recursive subroutine fppola(iopt1,iopt2,iopt3,m,u,v,z,w,rad,s, * nuest,nvest,eta,tol,maxit,ib1,ib3,nc,ncc,intest,nrest,nu,tu,nv, * tv,c,fp,sup,fpint,coord,f,ff,row,cs,cosi,a,q,bu,bv,spu,spv,h, * index,nummer,wrk,lwrk,ier) implicit none c ..scalar arguments.. integer iopt1,iopt2,iopt3,m,nuest,nvest,maxit,ib1,ib3,nc,ncc, * intest,nrest,nu,nv,lwrk,ier real*8 s,eta,tol,fp,sup c ..array arguments.. integer index(nrest),nummer(m) real*8 u(m),v(m),z(m),w(m),tu(nuest),tv(nvest),c(nc),fpint(intest) *, * coord(intest),f(ncc),ff(nc),row(nvest),cs(nvest),cosi(5,nvest), * a(ncc,ib1),q(ncc,ib3),bu(nuest,5),bv(nvest,5),spu(m,4),spv(m,4), * h(ib3),wrk(lwrk) c ..user supplied function.. real*8 rad c ..local scalars.. real*8 acc,arg,co,c1,c2,c3,c4,dmax,eps,fac,fac1,fac2,fpmax,fpms, * f1,f2,f3,hui,huj,p,pi,pinv,piv,pi2,p1,p2,p3,r,ratio,si,sigma, * sq,store,uu,u2,u3,wi,zi,rn,one,two,three,con1,con4,con9,half,ten integer i,iband,iband3,iband4,ich1,ich3,ii,il,in,ipar,ipar1,irot, * iter,i1,i2,i3,j,jrot,j1,j2,k,l,la,lf,lh,ll,lu,lv,lwest,l1,l2, * l3,l4,ncof,ncoff,nvv,nv4,nreg,nrint,nrr,nr1,nuu,nu4,num,num1, * numin,nvmin,rank,iband1, jlu c ..local arrays.. real*8 hu(4),hv(4) c ..function references.. real*8 abs,atan,cos,fprati,sin,sqrt integer min0 c ..subroutine references.. c fporde,fpbspl,fpback,fpgivs,fprota,fprank,fpdisc,fprppo c .. c set constants one = 1 two = 2 three = 3 ten = 10 half = 0.5e0 con1 = 0.1e0 con9 = 0.9e0 con4 = 0.4e-01 pi = atan(one)*4 pi2 = pi+pi ipar = iopt2*(iopt2+3)/2 ipar1 = ipar+1 eps = sqrt(eta) if( go to 90 numin = 9 nvmin = 9+iopt2*(iopt2+1) c calculation of acc, the absolute tolerance for the root of f(p)=s. acc = tol*s if(iopt1.eq.0) go to 10 if( then if ( go to 70 go to 90 endif c if iopt1 = 0 we begin by computing the weighted least-squares c polymomial of the form c s(u,v) = f(1)*(1-u**3)+f(2)*u**3+f(3)*(u**2-u**3)+f(4)*(u-u**3) c where f(4) = 0 if iopt2> 0 , f(3) = 0 if iopt2 > 1 and c f(2) = 0 if iopt3> 0. c the corresponding weighted sum of squared residuals gives the upper c bound sup for the smoothing factor s. 10 sup = 0. do 20 i=1,4 f(i) = 0. do 20 j=1,4 a(i,j) = 0. 20 continue do 50 i=1,m wi = w(i) zi = z(i)*wi uu = u(i) u2 = uu*uu u3 = uu*u2 h(1) = (one-u3)*wi h(2) = u3*wi h(3) = u2*(one-uu)*wi h(4) = uu*(one-u2)*wi if( h(2) = 0. if( h(3) = 0. if( h(4) = 0. do 40 j=1,4 piv = h(j) if(piv.eq.0.) go to 40 call fpgivs(piv,a(j,1),co,si) call fprota(co,si,zi,f(j)) if(j.eq.4) go to 40 j1 = j+1 j2 = 1 do 30 l=j1,4 j2 = j2+1 call fprota(co,si,h(l),a(j,j2)) 30 continue 40 continue sup = sup+zi*zi 50 continue if(a(4,1).ne.0.) f(4) = f(4)/a(4,1) if(a(3,1).ne.0.) f(3) = (f(3)-a(3,2)*f(4))/a(3,1) if(a(2,1).ne.0.) f(2) = (f(2)-a(2,2)*f(3)-a(2,3)*f(4))/a(2,1) if(a(1,1).ne.0.) * f(1) = (f(1)-a(1,2)*f(2)-a(1,3)*f(3)-a(1,4)*f(4))/a(1,1) c find the b-spline representation of this least-squares polynomial c1 = f(1) c4 = f(2) c2 = f(4)/three+c1 c3 = (f(3)+two*f(4))/three+c1 nu = 8 nv = 8 do 60 i=1,4 c(i) = c1 c(i+4) = c2 c(i+8) = c3 c(i+12) = c4 tu(i) = 0. tu(i+4) = one rn = 2*i-9 tv(i) = rn*pi rn = 2*i-1 tv(i+4) = rn*pi 60 continue fp = sup c test whether the least-squares polynomial is an acceptable solution fpms = sup-s if( go to 960 c test whether we cannot further increase the number of knots. 