successful exit, this array will contain the knots of the c splines with respect to the v-variable, i.e. the position of c the interior knots tv(5),...,tv(nv-4) as well as the position c of the additional knots tv(1),...,tv(4) and tv(nv-3),..., c tv(nv) needed for the b-spline representation. c if the computation mode iopt=1 is used,the values of tv(1) c ...,tv(nv) should be left unchanged between subsequent calls. c if the computation mode iopt=-1 is used, the values tv(5), c must be supplied by the user, before entry. c see also the restrictions (ier=10). c c : real array of dimension at least (nuest-4)*(nvest-4)*idim. c on successful exit, c contains the coefficients of the spline c approximation s(u,v) c fp : real. unless ier=10, fp contains the sum of squared c residuals of the spline surface returned. c wrk : real array of dimension (lwrk). used as workspace. c if the computation mode iopt=1 is used the values of c wrk(1),...,wrk(4) should be left unchanged between subsequent c calls. c lwrk : integer. on entry lwrk must specify the actual dimension of c the array wrk as declared in the calling (sub)program. c lwrk must not be too small. c lwrk >= 4+nuest*(mv*idim+11+4*ipar(1))+nvest*(11+4*ipar(2))+ c 4*(mu+mv)+q*idim where q is the larger of mv and nuest. c iwrk : integer array of dimension (kwrk). used as workspace. c if the computation mode iopt=1 is used the values of c iwrk(1),.,iwrk(3) should be left unchanged between subsequent c calls. c kwrk : integer. on entry kwrk must specify the actual dimension of c the array iwrk as declared in the calling (sub)program. c kwrk >= 3+mu+mv+nuest+nvest. c ier : integer. unless the routine detects an error, ier contains a c non-positive value on exit, i.e. c ier=0 : normal return. the surface returned has a residual sum of c squares fp such that abs(fp-s)/s <= tol with tol a relat- c ive tolerance set to 0.001 by the program. c ier=-1 : normal return. the spline surface returned is an c interpolating surface (fp=0). c ier=-2 : normal return. the surface returned is the least-squares c polynomial surface. in this extreme case fp gives the c upper bound for the smoothing factor s. c ier=1 : error. the required storage space exceeds the available c storage space, as specified by the parameters nuest and c nvest. c probably causes : nuest or nvest too small. if these param- c eters are already large, it may also indicate that s is c too small c the approximation returned is the least-squares surface c according to the current set of knots. the parameter fp c gives the corresponding sum of squared residuals (fp>s). c ier=2 : error. a theoretically impossible result was found during c the iteration process for finding a smoothing surface with c fp = s. probably causes : s too small. c there is an approximation returned but the corresponding c sum of squared residuals does not satisfy the condition c abs(fp-s)/s < tol. c ier=3 : error. the maximal number of iterations maxit (set to 20 c by the program) allowed for finding a smoothing surface c with fp=s has been reached. probably causes : s too small c there is an approximation returned but the corresponding c sum of squared residuals does not satisfy the condition c abs(fp-s)/s < tol. c ier=10 : error. on entry, the input data are controlled on validity c the following restrictions must be satisfied. c -1<=iopt<=1, 0<=ipar(1)<=1, 0<=ipar(2)<=1, 1 <=idim<=3 c mu >= 4-2*ipar(1),mv >= 4-2*ipar(2), nuest >=8, nvest >= 8, c kwrk>=3+mu+mv+nuest+nvest, c lwrk >= 4+nuest*(mv*idim+11+4*ipar(1))+nvest*(11+4*ipar(2)) c +4*(mu+mv)+max(nuest,mv)*idim c u(i-1)=0: s>=0 c if s=0: nuest>=mu+4+2*ipar(1) c nvest>=mv+4+2*ipar(2) c if one of these conditions is found to be violated,control c is immediately repassed to the calling program. in that c case there is no approximation returned. c c further comments: c by means of the parameter s, the user can control the tradeoff c between closeness of fit and smoothness of fit of the approximation. c if s is too large, the surface will be too smooth and signal will be c lost ; if s is too small the surface will pick up too much noise. in c the extreme cases the program will return an interpolating surface c if s=0 and the constrained least-squares polynomial surface if s is c very large. between these extremes, a properly chosen s will result c in a good compromise between closeness of fit and smoothness of fit. c to decide whether an approximation, corresponding to a certain s is c satisfactory the user is highly recommended to inspect the fits c graphically. c recommended values for s depend on the accuracy of the data values. c if the user has an idea of the statistical errors on the data, he c can also find a proper estimate for s. for, by assuming that, if he c specifies the right s, parsur will return a surface s(u,v) which c exactly reproduces the surface underlying the data he can evaluate c the sum(dist(f(i,j)-s(u(i),v(j)))**2) to find a good estimate for s. c for example, if he knows that the statistical errors on his f(i,j)- c values is not greater than 0.1, he may expect that a good s should c have a value not larger than mu*mv*(0.1)**2. c if nothing is known about the