recursive subroutine fpcsin(a,b,par,sia,coa,sib,cob,ress,resc) implicit none c fpcsin calculates the integrals ress=integral((b-x)**3*sin(par*x)) c and resc=integral((b-x)**3*cos(par*x)) over the interval (a,b), c given sia=sin(par*a),coa=cos(par*a),sib=sin(par*b) and cob=cos(par*b) c .. c ..scalar arguments.. real*8 a,b,par,sia,coa,sib,cob,ress,resc c ..local scalars.. integer i,j real*8 ab,ab4,ai,alfa,beta,b2,b4,eps,fac,f1,f2,one,quart,six, * three,two c ..function references.. real*8 abs c .. one = 0.1e+01 two = 0.2e+01 three = 0.3e+01 six = 0.6e+01 quart = 0.25e+0 eps = 0.1e-09 ab = b-a ab4 = ab**4 alfa = ab*par c the way of calculating the integrals ress and resc depends on c the value of alfa = (b-a)*par. if(abs(alfa) go to 100 c integration by parts. beta = one/alfa b2 = beta**2 b4 = six*b2**2 f1 = three*b2*(one-two*b2) f2 = beta*(one-six*b2) ress = ab4*(coa*f2+sia*f1+sib*b4) resc = ab4*(coa*f1-sia*f2+cob*b4) go to 400 c ress and resc are found by evaluating a series expansion. 100 fac = quart f1 = fac f2 = 0. i = 4 do 200 j=1,5 i = i+1 ai = i fac = fac*alfa/ai f2 = f2+fac if(abs(fac).le.eps) go to 300 i = i+1 ai = i fac = -fac*alfa/ai f1 = f1+fac if(abs(fac).le.eps) go to 300 200 continue 300 ress = ab4*(coa*f2+sia*f1) resc = ab4*(coa*f1-sia*f2) 400 return end