70 if( .or. go to 950 c find the initial set of interior knots of the spline in case iopt1=0. nu = numin nv = nvmin tu(5) = half nvv = nv-8 rn = nvv+1 fac = pi2/rn do 80 i=1,nvv rn = i tv(i+4) = rn*fac-pi 80 continue cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c part 1 : computation of least-squares bicubic splines. c c ****************************************************** c c if iopt1<0 we compute the least-squares bicubic spline according c c to the given set of knots. c c if iopt1>=0 we compute least-squares bicubic splines with in- c c creasing numbers of knots until the corresponding sum f(p=inf)<=s. c c the initial set of knots then depends on the value of iopt1 c c if iopt1=0 we start with one interior knot in the u-direction c c (0.5) and 1+iopt2*(iopt2+1) in the v-direction. c c if iopt1>0 we start with the set of knots found at the last c c call of the routine. c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c main loop for the different sets of knots. m is a save upper bound c for the number of trials. 90 do 570 iter=1,m c find the position of the additional knots which are needed for the c b-spline representation of s(u,v). l1 = 4 l2 = l1 l3 = nv-3 l4 = l3 tv(l2) = -pi tv(l3) = pi do 120 i=1,3 l1 = l1+1 l2 = l2-1 l3 = l3+1 l4 = l4-1 tv(l2) = tv(l4)-pi2 tv(l3) = tv(l1)+pi2 120 continue l = nu do 130 i=1,4 tu(i) = 0. tu(l) = one l = l-1 130 continue c find nrint, the total number of knot intervals and nreg, the number c of panels in which the approximation domain is subdivided by the c intersection of knots. nuu = nu-7 nvv = nv-7 nrr = nvv/2 nr1 = nrr+1 nrint = nuu+nvv nreg = nuu*nvv c arrange the data points according to the panel they belong to. call fporde(u,v,m,3,3,tu,nu,tv,nv,nummer,index,nreg) if(iopt2.eq.0) go to 195 c find the b-spline coefficients cosi of the cubic spline c approximations for cr(v)=rad(v)*cos(v) and sr(v) = rad(v)*sin(v) c if iopt2=1, and additionally also for cr(v)**2,sr(v)**2 and c 2*cr(v)*sr(v) if iopt2=2 do 140 i=1,nvv do 135 j=1,ipar cosi(j,i) = 0. 135 continue do 140 j=1,nvv a(i,j) = 0. 140 continue c the coefficients cosi are obtained from interpolation conditions c at the knots tv(i),i=4,5,...nv-4. do 175 i=1,nvv l2 = i+3 arg = tv(l2) call fpbspl(tv,nv,3,arg,l2,hv) do 145 j=1,nvv row(j) = 0. 