recursive subroutine cocosp(m,x,y,w,n,t,e,maxtr,maxbin,c,sq, * sx,bind,wrk,lwrk,iwrk,kwrk,ier) implicit none c given the set of data points (x(i),y(i)) and the set of positive c numbers w(i),i=1,2,...,m, subroutine cocosp determines the weighted c least-squares cubic spline s(x) with given knots t(j),j=1,2,...,n c which satisfies the following concavity/convexity conditions c s''(t(j+3))*e(j) <= 0, j=1,2,...n-6 c the fit is given in the b-spline representation( b-spline coef- c ficients c(j),j=1,2,...n-4) and can be evaluated by means of c subroutine splev. c c calling sequence: c call cocosp(m,x,y,w,n,t,e,maxtr,maxbin,c,sq,sx,bind,wrk, c * lwrk,iwrk,kwrk,ier) c c parameters: c m : integer. on entry m must specify the number of data points. c m > 3. unchanged on exit. c x : real array of dimension at least (m). before entry, x(i) c must be set to the i-th value of the independent variable x, c for i=1,2,...,m. these values must be supplied in strictly c ascending order. unchanged on exit. c y : real array of dimension at least (m). before entry, y(i) c must be set to the i-th value of the dependent variable y, c for i=1,2,...,m. unchanged on exit. c w : real array of dimension at least (m). before entry, w(i) c must be set to the i-th value in the set of weights. the c w(i) must be strictly positive. unchanged on exit. c n : integer. on entry n must contain the total number of knots c of the cubic spline. m+4>=n>=8. unchanged on exit. c t : real array of dimension at least (n). before entry, this c array must contain the knots of the spline, i.e. the position c of the interior knots t(5),t(6),...,t(n-4) as well as the c position of the boundary knots t(1),t(2),t(3),t(4) and t(n-3) c t(n-2),t(n-1),t(n) needed for the b-spline representation. c unchanged on exit. see also the restrictions (ier=10). c e : real array of dimension at least (n). before entry, e(j) c must be set to 1 if s(x) must be locally concave at t(j+3), c to (-1) if s(x) must be locally convex at t(j+3) and to 0 c if no convexity constraint is imposed at t(j+3),j=1,2,..,n-6. c e(n-5),...,e(n) are not used. unchanged on exit. c maxtr : integer. on entry maxtr must contain an over-estimate of the c total number of records in the used tree structure, to indic- c ate the storage space available to the routine. maxtr >=1 c in most practical situation maxtr=100 will be sufficient. c always large enough is c n-5 n-6 c maxtr = ( ) + ( ) with l the greatest c l l+1 c integer <= (n-6)/2 . unchanged on exit. c maxbin: integer. on entry maxbin must contain an over-estimate of the c number of knots where s(x) will have a zero second derivative c maxbin >=1. in most practical situation maxbin = 10 will be c sufficient. always large enough is maxbin=n-6. c unchanged on exit. c c : real array of dimension at least (n). c on successful exit, this array will contain the coefficients c c(1),c(2),..,c(n-4) in the b-spline representation of s(x) c sq : real. on successful exit, sq contains the weighted sum of c squared residuals of the spline approximation returned. c sx : real array of dimension at least m. on successful exit c this array will contain the spline values s(x(i)),i=1,...,m c bind : logical array of dimension at least (n). on successful exit c this array will indicate the knots where s''(x)=0, i.e. c s''(t(j+3)) .eq. 0 if bind(j) = .true. c s''(t(j+3)) .ne. 0 if bind(j) = .false., j=1,2,...,n-6 c wrk : real array of dimension at least