recursive subroutine fpcurf(iopt,x,y,w,m,xb,xe,k,s,nest,tol, * maxit,k1,k2,n,t,c,fp,fpint,z,a,b,g,q,nrdata,ier) implicit none c .. c ..scalar arguments.. real*8 xb,xe,s,tol,fp integer iopt,m,k,nest,maxit,k1,k2,n,ier c ..array arguments.. real*8 x(m),y(m),w(m),t(nest),c(nest),fpint(nest), * z(nest),a(nest,k1),b(nest,k2),g(nest,k2),q(m,k1) integer nrdata(nest) c ..local scalars.. real*8 acc,con1,con4,con9,cos,half,fpart,fpms,fpold,fp0,f1,f2,f3, * one,p,pinv,piv,p1,p2,p3,rn,sin,store,term,wi,xi,yi integer i,ich1,ich3,it,iter,i1,i2,i3,j,k3,l,l0, * mk1,new,nk1,nmax,nmin,nplus,npl1,nrint,n8 c ..local arrays.. real*8 h(7) c ..function references real*8 abs,fprati integer max0,min0 c ..subroutine references.. c fpback,fpbspl,fpgivs,fpdisc,fpknot,fprota c .. c set constants one = 0.1d+01 con1 = 0.1d0 con9 = 0.9d0 con4 = 0.4d-01 half = 0.5d0 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c part 1: determination of the number of knots and their position c c ************************************************************** c c given a set of knots we compute the least-squares spline sinf(x), c c and the corresponding sum of squared residuals fp=f(p=inf). c c if iopt=-1 sinf(x) is the requested approximation. c c if iopt=0 or iopt=1 we check whether we can accept the knots: c c if fp <=s we will continue with the current set of knots. c c if fp > s we will increase the number of knots and compute the c c corresponding least-squares spline until finally fp<=s. c c the initial choice of knots depends on the value of s and iopt. c c if s=0 we have spline interpolation; in that case the number of c c knots equals nmax = m+k+1. c c if s > 0 and c c iopt=0 we first compute the least-squares polynomial of c c degree k; n = nmin = 2*k+2 c c iopt=1 we start with the set of knots found at the last c c call of the routine, except for the case that s > fp0; then c c we compute directly the least-squares polynomial of degree k. c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c determine nmin, the number of knots for polynomial approximation. nmin = 2*k1 if( go to 60 c calculation of acc, the absolute tolerance for the root of f(p)=s. acc = tol*s c determine nmax, the number of knots for spline interpolation. nmax = m+k1 if( go to 45 c if s=0, s(x) is an interpolating spline. c test whether the required storage space exceeds the available one. n = nmax if( go to 420 c find the position of the interior knots in case of interpolation. 10 mk1 = m-k1 if(mk1.eq.0) go to 60 k3 = k/2 i = k2 j = k3+2 if(k3*2.eq.k) go to 30 do 20 l=1,mk1 t(i) = x(j) i = i+1 j = j+1 20 continue go to 60 30 do 40 l=1,mk1 t(i) = (x(j)+x(j-1))*half i = i+1 j = j+1 40 continue go to 60 c if s>0 our initial choice of knots depends on the value of iopt. c if iopt=0 or iopt=1 and s>=fp0, we start computing the least-squares c polynomial of degree k which is a spline without interior knots. c if iopt=1 and fp0>s we start computing the least squares spline c according to the set of knots found at the last call of the routine. 45 if(iopt.eq.0) go to 50 if(n.eq.nmin) go to 50 fp0 = fpint(n) fpold = fpint(n-1) nplus = nrdata(n) if( go to 60 50 n = nmin fpold = 0.0d0 nplus = 0 nrdata(1) = m-2 c main loop for the different sets of knots. m is a save upper bound c for the number of trials. 