145 continue ll = i do 150 j=1,3 if( ll= 1 row(ll) = row(ll)+hv(j) ll = ll+1 150 continue co = cos(arg) si = sin(arg) r = rad(arg) cs(1) = co*r cs(2) = si*r if(iopt2.eq.1) go to 155 cs(3) = cs(1)*cs(1) cs(4) = cs(2)*cs(2) cs(5) = cs(1)*cs(2) 155 do 170 j=1,nvv piv = row(j) if(piv.eq.0.) go to 170 call fpgivs(piv,a(j,1),co,si) do 160 l=1,ipar call fprota(co,si,cs(l),cosi(l,j)) 160 continue if(j.eq.nvv) go to 175 j1 = j+1 j2 = 1 do 165 l=j1,nvv j2 = j2+1 call fprota(co,si,row(l),a(j,j2)) 165 continue 170 continue 175 continue do 190 l=1,ipar do 180 j=1,nvv cs(j) = cosi(l,j) 180 continue call fpback(a,cs,nvv,nvv,cs,ncc) do 185 j=1,nvv cosi(l,j) = cs(j) 185 continue 190 continue c find ncof, the dimension of the spline and ncoff, the number c of coefficients in the standard b-spline representation. 195 nu4 = nu-4 nv4 = nv-4 ncoff = nu4*nv4 ncof = ipar1+nvv*(nu4-1-iopt2-iopt3) c find the bandwidth of the observation matrix a. iband = 4*nvv if(nuu-iopt2-iopt3.le.1) iband = ncof iband1 = iband-1 c initialize the observation matrix a. do 200 i=1,ncof f(i) = 0. do 200 j=1,iband a(i,j) = 0. 200 continue c initialize the sum of squared residuals. fp = 0. ratio = one+tu(6)/tu(5) c fetch the data points in the new order. main loop for the c different panels. do 380 num=1,nreg c fix certain constants for the current panel; jrot records the column c number of the first non-zero element in a row of the observation c matrix according to a data point of the panel. num1 = num-1 lu = num1/nvv l1 = lu+4 lv = num1-lu*nvv+1 l2 = lv+3 jrot = 0 if( jrot = ipar1+(lu-iopt2-1)*nvv lu = lu+1 c test whether there are still data points in the current panel. in = index(num) 210 if(in.eq.0) go to 380 c fetch a new data point. wi = w(in) zi = z(in)*wi c evaluate for the u-direction, the 4 non-zero b-splines at u(in) call fpbspl(tu,nu,3,u(in),l1,hu) c evaluate for the v-direction, the 4 non-zero b-splines at v(in) call fpbspl(tv,nv,3,v(in),l2,hv) c store the value of these b-splines in spu and spv resp. do 220 i=1,4 spu(in,i) = hu(i) spv(in,i) = hv(i) 220 continue c initialize the new row of observation matrix. do 240 i=1,iband h(i) = 0. 240 continue c calculate the non-zero elements of the new row by making the cross c products of the non-zero b-splines in u- and v-direction and c by taking into account the conditions of the splines. do 250 i=1,nvv row(i) = 0. 250 continue c take into account the periodicity condition of the bicubic splines. ll = lv do 260 i=1,4 if( ll=1 row(ll) = row(ll)+hv(i) ll = ll+1 260 continue c take into account the other conditions of the splines. if(iopt2.eq.0 .or. go to 280 do 270 l=1,ipar cs(l) = 0. do 270 i=1,nvv cs(l) = cs(l)+row(i)*cosi(l,i) 270 continue c fill in the non-zero elements of the new row. 280 j1 = 0 do 330 j =1,4 jlu = j+lu huj = hu(j) if( go to 320 go to (290,290,300,310),jlu 290 h(1) = huj j1 = 1 go to 330 300 h(1) = h(1)+huj h(2) = huj*cs(1) h(3) = huj*cs(2) j1 = 3 go to 330 310 h(1) = h(1)+huj h(2) = h(2)+huj*ratio*cs(1) h(3) = h(3)+huj*ratio*cs(2) h(4) = huj*cs(3) h(5) = huj*cs(4) h(6) = huj*cs(5) j1 = 6 go to 330 320 if( .and. go to 330 do 325 i=1,nvv j1 = j1+1 h(j1) = row(i)*huj 325 continue 330 continue