recursive subroutine fpgrre(ifsx,ifsy,ifbx,ifby,x,mx,y,my,z,mz, * kx,ky,tx,nx,ty,ny,p,c,nc,fp,fpx,fpy,mm,mynx,kx1,kx2,ky1,ky2, * spx,spy,right,q,ax,ay,bx,by,nrx,nry) implicit none c .. c ..scalar arguments.. real*8 p,fp integer ifsx,ifsy,ifbx,ifby,mx,my,mz,kx,ky,nx,ny,nc,mm,mynx, * kx1,kx2,ky1,ky2 c ..array arguments.. real*8 x(mx),y(my),z(mz),tx(nx),ty(ny),c(nc),spx(mx,kx1),spy(my,ky *1) * ,right(mm),q(mynx),ax(nx,kx2),bx(nx,kx2),ay(ny,ky2),by(ny,ky2), * fpx(nx),fpy(ny) integer nrx(mx),nry(my) c ..local scalars.. real*8 arg,cos,fac,pinv,piv,sin,term,one,half integer i,ibandx,ibandy,ic,iq,irot,it,iz,i1,i2,i3,j,k,k1,k2,l, * l1,l2,ncof,nk1x,nk1y,nrold,nroldx,nroldy,number,numx,numx1, * numy,numy1,n1 c ..local arrays.. real*8 h(7) c ..subroutine references.. c fpback,fpbspl,fpgivs,fpdisc,fprota c .. c the b-spline coefficients of the smoothing spline are calculated as c the least-squares solution of the over-determined linear system of c equations (ay) c (ax)' = q where c c | (spx) | | (spy) | c (ax) = | ---------- | (ay) = | ---------- | c | (1/p) (bx) | | (1/p) (by) | c c | z ' 0 | c q = | ------ | c | 0 ' 0 | c c with c : the (ny-ky-1) x (nx-kx-1) matrix which contains the c b-spline coefficients. c z : the my x mx matrix which contains the function values. c spx,spy: the mx x (nx-kx-1) and my x (ny-ky-1) observation c matrices according to the least-squares problems in c the x- and y-direction. c bx,by : the (nx-2*kx-1) x (nx-kx-1) and (ny-2*ky-1) x (ny-ky-1) c matrices which contain the discontinuity jumps of the c derivatives of the b-splines in the x- and y-direction. one = 1 half = 0.5 nk1x = nx-kx1 nk1y = ny-ky1 if( pinv = one/p c it depends on the value of the flags ifsx,ifsy,ifbx and ifby and on c the value of p whether the matrices (spx),(spy),(bx) and (by) still c must be determined. if( go to 50 c calculate the non-zero elements of the matrix (spx) which is the c observation matrix according to the least-squares spline approximat- c ion problem in the x-direction. l = kx1 l1 = kx2 number = 0 do 40 it=1,mx arg = x(it) 10 if( .or. l.eq.nk1x) go to 20 l = l1 l1 = l+1 number = number+1 go to 10 20 call fpbspl(tx,nx,kx,arg,l,h) do 30 i=1,kx1 spx(it,i) = h(i) 30 continue nrx(it) = number 40 continue ifsx = 1 50 if( go to 100 c calculate the non-zero elements of the matrix (spy) which is the c observation matrix according to the least-squares spline approximat- c ion problem in the y-direction. l = ky1 l1 = ky2 number = 0 do 90 it=1,my arg = y(it) 60 if( .or. l.eq.nk1y) go to 70 l = l1 l1 = l+1 number = number+1 go to 60 70 call fpbspl(ty,ny,ky,arg,l,h) do 80 i=1,ky1 spy(it,i) = h(i) 80 continue nry(it) = number 90 continue ifsy = 1 100 if(p.le.0.) go to 120 c calculate the non-zero elements of the matrix (bx). if( .or. nx.eq.2*kx1) go to 110 call fpdisc(tx,nx,kx2,bx,nx) ifbx = 1 c calculate the non-zero elements of the matrix (by). 110 if( .or. ny.eq.2*ky1) go to 120 call fpdisc(ty,ny,ky2,by,ny) ifby = 1 c reduce the matrix (ax) to upper triangular form (rx) using givens c rotations. apply the same transformations to the rows of matrix q c to obtain the my x (nx-kx-1) matrix g. c store matrix (rx) into (ax) and g into q. 120 l = my*nk1x c initialization. do 130 i=1,l q(i) = 0. 130 continue do 140 i=1,nk1x do 140 j=1,kx2 ax(i,j) = 0. 140 continue l = 0 nrold = 0 c ibandx denotes the bandwidth of the matrices (ax) and (rx). ibandx = kx1 do 270 it=1,mx number = nrx(it) 150 if(nrold.eq.number) go to 180 if(p.le.0.) go to 260 ibandx = kx2 c fetch a new row of matrix (bx). n1 = nrold+1 do 160 j=1,kx2 h(j) = bx(n1,j)*pinv 160 continue c find the appropriate column of q. do 170 j=1,my right(j) = 0. 170 continue irot = nrold go to 210 c fetch a new row of matrix (spx). 180 h(ibandx) = 0. do 190 j=1,kx1 h(j) = spx(it,j) 190 continue c find the appropriate column of q. do 200 j=1,my l = l+1 right(j) = z(l) 200 continue irot = number c rotate the new row of matrix (ax) into triangle. 