60 do 200 iter = 1,m if(n.eq.nmin) ier = -2 c find nrint, tne number of knot intervals. nrint = n-nmin+1 c find the position of the additional knots which are needed for c the b-spline representation of s(x). nk1 = n-k1 i = n do 70 j=1,k1 t(j) = xb t(i) = xe i = i-1 70 continue c compute the b-spline coefficients of the least-squares spline c sinf(x). the observation matrix a is built up row by row and c reduced to upper triangular form by givens transformations. c at the same time fp=f(p=inf) is computed. fp = 0.0d0 c initialize the observation matrix a. do 80 i=1,nk1 z(i) = 0.0d0 do 80 j=1,k1 a(i,j) = 0.0d0 80 continue l = k1 do 130 it=1,m c fetch the current data point x(it),y(it). xi = x(it) wi = w(it) yi = y(it)*wi c search for knot interval t(l) <= xi < t(l+1). 85 if( .or. l.eq.nk1) go to 90 l = l+1 go to 85 c evaluate the (k+1) non-zero b-splines at xi and store them in q. 90 call fpbspl(t,n,k,xi,l,h) do 95 i=1,k1 q(it,i) = h(i) h(i) = h(i)*wi 95 continue c rotate the new row of the observation matrix into triangle. j = l-k1 do 110 i=1,k1 j = j+1 piv = h(i) if(piv.eq.0.0d0) go to 110 c calculate the parameters of the givens transformation. call fpgivs(piv,a(j,1),cos,sin) c transformations to right hand side. call fprota(cos,sin,yi,z(j)) if(i.eq.k1) go to 120 i2 = 1 i3 = i+1 do 100 i1 = i3,k1 i2 = i2+1 c transformations to left hand side. call fprota(cos,sin,h(i1),a(j,i2)) 100 continue 110 continue c add contribution of this row to the sum of squares of residual c right hand sides. 120 fp = fp+yi*yi 130 continue if(ier.eq.(-2)) fp0 = fp fpint(n) = fp0 fpint(n-1) = fpold nrdata(n) = nplus c backward substitution to obtain the b-spline coefficients. call fpback(a,z,nk1,k1,c,nest) c test whether the approximation sinf(x) is an acceptable solution. if( go to 440 fpms = fp-s if(abs(fpms).lt.acc) go to 440 c if f(p=inf) < s accept the choice of knots. if( go to 250 c if n = nmax, sinf(x) is an interpolating spline. if(n.eq.nmax) go to 430 c increase the number of knots. c if n=nest we cannot increase the number of knots because of c the storage capacity limitation. if(n.eq.nest) go to 420 c determine the number of knots nplus we are going to add. if(ier.eq.0) go to 140 nplus = 1 ier = 0 go to 150 140 npl1 = nplus*2 rn = nplus if( npl1 = rn*fpms/(fpold-fp) nplus = min0(nplus*2,max0(npl1,nplus/2,1)) 150 fpold = fp c compute the sum((w(i)*(y(i)-s(x(i))))**2) for each knot interval c t(j+k) <= x(i) <= t(j+k+1) and store it in fpint(j),j=1,2,...nrint. fpart = 0.0d0 i = 1 l = k2 new = 0 do 180 it=1,m if(x(it).lt.t(l) .or. go to 160 new = 1 l = l+1 160 term = 0.0d0 l0 = l-k2 do 170 j=1,k1 l0 = l0+1 term = term+c(l0)*q(it,j) 170 continue term = (w(it)*(term-y(it)))**2 fpart = fpart+term if(new.eq.0) go to 180 store = term*half fpint(i) = fpart-store i = i+1 fpart = store new = 0 180 continue fpint(nrint) = fpart do 190 l=1,nplus c add a new knot. call fpknot(x,m,t,n,fpint,nrdata,nrint,nest,1) c if n=nmax we locate the knots as for interpolation. if(n.eq.nmax) go to 10 c test whether we cannot further increase the number of knots. if(n.eq.nest) go to 200 190 continue c restart the computations with the new set of knots. 200 continue c test whether the least-squares kth degree polynomial is a solution c of our approximation problem. 250 if(ier.eq.