do 335 i=1,iband h(i) = h(i)*wi 335 continue c rotate the row into triangle by givens transformations. irot = jrot do 350 i=1,iband irot = irot+1 piv = h(i) if(piv.eq.0.) go to 350 c calculate the parameters of the givens transformation. call fpgivs(piv,a(irot,1),co,si) c apply that transformation to the right hand side. call fprota(co,si,zi,f(irot)) if(i.eq.iband) go to 360 c apply that transformation to the left hand side. i2 = 1 i3 = i+1 do 340 j=i3,iband i2 = i2+1 call fprota(co,si,h(j),a(irot,i2)) 340 continue 350 continue c add the contribution of the row to the sum of squares of residual c right hand sides. 360 fp = fp+zi**2 c find the number of the next data point in the panel. in = nummer(in) go to 210 380 continue c find dmax, the maximum value for the diagonal elements in the reduced c triangle. dmax = 0. do 390 i=1,ncof if(a(i,1).le.dmax) go to 390 dmax = a(i,1) 390 continue c check whether the observation matrix is rank deficient. sigma = eps*dmax do 400 i=1,ncof if(a(i,1).le.sigma) go to 410 400 continue c backward substitution in case of full rank. call fpback(a,f,ncof,iband,c,ncc) rank = ncof do 405 i=1,ncof q(i,1) = a(i,1)/dmax 405 continue go to 430 c in case of rank deficiency, find the minimum norm solution. 410 lwest = ncof*iband+ncof+iband if( go to 925 lf = 1 lh = lf+ncof la = lh+iband do 420 i=1,ncof ff(i) = f(i) do 420 j=1,iband q(i,j) = a(i,j) 420 continue call fprank(q,ff,ncof,iband,ncc,sigma,c,sq,rank,wrk(la), * wrk(lf),wrk(lh)) do 425 i=1,ncof q(i,1) = q(i,1)/dmax 425 continue c add to the sum of squared residuals, the contribution of reducing c the rank. fp = fp+sq c find the coefficients in the standard b-spline representation of c the spline. 430 call fprppo(nu,nv,iopt2,iopt3,cosi,ratio,c,ff,ncoff) c test whether the least-squares spline is an acceptable solution. if( then if (fp.le.0) go to 970 go to 980 endif fpms = fp-s if(abs(fpms).le.acc) then if (fp.le.0) go to 970 go to 980 endif c if f(p=inf) < s, accept the choice of knots. if( go to 580 c test whether we cannot further increase the number of knots if( go to 935 c search where to add a new knot. c find for each interval the sum of squared residuals fpint for the c data points having the coordinate belonging to that knot interval. c calculate also coord which is the same sum, weighted by the position c of the data points considered. do 450 i=1,nrint fpint(i) = 0. coord(i) = 0. 450 continue do 490 num=1,nreg num1 = num-1 lu = num1/nvv l1 = lu+1 lv = num1-lu*nvv l2 = lv+1+nuu jrot = lu*nv4+lv in = index(num) 460 if(in.eq.0) go to 490 store = 0. i1 = jrot do 480 i=1,4 hui = spu(in,i) j1 = i1 do 470 j=1,4 j1 = j1+1 store = store+hui*spv(in,j)*c(j1) 470 continue i1 = i1+nv4 480 continue store = (w(in)*(z(in)-store))**2 fpint(l1) = fpint(l1)+store coord(l1) = coord(l1)+store*u(in) fpint(l2) = fpint(l2)+store coord(l2) = coord(l2)+store*v(in) in = nummer(in) go to 460 490 