210 do 240 i=1,ibandx irot = irot+1 piv = h(i) if(piv.eq.0.) go to 240 c calculate the parameters of the givens transformation. call fpgivs(piv,ax(irot,1),cos,sin) c apply that transformation to the rows of matrix q. iq = (irot-1)*my do 220 j=1,my iq = iq+1 call fprota(cos,sin,right(j),q(iq)) 220 continue c apply that transformation to the columns of (ax). if(i.eq.ibandx) go to 250 i2 = 1 i3 = i+1 do 230 j=i3,ibandx i2 = i2+1 call fprota(cos,sin,h(j),ax(irot,i2)) 230 continue 240 continue 250 if(nrold.eq.number) go to 270 260 nrold = nrold+1 go to 150 270 continue c reduce the matrix (ay) to upper triangular form (ry) using givens c rotations. apply the same transformations to the columns of matrix g c to obtain the (ny-ky-1) x (nx-kx-1) matrix h. c store matrix (ry) into (ay) and h into c. ncof = nk1x*nk1y c initialization. do 280 i=1,ncof c(i) = 0. 280 continue do 290 i=1,nk1y do 290 j=1,ky2 ay(i,j) = 0. 290 continue nrold = 0 c ibandy denotes the bandwidth of the matrices (ay) and (ry). ibandy = ky1 do 420 it=1,my number = nry(it) 300 if(nrold.eq.number) go to 330 if(p.le.0.) go to 410 ibandy = ky2 c fetch a new row of matrix (by). n1 = nrold+1 do 310 j=1,ky2 h(j) = by(n1,j)*pinv 310 continue c find the appropriate row of g. do 320 j=1,nk1x right(j) = 0. 320 continue irot = nrold go to 360 c fetch a new row of matrix (spy) 330 h(ibandy) = 0. do 340 j=1,ky1 h(j) = spy(it,j) 340 continue c find the appropriate row of g. l = it do 350 j=1,nk1x right(j) = q(l) l = l+my 350 continue irot = number c rotate the new row of matrix (ay) into triangle. 360 do 390 i=1,ibandy irot = irot+1 piv = h(i) if(piv.eq.0.) go to 390 c calculate the parameters of the givens transformation. call fpgivs(piv,ay(irot,1),cos,sin) c apply that transformation to the columns of matrix g. ic = irot do 370 j=1,nk1x call fprota(cos,sin,right(j),c(ic)) ic = ic+nk1y 370 continue c apply that transformation to the columns of matrix (ay). if(i.eq.ibandy) go to 400 i2 = 1 i3 = i+1 do 380 j=i3,ibandy i2 = i2+1 call fprota(cos,sin,h(j),ay(irot,i2)) 380 continue 390 continue 400 if(nrold.eq.number) go to 420 410 nrold = nrold+1 go to 300 420 continue c backward substitution to obtain the b-spline coefficients as the c solution of the linear system (ry) c (rx)' = h. c first step: solve the system (ry) (c1) = h. k = 1 do 450 i=1,nk1x call fpback(ay,c(k),nk1y,ibandy,c(k),ny) k = k+nk1y 450 continue c second step: solve the system c (rx)' = (c1). k = 0 do 480 j=1,nk1y k = k+1 l = k do 460 i=1,nk1x right(i) = c(l) l = l+nk1y 460 continue call fpback(ax,right,nk1x,ibandx,right,nx) l = k do 470 i=1,nk1x c(l) = right(i) l = l+nk1y 470 continue 480 continue c calculate the quantities c res(i,j) = (z(i,j) - s(x(i),y(j)))**2 , i=1,2,..,mx;j=1,2,..,my c fp = sumi=1,mx(sumj=1,my(res(i,j))) c fpx(r) = sum''i(sumj=1,my(res(i,j))) , r=1,2,...,nx-2*kx-1 c tx(r+kx) <= x(i) <= tx(r+kx+1) c fpy(r) = sumi=1,mx(sum''j(res(i,j))) , r=1,2,...,ny-2*ky-1 c ty(r+ky) <= y(j) <= ty(r+ky+1) fp = 0. do 490 i=1,nx fpx(i) = 0. 490 continue do 500 i=1,ny fpy(i) = 0. 500 continue nk1y = ny-ky1 iz = 0 nroldx = 0 c main loop for the different grid points. do 550 i1=1,mx numx = nrx(i1) numx1 = numx+1 nroldy = 0 do 540 i2=1,my numy = nry(i2) numy1 = numy+1 iz = iz+1 c evaluate s(x,y) at the current grid point by making the sum of the c cross products of the non-zero b-splines at (x,y), multiplied with c the appropriate b-spline coefficients. term = 0. k1 = numx*nk1y+numy do 520 l1=1,kx1 k2 = k1 fac = spx(i1,l1) do 510 l2=1,ky1 k2 = k2+1 term = term+fac*spy(i2,l2)*c(k2) 510 continue k1 = k1+nk1y 520 continue c calculate the squared residual at the current grid point. term = (z(iz)-term)**2 c adjust the different parameters. fp = fp+term fpx(numx1) = fpx(numx1)+term fpy(numy1) = fpy(numy1)+term fac = term*half if(numy.eq.nroldy) go to 530 fpy(numy1) = fpy(numy1)-fac fpy(numy) = fpy(numy)+fac 530 nroldy = numy if(numx.eq.nroldx) go to 540 fpx(numx1) = fpx(numx1)-fac fpx(numx) = fpx(numx)+fac 540 continue nroldx = numx 550 continue return end