recursive subroutine dqmomo(alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,integr) c***begin prologue dqmomo c***date written 820101 (yymmdd) c***revision date 830518 (yymmdd) c***category no. h2a2a1,c3a2 c***keywords modified chebyshev moments c***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven c de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven c***purpose this routine computes modified chebsyshev moments. the k-th c modified chebyshev moment is defined as the integral over c (-1,1) of w(x)*t(k,x), where t(k,x) is the chebyshev c polynomial of degree k. c***description c c modified chebyshev moments c standard fortran subroutine c double precision version c c parameters c alfa - double precision c parameter in the weight function w(x), c c beta - double precision c parameter in the weight function w(x), c c ri - double precision c vector of dimension 25 c ri(k) is the integral over (-1,1) of c (1+x)**alfa*t(k-1,x), k = 1, ..., 25. c c rj - double precision c vector of dimension 25 c rj(k) is the integral over (-1,1) of c (1-x)**beta*t(k-1,x), k = 1, ..., 25. c c rg - double precision c vector of dimension 25 c rg(k) is the integral over (-1,1) of c (1+x)**alfa*log((1+x)/2)*t(k-1,x), k = 1, ..., 25. c c rh - double precision c vector of dimension 25 c rh(k) is the integral over (-1,1) of c (1-x)**beta*log((1-x)/2)*t(k-1,x), k = 1, ..., 25. c c integr - integer c input parameter indicating the modified c moments to be computed c integr = 1 compute ri, rj c = 2 compute ri, rj, rg c = 3 compute ri, rj, rh c = 4 compute ri, rj, rg, rh c c***references (none) c***routines called (none) c***end prologue dqmomo c double precision alfa,alfp1,alfp2,an,anm1,beta,betp1,betp2,ralf, * rbet,rg,rh,ri,rj integer i,im1,integr c dimension rg(25),rh(25),ri(25),rj(25) c c c***first executable statement dqmomo alfp1 = alfa+0.1d+01 betp1 = beta+0.1d+01 alfp2 = alfa+0.2d+01 betp2 = beta+0.2d+01 ralf = 0.2d+01**alfp1 rbet = 0.2d+01**betp1 c c compute ri, rj using a forward recurrence relation. c ri(1) = ralf/alfp1 rj(1) = rbet/betp1 ri(2) = ri(1)*alfa/alfp2 rj(2) = rj(1)*beta/betp2 an = 0.2d+01 anm1 = 0.1d+01 do 20 i=3,25 ri(i) = -(ralf+an*(an-alfp2)*ri(i-1))/(anm1*(an+alfp1)) rj(i) = -(rbet+an*(an-betp2)*rj(i-1))/(anm1*(an+betp1)) anm1 = an an = an+0.1d+01 20 continue if(integr.eq.1) go to 70 if(integr.eq.3) go to 40 c c compute rg using a forward recurrence relation. c rg(1) = -ri(1)/alfp1 rg(2) = -(ralf+ralf)/(alfp2*alfp2)-rg(1) an = 0.2d+01 anm1 = 0.1d+01 im1 = 2 do 30 i=3,25 rg(i) = -(an*(an-alfp2)*rg(im1)-an*ri(im1)+anm1*ri(i))/ * (anm1*(an+alfp1)) anm1 = an an = an+0.1d+01 im1 = i 30 continue if(integr.eq.2) go to 70 c c compute rh using a forward recurrence relation. c 40 rh(1) = -rj(1)/betp1 rh(2) = -(rbet+rbet)/(betp2*betp2)-rh(1) an = 0.2d+01 anm1 = 0.1d+01 im1 = 2 do 50 i=3,25 rh(i) = -(an*(an-betp2)*rh(im1)-an*rj(im1)+ * anm1*rj(i))/(anm1*(an+betp1)) anm1 = an an = an+0.1d+01 im1 = i 50 continue do 60 i=2,25,2 rh(i) = -rh(i) 60 continue 70 do 80 i=2,25,2 rj(i) = -rj(i) 80 continue 90 return end