continue c bring together the information concerning knot panels which are c symmetric with respect to the origin. do 495 i=1,nrr l1 = nuu+i l2 = l1+nrr fpint(l1) = fpint(l1)+fpint(l2) coord(l1) = coord(l1)+coord(l2)-pi*fpint(l2) 495 continue c find the interval for which fpint is maximal on the condition that c there still can be added a knot. l1 = 1 l2 = nuu+nrr if( l1=nuu+1 if( l2=nuu c test whether we cannot further increase the number of knots. if( go to 950 500 fpmax = 0. l = 0 do 510 i=l1,l2 if( go to 510 l = i fpmax = fpint(i) 510 continue if(l.eq.0) go to 930 c calculate the position of the new knot. arg = coord(l)/fpint(l) c test in what direction the new knot is going to be added. if( go to 530 c addition in the u-direction l4 = l+4 fpint(l) = 0. fac1 = tu(l4)-arg fac2 = arg-tu(l4-1) if(*fac2) .or.*fac1)) go to 500 j = nu do 520 i=l4,nu tu(j+1) = tu(j) j = j-1 520 continue tu(l4) = arg nu = nu+1 go to 570 c addition in the v-direction 530 l4 = l+4-nuu fpint(l) = 0. fac1 = tv(l4)-arg fac2 = arg-tv(l4-1) if(*fac2) .or.*fac1)) go to 500 ll = nrr+4 j = ll do 550 i=l4,ll tv(j+1) = tv(j) j = j-1 550 continue tv(l4) = arg nv = nv+2 nrr = nrr+1 do 560 i=5,ll j = i+nrr tv(j) = tv(i)+pi 560 continue c restart the computations with the new set of knots. 570 continue cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c part 2: determination of the smoothing bicubic spline. c c ****************************************************** c c we have determined the number of knots and their position. we now c c compute the coefficients of the smoothing spline sp(u,v). c c the observation matrix a is extended by the rows of a matrix, expres-c c sing that sp(u,v) must be a constant function in the variable c c v and a cubic polynomial in the variable u. the corresponding c c weights of these additional rows are set to 1/(p). iteratively c c we than have to determine the value of p such that f(p) = sum((w(i)* c c (z(i)-sp(u(i),v(i))))**2) be = s. c c we already know that the least-squares polynomial corresponds to p=0,c c and that the least-squares bicubic spline corresponds to p=infin. c c the iteration process makes use of rational interpolation. since f(p)c c is a convex and strictly decreasing function of p, it can be approx- c c imated by a rational function of the form r(p) = (u*p+v)/(p+w). c c three values of p (p1,p2,p3) with corresponding values of f(p) (f1= c c f(p1)-s,f2=f(p2)-s,f3=f(p3)-s) are used to calculate the new value c c of p such that r(p)=s. convergence is guaranteed by taking f1>0,f3<0.c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c evaluate the discontinuity jumps of the 3-th order derivative of c the b-splines at the knots tu(l),l=5,...,nu-4. 