recursive subroutine fpseno(maxtr,up,left,right,info,merk, * ibind,nbind) implicit none c subroutine fpseno fetches a branch of a triply linked tree the c information of which is kept in the arrays up,left,right and info. c the branch has a specified length nbind and is determined by the c parameter merk which points to its terminal node. the information c field of the nodes of this branch is stored in the array ibind. on c exit merk points to a new branch of length nbind or takes the value c 1 if no such branch was found. c .. c ..scalar arguments.. integer maxtr,merk,nbind c ..array arguments.. integer up(maxtr),left(maxtr),right(maxtr),info(maxtr), * ibind(nbind) c ..scalar arguments.. integer i,j,k c .. k = merk j = nbind do 10 i=1,nbind ibind(j) = info(k) k = up(k) j = j-1 10 continue 20 k = right(merk) if( go to 30 merk = up(merk) if (merk.le.1) go to 40 go to 20 30 merk = k k = left(merk) if( go to 30 40 return end