statistical error in f(i,j), s must c be determined by trial and error, taking account of the comments c above. the best is then to start with a very large value of s (to c determine the le-sq polynomial surface and the corresponding upper c bound fp0 for s) and then to progressively decrease the value of s c ( say by a factor 10 in the beginning, i.e. s=fp0/10,fp0/100,... c and more carefully as the approximation shows more detail) to c obtain closer fits. c to economize the search for a good s-value the program provides with c different modes of computation. at the first call of the routine, or c whenever he wants to restart with the initial set of knots the user c must set iopt=0. c if iopt = 1 the program will continue with the knots found at c the last call of the routine. this will save a lot of computation c time if parsur is called repeatedly for different values of s. c the number of knots of the surface returned and their location will c depend on the value of s and on the complexity of the shape of the c surface underlying the data. if the computation mode iopt = 1 c is used, the knots returned may also depend on the s-values at c previous calls (if these were smaller). therefore, if after a number c of trials with different s-values and iopt=1,the user can finally c accept a fit as satisfactory, it may be worthwhile for him to call c parsur once more with the chosen value for s but now with iopt=0. c indeed, parsur may then return an approximation of the same quality c of fit but with fewer knots and therefore better if data reduction c is also an important objective for the user. c the number of knots may also depend on the upper bounds nuest and c nvest. indeed, if at a certain stage in parsur the number of knots c in one direction (say nu) has reached the value of its upper bound c (nuest), then from that moment on all subsequent knots are added c in the other (v) direction. this may indicate that the value of c nuest is too small. on the other hand, it gives the user the option c of limiting the number of knots the routine locates in any direction c for example, by setting nuest=8 (the lowest allowable value for c nuest), the user can indicate that he wants an approximation with c splines which are simple cubic polynomials in the variable u. c c other subroutines required: c fppasu,fpchec,fpchep,fpknot,fprati,fpgrpa,fptrnp,fpback, c fpbacp,fpbspl,fptrpe,fpdisc,fpgivs,fprota c c author: c p.dierckx c dept. computer science, k.u. leuven c celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium. c e-mail : c c latest update : march 1989 c c .. c ..scalar arguments.. real*8 s,fp integer iopt,idim,mu,mv,nuest,nvest,nu,nv,lwrk,kwrk,ier c ..array arguments.. real*8 u(mu),v(mv),f(mu*mv*idim),tu(nuest),tv(nvest), * c((nuest-4)*(nvest-4)*idim),wrk(lwrk) integer ipar(2),iwrk(kwrk) c ..local scalars.. real*8 tol,ub,ue,vb,ve,peru,perv integer i,j,jwrk,kndu,kndv,knru,knrv,kwest,l1,l2,l3,l4, * lfpu,lfpv,lwest,lww,maxit,nc,mf,mumin,mvmin c ..function references.. integer max0 c ..subroutine references.. c fppasu,fpchec,fpchep c .. c we set up the parameters tol and maxit. maxit = 20 tol = 0.1e-02 c before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data c are invalid, control is immediately repassed to the calling program. ier = 10 if( .or. go to 200 if(ipar(1).lt.0 .or. ipar(1).gt.1) go to 200 if(ipar(2).lt.0 .or. ipar(2).gt.1) go to 200 if(idim.le.0 .or. go to 200 mumin = 4-2*ipar(1) if( .or. go to 200 mvmin = 4-2*ipar(2) if( .or. go to 200 mf = mu*mv nc = (nuest-4)*(nvest-4) lwest = 4+nuest*(mv*idim+11+4*ipar(1))+nvest*(11+4*ipar(2))+ * 4*(mu+mv)+max0(nuest,mv)*idim kwest = 3+mu+mv+nuest+nvest if( .or. go to 200 do 10 i=2,mu if(u(i-1).ge.u(i)) go to 200 10 continue do 20 i=2,mv if(v(i-1).ge.v(i)) go to 200 20 continue if( go to 100 if( .or. go to 200 ub = u(1) ue = u(mu) if (ipar(1).ne.0) go to 40 j = nu do 30 i=1,4 tu(i) = ub tu(j) = ue j = j-1 30 continue call fpchec(u,mu,tu,nu,3,ier) if( go to 200 go to 60 40 l1 = 4 l2 = l1 l3 = nu-3 l4 = l3 peru = ue-ub tu(l2) = ub tu(l3) = ue do 50 j=1,3 l1 = l1+1 l2 = l2-1 l3 = l3+1 l4 = l4-1 tu(l2) = tu(l4)-peru tu(l3) = tu(l1)+peru 50 continue call fpchep(u,mu,tu,nu,3,ier) if( go to 200 60 if( .or. go to 200 vb = v(1) ve = v(mv) if (ipar(2).ne.0) go to 80 j = nv do 70 i=1,4 tv(i) = vb tv(j) = ve j = j-1 70 continue call fpchec(v,mv,tv,nv,3,ier) if( go to 200 go to 150 80 l1 = 4 l2 = l1 l3 = nv-3 l4 = l3 perv = ve-vb tv(l2) = vb tv(l3) = ve do 90 j=1,3 l1 = l1+1 l2 = l2-1 l3 = l3+1 l4 = l4-1 tv(l2) = tv(l4)-perv tv(l3) = tv(l1)+perv 90 continue call fpchep(v,mv,tv,nv,3,ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 150 go to 200 100 if( go to 200 if(s.eq.0. .and. (*ipar(1)) .or. **ipar(2))) )go to 200 ier = 0 c we partition the working space and determine the spline approximation 150 lfpu = 5 lfpv = lfpu+nuest lww = lfpv+nvest jwrk = lwrk-4-nuest-nvest knru = 4 knrv = knru+mu kndu = knrv+mv kndv = kndu+nuest call fppasu(iopt,ipar,idim,u,mu,v,mv,f,mf,s,nuest,nvest, * tol,maxit,nc,nu,tu,nv,tv,c,fp,wrk(1),wrk(2),wrk(3),wrk(4), * wrk(lfpu),wrk(lfpv),iwrk(1),iwrk(2),iwrk(3),iwrk(knru), * iwrk(knrv),iwrk(kndu),iwrk(kndv),wrk(lww),jwrk,ier) 200 return end