recursive subroutine fpbfou(t,n,par,ress,resc) implicit none c subroutine fpbfou calculates the integrals c /t(n-3) c ress(j) = ! nj,4(x)*sin(par*x) dx and c t(4)/ c /t(n-3) c resc(j) = ! nj,4(x)*cos(par*x) dx , j=1,2,...n-4 c t(4)/ c where nj,4(x) denotes the cubic b-spline defined on the knots c t(j),t(j+1),...,t(j+4). c c calling sequence: c call fpbfou(t,n,par,ress,resc) c c input parameters: c t : real array,length n, containing the knots. c n : integer, containing the number of knots. c par : real, containing the value of the parameter par. c c output parameters: c ress : real array,length n, containing the integrals ress(j). c resc : real array,length n, containing the integrals resc(j). c c restrictions: c n >= 10, t(4) < t(5) < ... < t(n-4) < t(n-3). c .. c ..scalar arguments.. integer n real*8 par c ..array arguments.. real*8 t(n),ress(n),resc(n) c ..local scalars.. integer i,ic,ipj,is,j,jj,jp1,jp4,k,li,lj,ll,nmj,nm3,nm7 real*8 ak,beta,con1,con2,c1,c2,delta,eps,fac,f1,f2,f3,one,quart, * sign,six,s1,s2,term c ..local arrays.. real*8 co(5),si(5),hs(5),hc(5),rs(3),rc(3) c ..function references.. real*8 cos,sin,abs c .. c initialization. one = 0.1e+01 six = 0.6e+01 eps = 0.1e-07 quart = 0.25e0 con1 = 0.5e-01 con2 = 0.12e+03 nm3 = n-3 nm7 = n-7 if( term = six/par beta = par*t(4) co(1) = cos(beta) si(1) = sin(beta) c calculate the integrals ress(j) and resc(j), j=1,2,3 by setting up c a divided difference table. do 30 j=1,3 jp1 = j+1 jp4 = j+4 beta = par*t(jp4) co(jp1) = cos(beta) si(jp1) = sin(beta) call fpcsin(t(4),t(jp4),par,si(1),co(1),si(jp1),co(jp1), * rs(j),rc(j)) i = 5-j hs(i) = 0. hc(i) = 0. do 10 jj=1,j ipj = i+jj hs(ipj) = rs(jj) hc(ipj) = rc(jj) 10 continue do 20 jj=1,3 if( i = jj k = 5 li = jp4 do 20 ll=i,4 lj = li-jj fac = t(li)-t(lj) hs(k) = (hs(k)-hs(k-1))/fac hc(k) = (hc(k)-hc(k-1))/fac k = k-1 li = li-1 20 continue ress(j) = hs(5)-hs(4) resc(j) = hc(5)-hc(4) 30 continue if( go to 160 c calculate the integrals ress(j) and resc(j),j=4,5,...,n-7. do 150 j=4,nm7 jp4 = j+4 beta = par*t(jp4) co(5) = cos(beta) si(5) = sin(beta) delta = t(jp4)-t(j) c the way of computing ress(j) and resc(j) depends on the value of c beta = par*(t(j+4)-t(j)). beta = delta*par if(abs(beta) go to 60 c if !beta! > 1 the integrals are calculated by setting up a divided c difference table. do 40 k=1,5 hs(k) = si(k) hc(k) = co(k) 40 continue do 50 jj=1,3 k = 5 li = jp4 do 50 ll=jj,4 lj = li-jj fac = par*(t(li)-t(lj)) hs(k) = (hs(k)-hs(k-1))/fac hc(k) = (hc(k)-hc(k-1))/fac k = k-1 li = li-1 50 continue s2 = (hs(5)-hs(4))*term c2 = (hc(5)-hc(4))*term go to 130 c if !beta! <= 1 the integrals are calculated by evaluating a series c expansion. 60 f3 = 0. do 70 i=1,4 ipj = i+j hs(i) = par*(t(ipj)-t(j)) hc(i) = hs(i) f3 = f3+hs(i) 70 continue f3 = f3*con1 c1 = quart s1 = f3 if(abs(f3).le.eps) go to 120 sign = one fac = con2 k = 5 is = 0 do 110 ic=1,20 k = k+1 ak = k fac = fac*ak f1 = 0. f3 = 0. do 80 i=1,4 f1 = f1+hc(i) f2 = f1*hs(i) hc(i) = f2 f3 = f3+f2 80 continue f3 = f3*six/fac if(is.eq.0) go to 90 is = 0 s1 = s1+f3*sign go to 100 90 sign = -sign is = 1 c1 = c1+f3*sign 100 if(abs(f3).le.eps) go to 120 110 continue 120 s2 = delta*(co(1)*s1+si(1)*c1) c2 = delta*(co(1)*c1-si(1)*s1) 130 ress(j) = s2 resc(j) = c2 do 140 i=1,4 co(i) = co(i+1) si(i) = si(i+1) 140 continue 150 continue c calculate the integrals ress(j) and resc(j),j=n-6,n-5,n-4 by setting c up a divided difference table. 160 do 190 j=1,3 nmj = nm3-j i = 5-j call fpcsin(t(nm3),t(nmj),par,si(4),co(4),si(i-1),co(i-1), * rs(j),rc(j)) hs(i) = 0. hc(i) = 0. do 170 jj=1,j ipj = i+jj hc(ipj) = rc(jj) hs(ipj) = rs(jj) 170 continue do 180 jj=1,3 if( i = jj k = 5 li = nmj do 180 ll=i,4 lj = li+jj fac = t(lj)-t(li) hs(k) = (hs(k-1)-hs(k))/fac hc(k) = (hc(k-1)-hc(k))/fac k = k-1 li = li+1 180 continue ress(nmj) = hs(4)-hs(5) resc(nmj) = hc(4)-hc(5) 190 continue return end