recursive subroutine fpdisc(t,n,k2,b,nest) implicit none c subroutine fpdisc calculates the discontinuity jumps of the kth c derivative of the b-splines of degree k at the knots t(k+2)..t(n-k-1) c ..scalar arguments.. integer n,k2,nest c ..array arguments.. real*8 t(n),b(nest,k2) c ..local scalars.. real*8 an,fac,prod integer i,ik,j,jk,k,k1,l,lj,lk,lmk,lp,nk1,nrint c ..local array.. real*8 h(12) c .. k1 = k2-1 k = k1-1 nk1 = n-k1 nrint = nk1-k an = nrint fac = an/(t(nk1+1)-t(k1)) do 40 l=k2,nk1 lmk = l-k1 do 10 j=1,k1 ik = j+k1 lj = l+j lk = lj-k2 h(j) = t(l)-t(lk) h(ik) = t(l)-t(lj) 10 continue lp = lmk do 30 j=1,k2 jk = j prod = h(j) do 20 i=1,k jk = jk+1 prod = prod*h(jk)*fac 20 continue lk = lp+k1 b(lmk,j) = (t(lk)-t(lp))/prod lp = lp+1 30 continue 40 continue return end