(-2)) go to 440 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c part 2: determination of the smoothing spline sp(x). c c *************************************************** c c we have determined the number of knots and their position. c c we now compute the b-spline coefficients of the smoothing spline c c sp(x). the observation matrix a is extended by the rows of matrix c c b expressing that the kth derivative discontinuities of sp(x) at c c the interior knots t(k+2),...t(n-k-1) must be zero. the corres- c c ponding weights of these additional rows are set to 1/p. c c iteratively we then have to determine the value of p such that c c f(p)=sum((w(i)*(y(i)-sp(x(i))))**2) be = s. we already know that c c the least-squares kth degree polynomial corresponds to p=0, and c c that the least-squares spline corresponds to p=infinity. the c c iteration process which is proposed here, makes use of rational c c interpolation. since f(p) is a convex and strictly decreasing c c function of p, it can be approximated by a rational function c c r(p) = (u*p+v)/(p+w). three values of p(p1,p2,p3) with correspond- c c ing values of f(p) (f1=f(p1)-s,f2=f(p2)-s,f3=f(p3)-s) are used c c to calculate the new value of p such that r(p)=s. convergence is c c guaranteed by taking f1>0 and f3<0. c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c evaluate the discontinuity jump of the kth derivative of the c b-splines at the knots t(l),l=k+2,...n-k-1 and store in b. call fpdisc(t,n,k2,b,nest) c initial value for p. p1 = 0.0d0 f1 = fp0-s p3 = -one f3 = fpms p = 0. do 255 i=1,nk1 p = p+a(i,1) 255 continue rn = nk1 p = rn/p ich1 = 0 ich3 = 0 n8 = n-nmin c iteration process to find the root of f(p) = s. do 360 iter=1,maxit c the rows of matrix b with weight 1/p are rotated into the c triangularised observation matrix a which is stored in g. pinv = one/p do 260 i=1,nk1 c(i) = z(i) g(i,k2) = 0.0d0 do 260 j=1,k1 g(i,j) = a(i,j) 260 continue do 300 it=1,n8 c the row of matrix b is rotated into triangle by givens transformation do 270 i=1,k2 h(i) = b(it,i)*pinv 270 continue yi = 0.0d0 do 290 j=it,nk1 piv = h(1) c calculate the parameters of the givens transformation. call fpgivs(piv,g(j,1),cos,sin) c transformations to right hand side. call fprota(cos,sin,yi,c(j)) if(j.eq.nk1) go to 300 i2 = k1 if( i2 = nk1-j do 280 i=1,i2 c transformations to left hand side. i1 = i+1 call fprota(cos,sin,h(i1),g(j,i1)) h(i) = h(i1) 280 continue h(i2+1) = 0.0d0 290 continue 300 continue c backward substitution to obtain the b-spline coefficients. call fpback(g,c,nk1,k2,c,nest) c computation of f(p). fp = 0.0d0 l = k2 do 330 it=1,m if(x(it).lt.t(l) .or. go to 310 l = l+1 310 l0 = l-k2 term = 0.0d0 do 320 j=1,k1 l0 = l0+1 term = term+c(l0)*q(it,j) 320 continue fp = fp+(w(it)*(term-y(it)))**2 330 continue c test whether the approximation sp(x) is an acceptable solution. fpms = fp-s if(abs(fpms).lt.acc) go to 440 c test whether the maximal number of iterations is reached. if(iter.eq.maxit) go to 400 c carry out one more step of the iteration process. p2 = p f2 = fpms if( go to 340 if((f2-f3).gt.acc) go to 335 c our initial choice of p is too large. p3 = p2 f3 = f2 p = p*con4 if(p.le.p1) p=p1*con9 + p2*con1 go to 360 335 if( ich3=1 340 if( go to 350 if((f1-f2).gt.acc) go to 345 c our initial choice of p is too small p1 = p2 f1 = f2 p = p/con4 if( go to 360 if( p = p2*con1 + p3*con9 go to 360 345 if( ich1=1 c test whether the iteration process proceeds as theoretically c expected. 350 if( .or. f2.le.f3) go to 410 c find the new value for p. p = fprati(p1,f1,p2,f2,p3,f3) 360 continue c error codes and messages. 400 ier = 3 go to 440 410 ier = 2 go to 440 420 ier = 1 go to 440 430 ier = -1 440 return end