580 call fpdisc(tu,nu,5,bu,nuest) c evaluate the discontinuity jumps of the 3-th order derivative of c the b-splines at the knots tv(l),l=5,...,nv-4. call fpdisc(tv,nv,5,bv,nvest) c initial value for p. p1 = 0. f1 = sup-s p3 = -one f3 = fpms p = 0. do 590 i=1,ncof p = p+a(i,1) 590 continue rn = ncof p = rn/p c find the bandwidth of the extended observation matrix. iband4 = iband+ipar1 if( iband4 = ncof iband3 = iband4 -1 ich1 = 0 ich3 = 0 nuu = nu4-iopt3-1 c iteration process to find the root of f(p)=s. do 920 iter=1,maxit pinv = one/p c store the triangularized observation matrix into q. do 630 i=1,ncof ff(i) = f(i) do 620 j=1,iband4 q(i,j) = 0. 620 continue do 630 j=1,iband q(i,j) = a(i,j) 630 continue c extend the observation matrix with the rows of a matrix, expressing c that for u=constant sp(u,v) must be a constant function. do 720 i=5,nv4 ii = i-4 do 635 l=1,nvv row(l) = 0. 635 continue ll = ii do 640 l=1,5 if( ll=1 row(ll) = row(ll)+bv(ii,l) ll = ll+1 640 continue do 720 j=1,nuu c initialize the new row. do 645 l=1,iband h(l) = 0. 645 continue c fill in the non-zero elements of the row. jrot records the column c number of the first non-zero element in the row. if( go to 665 if(j.eq.2) go to 655 do 650 k=1,2 cs(k) = 0. do 650 l=1,nvv cs(k) = cs(k)+cosi(k,l)*row(l) 650 continue h(1) = cs(1) h(2) = cs(2) jrot = 2 go to 675 655 do 660 k=3,5 cs(k) = 0. do 660 l=1,nvv cs(k) = cs(k)+cosi(k,l)*row(l) 660 continue h(1) = cs(1)*ratio h(2) = cs(2)*ratio h(3) = cs(3) h(4) = cs(4) h(5) = cs(5) jrot = 2 go to 675 665 do 670 l=1,nvv h(l) = row(l) 670 continue jrot = ipar1+1+(j-iopt2-1)*nvv 675 do 677 l=1,iband h(l) = h(l)*pinv 677 continue zi = 0. c rotate the new row into triangle by givens transformations. do 710 irot=jrot,ncof piv = h(1) i2 = min0(iband1,ncof-irot) if(piv.eq.0.) then if (i2.le.0) go to 720 go to 690 endif c calculate the parameters of the givens transformation. call fpgivs(piv,q(irot,1),co,si) c apply that givens transformation to the right hand side. call fprota(co,si,zi,ff(irot)) if(i2.eq.0) go to 720 c apply that givens transformation to the left hand side. do 680 l=1,i2 l1 = l+1 call fprota(co,si,h(l1),q(irot,l1)) 680 continue 690 do 700 l=1,i2 h(l) = h(l+1) 700 continue h(i2+1) = 0. 710 continue 720 continue c extend the observation matrix with the rows of a matrix expressing c that for v=constant. sp(u,v) must be a cubic polynomial. do 810 i=5,nu4 ii = i-4 do 810 j=1,nvv c initialize the new row do 730 l=1,iband4 h(l) = 0. 730 continue c fill in the non-zero elements of the row. jrot records the column c number of the first non-zero element in the row. j1 = 1 do 760 l=1,5 il = ii+l-1 if(il.eq.nu4 .and. go to 760 if( go to 750 go to (735,740,745),il 735 h(1) = bu(ii,l) j1 = j+1 go to 760 740 h(1) = h(1)+bu(ii,l) h(2) = bu(ii,l)*cosi(1,j) h(3) = bu(ii,l)*cosi(2,j) j1 = j+3 go to 760 745 h(1) = h(1)+bu(ii,l) h(2) = bu(ii,l)*cosi(1,j)*ratio h(3) = bu(ii,l)*cosi(2,j)*ratio h(4) = bu(ii,l)*cosi(3,j) h(5) = bu(ii,l)*cosi(4,j) h(6) = bu(ii,l)*cosi(5,j) j1 = j+6 go to 760 750 h(j1) = bu(ii,l) j1 = j1+nvv 760 continue do 765 l=1,iband4 