recursive subroutine fpintb(t,n,bint,nk1,x,y) implicit none c subroutine fpintb calculates integrals of the normalized b-splines c nj,k+1(x) of degree k, defined on the set of knots t(j),j=1,2,...n. c it makes use of the formulae of gaffney for the calculation of c indefinite integrals of b-splines. c c calling sequence: c call fpintb(t,n,bint,nk1,x,y) c c input parameters: c t : real array,length n, containing the position of the knots. c n : integer value, giving the number of knots. c nk1 : integer value, giving the number of b-splines of degree k, c defined on the set of knots ,i.e. nk1 = n-k-1. c x,y : real values, containing the end points of the integration c interval. c output parameter: c bint : array,length nk1, containing the integrals of the b-splines. c .. c ..scalars arguments.. integer n,nk1 real*8 x,y c ..array arguments.. real*8 t(n),bint(nk1) c ..local scalars.. integer i,ia,ib,it,j,j1,k,k1,l,li,lj,lk,l0,min real*8 a,ak,arg,b,f,one c ..local arrays.. real*8 aint(6),h(6),h1(6) c initialization. one = 0.1d+01 k1 = n-nk1 ak = k1 k = k1-1 do 10 i=1,nk1 bint(i) = 0.0d0 10 continue c the integration limits are arranged in increasing order. a = x b = y min = 0 if ( go to 30 if (a.eq.b) go to 160 go to 20 20 a = y b = x min = 1 30 if( a = t(k1) if( b = t(nk1+1) if( go to 160 c using the expression of gaffney for the indefinite integral of a c b-spline we find that c bint(j) = (t(j+k+1)-t(j))*(res(j,b)-res(j,a))/(k+1) c where for t(l) <= x < t(l+1) c res(j,x) = 0, j=1,2,...,l-k-1 c = 1, j=l+1,l+2,...,nk1 c = aint(j+k-l+1), j=l-k,l-k+1,...,l c = sumi((x-t(j+i))*nj+i,k+1-i(x)/(t(j+k+1)-t(j+i))) c i=0,1,...,k l = k1 l0 = l+1 c set arg = a. arg = a do 90 it=1,2 c search for the knot interval t(l) <= arg < t(l+1). 40 if( .or. l.eq.nk1) go to 50 l = l0 l0 = l+1 go to 40 c calculation of aint(j), j=1,2,...,k+1. c initialization. 50 do 55 j=1,k1 aint(j) = 0.0d0 55 continue aint(1) = (arg-t(l))/(t(l+1)-t(l)) h1(1) = one do 70 j=1,k c evaluation of the non-zero b-splines of degree j at arg,i.e. c h(i+1) = nl-j+i,j(arg), i=0,1,...,j. h(1) = 0.0d0 do 60 i=1,j li = l+i lj = li-j f = h1(i)/(t(li)-t(lj)) h(i) = h(i)+f*(t(li)-arg) h(i+1) = f*(arg-t(lj)) 60 continue c updating of the integrals aint. j1 = j+1 do 70 i=1,j1 li = l+i lj = li-j1 aint(i) = aint(i)+h(i)*(arg-t(lj))/(t(li)-t(lj)) h1(i) = h(i) 70 continue if(it.eq.2) go to 100 c updating of the integrals bint lk = l-k ia = lk do 80 i=1,k1 bint(lk) = -aint(i) lk = lk+1 80 continue c set arg = b. arg = b 90 continue c updating of the integrals bint. 100 lk = l-k ib = lk-1 do 110 i=1,k1 bint(lk) = bint(lk)+aint(i) lk = lk+1 110 continue if( go to 130 do 120 i=ia,ib bint(i) = bint(i)+one 120 continue c the scaling factors are taken into account. 130 f = one/ak do 140 i=1,nk1 j = i+k1 bint(i) = bint(i)*(t(j)-t(i))*f 140 continue c the order of the integration limits is taken into account. if(min.eq.0) go to 160 do 150 i=1,nk1 bint(i) = -bint(i) 150 continue 160 return end