m*4+n*7+maxbin*(maxbin+n+1) c used as working space. c lwrk : integer. on entry,lwrk must specify the actual dimension of c the array wrk as declared in the calling (sub)program.lwrk c must not be too small (see wrk). unchanged on exit. c iwrk : integer array of dimension at least (maxtr*4+2*(maxbin+1)) c used as working space. c kwrk : integer. on entry,kwrk must specify the actual dimension of c the array iwrk as declared in the calling (sub)program. kwrk c must not be too small (see iwrk). unchanged on exit. c ier : integer. error flag c ier=0 : successful exit. c ier>0 : abnormal termination: no approximation is returned c ier=1 : the number of knots where s''(x)=0 exceeds maxbin. c probably causes : maxbin too small. c ier=2 : the number of records in the tree structure exceeds c maxtr. c probably causes : maxtr too small. c ier=3 : the algorithm finds no solution to the posed quadratic c programming problem. c probably causes : rounding errors. c ier=10 : on entry, the input data are controlled on validity. c the following restrictions must be satisfied c m>3, maxtr>=1, maxbin>=1, 8<=n<=m+4,w(i) > 0, c x(1)=maxtr*4+2*(maxbin+1), c lwrk>=m*4+n*7+maxbin*(maxbin+n+1), c the schoenberg-whitney conditions, i.e. there must c be a subset of data points xx(j) such that c t(j) < xx(j) < t(j+4), j=1,2,...,n-4 c if one of these restrictions is found to be violated c control is immediately repassed to the calling program c c c other subroutines required: c fpcosp,fpbspl,fpadno,fpdeno,fpseno,fpfrno,fpchec c c references: c dierckx p. : an algorithm for cubic spline fitting with convexity c constraints, computing 24 (1980) 349-371. c dierckx p. : an algorithm for least-squares cubic spline fitting c with convexity and concavity constraints, report tw39, c dept. computer science, k.u.leuven, 1978. c dierckx p. : curve and surface fitting with splines, monographs on c numerical analysis, oxford university press, 1993. c c author: c p. dierckx c dept. computer science, k.u.leuven c celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium. c e-mail : c c creation date : march 1978 c latest update : march 1987. c c .. c ..scalar arguments.. real*8 sq integer m,n,maxtr,maxbin,lwrk,kwrk,ier c ..array arguments.. real*8 x(m),y(m),w(m),t(n),e(n),c(n),sx(m),wrk(lwrk) integer iwrk(kwrk) logical bind(n) c ..local scalars.. integer i,ia,ib,ic,iq,iu,iz,izz,ji,jib,jjb,jl,jr,ju,kwest, * lwest,mb,nm,n6 real*8 one c .. c set constant one = 0.1e+01 c before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data c are invalid, control is immediately repassed to the calling program. ier = 10 if( .or. go to 40 if( .or. go to 40 lwest = 7*n+m*4+maxbin*(1+n+maxbin) kwest = 4*maxtr+2*(maxbin+1) if( .or. go to 40 if(w(1).le.0.) go to 40 do 10 i=2,m if(x(i-1).ge.x(i) .or. w(i).le.0.) go to 40 10 continue call fpchec(x,m,t,n,3,ier) if (ier.eq.0) go to 20 go to 40 c set numbers e(i) 20 n6 = n-6 do 30 i=1,n6 if(e(i).gt.0.) e(i) = one if(e(i).lt.0.) e(i) = -one 30 continue c we partition the working space and determine the spline approximation nm = n+maxbin mb = maxbin+1 ia = 1 ib = ia+4*n ic = ib+nm*maxbin iz = ic+n izz = iz+n iu = izz+n iq = iu+maxbin ji = 1 ju = ji+maxtr jl = ju+maxtr jr = jl+maxtr jjb = jr+maxtr jib = jjb+mb call fpcosp(m,x,y,w,n,t,e,maxtr,maxbin,c,sq,sx,bind,nm,mb,wrk(ia), * * wrk(ib),wrk(ic),wrk(iz),wrk(izz),wrk(iu),wrk(iq),iwrk(ji), * iwrk(ju),iwrk(jl),iwrk(jr),iwrk(jjb),iwrk(jib),ier) 40 return end