h(l) = h(l)*pinv 765 continue zi = 0. jrot = 1 if( jrot = ipar1+(ii-iopt2-2)*nvv+j c rotate the new row into triangle by givens transformations. do 800 irot=jrot,ncof piv = h(1) i2 = min0(iband3,ncof-irot) if(piv.eq.0.) then if (i2.le.0) go to 810 go to 780 endif c calculate the parameters of the givens transformation. call fpgivs(piv,q(irot,1),co,si) c apply that givens transformation to the right hand side. call fprota(co,si,zi,ff(irot)) if(i2.eq.0) go to 810 c apply that givens transformation to the left hand side. do 770 l=1,i2 l1 = l+1 call fprota(co,si,h(l1),q(irot,l1)) 770 continue 780 do 790 l=1,i2 h(l) = h(l+1) 790 continue h(i2+1) = 0. 800 continue 810 continue c find dmax, the maximum value for the diagonal elements in the c reduced triangle. dmax = 0. do 820 i=1,ncof if(q(i,1).le.dmax) go to 820 dmax = q(i,1) 820 continue c check whether the matrix is rank deficient. sigma = eps*dmax do 830 i=1,ncof if(q(i,1).le.sigma) go to 840 830 continue c backward substitution in case of full rank. call fpback(q,ff,ncof,iband4,c,ncc) rank = ncof go to 845 c in case of rank deficiency, find the minimum norm solution. 840 lwest = ncof*iband4+ncof+iband4 if( go to 925 lf = 1 lh = lf+ncof la = lh+iband4 call fprank(q,ff,ncof,iband4,ncc,sigma,c,sq,rank,wrk(la), * wrk(lf),wrk(lh)) 845 do 850 i=1,ncof q(i,1) = q(i,1)/dmax 850 continue c find the coefficients in the standard b-spline representation of c the polar spline. call fprppo(nu,nv,iopt2,iopt3,cosi,ratio,c,ff,ncoff) c compute f(p). fp = 0. do 890 num = 1,nreg num1 = num-1 lu = num1/nvv lv = num1-lu*nvv jrot = lu*nv4+lv in = index(num) 860 if(in.eq.0) go to 890 store = 0. i1 = jrot do 880 i=1,4 hui = spu(in,i) j1 = i1 do 870 j=1,4 j1 = j1+1 store = store+hui*spv(in,j)*c(j1) 870 continue i1 = i1+nv4 880 continue fp = fp+(w(in)*(z(in)-store))**2 in = nummer(in) go to 860 890 continue c test whether the approximation sp(u,v) is an acceptable solution fpms = fp-s if(abs(fpms).le.acc) go to 980 c test whether the maximum allowable number of iterations has been c reached. if(iter.eq.maxit) go to 940 c carry out one more step of the iteration process. p2 = p f2 = fpms if( go to 900 if((f2-f3).gt.acc) go to 895 c our initial choice of p is too large. p3 = p2 f3 = f2 p = p*con4 if(p.le.p1) p = p1*con9 + p2*con1 go to 920 895 if( ich3 = 1 900 if( go to 910 if((f1-f2).gt.acc) go to 905 c our initial choice of p is too small p1 = p2 f1 = f2 p = p/con4 if( go to 920 if( p = p2*con1 +p3*con9 go to 920 905 if( ich1 = 1 c test whether the iteration process proceeds as theoretically c expected. 910 if( .or. f2.le.f3) go to 945 c find the new value of p. p = fprati(p1,f1,p2,f2,p3,f3) 920 continue c error codes and messages. 925 ier = lwest go to 990 930 ier = 5 go to 990 935 ier = 4 go to 990 940 ier = 3 go to 990 945 ier = 2 go to 990 950 ier = 1 go to 990 960 ier = -2 go to 990 970 ier = -1 fp = 0. 980 if( ier = -rank 990 return end