recursive subroutine fpadpo(idim,t,n,c,nc,k,cp,np,cc,t1,t2) implicit none c given a idim-dimensional spline curve of degree k, in its b-spline c representation ( knots t(j),j=1,...,n , b-spline coefficients c(j), c j=1,...,nc) and given also a polynomial curve in its b-spline c representation ( coefficients cp(j), j=1,...,np), subroutine fpadpo c calculates the b-spline representation (coefficients c(j),j=1,...,nc) c of the sum of the two curves. c c other subroutine required : fpinst c c .. c ..scalar arguments.. integer idim,k,n,nc,np c ..array arguments.. real*8 t(n),c(nc),cp(np),cc(nc),t1(n),t2(n) c ..local scalars.. integer i,ii,j,jj,k1,l,l1,n1,n2,nk1,nk2 c .. k1 = k+1 nk1 = n-k1 c initialization j = 1 l = 1 do 20 jj=1,idim l1 = j do 10 ii=1,k1 cc(l1) = cp(l) l1 = l1+1 l = l+1 10 continue j = j+n l = l+k1 20 continue if(nk1.eq.k1) go to 70 n1 = k1*2 j = n l = n1 do 30 i=1,k1 t1(i) = t(i) t1(l) = t(j) l = l-1 j = j-1 30 continue c find the b-spline representation of the given polynomial curve c according to the given set of knots. nk2 = nk1-1 do 60 l=k1,nk2 l1 = l+1 j = 1 do 40 i=1,idim call fpinst(0,t1,n1,cc(j),k,t(l1),l,t2,n2,cc(j),n) j = j+n 40 continue do 50 i=1,n2 t1(i) = t2(i) 50 continue n1 = n2 60 continue c find the b-spline representation of the resulting curve. 70 j = 1 do 90 jj=1,idim l = j do 80 i=1,nk1 c(l) = cc(l)+c(l) l = l+1 80 continue j = j+n 90 continue return end