See also: R. Piessens, E. deDoncker-Kapenga, C. Uberhuber, D. Kahaner Quadpack: a Subroutine Package for Automatic Integration Springer Verlag, 1983. Series in Computational Mathematics v.1 515.43/Q1S 100394Z SUBROUTINE QPDOC C***BEGIN PROLOGUE QPDOC C***DATE WRITTEN 810401 (YYMMDD) C***REVISION DATE 840417 (YYMMDD) C***CATEGORY NO. H2 C***KEYWORDS SURVEY OF INTEGRATORS, GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION,QUADPACK C***AUTHOR PIESSENS, ROBERT(APPL. MATH. AND PROGR. DIV.- K.U.LEUVEN) C DE DONKER, ELISE(APPL. MATH. AND PROGR. DIV.- K.U.LEUVEN C KAHANER,DAVID(NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS) C***PURPOSE QUADPACK documentation routine. C***DESCRIPTION C 1. Introduction C ------------ C QUADPACK is a FORTRAN subroutine package for the numerical C computation of definite one-dimensional integrals. It originated C from a joint project of R. Piessens and E. de Doncker (Appl. C Math. and Progr. Div.- K.U.Leuven, Belgium), C. Ueberhuber (Inst. C Fuer Math.- Techn.U.Wien, Austria), and D. Kahaner (Nation. Bur. C of Standards- Washington D.C., U.S.A.). C Documentation routine QPDOC describes the package in the form it C was released from A.M.P.D.- Leuven, for adherence to the SLATEC C library in May 1981. Apart from a survey of the integrators, some C guidelines will be given in order to help the QUADPACK user with C selecting an appropriate routine or a combination of several C routines for handling his problem. C C In the LONG DESCRIPTION of QPDOC it is demonstrated how to call C the integrators, by means of small example calling programs. C C For precise guidelines involving the use of each routine in C particular, we refer to the extensive introductory comments C within each routine. C C 2. Survey C ------ C The following list gives an overview of the QUADPACK integrators. C The routine names for the DOUBLE PRECISION versions are preceded C by the letter D. C C - QNG : Is a simple non-adaptive automatic integrator, based on C a sequence of rules with increasing degree of algebraic C precision (Patterson, 1968). C C - QAG : Is a simple globally adaptive integrator using the C strategy of Aind (Piessens, 1973). It is possible to C choose between 6 pairs of Gauss-Kronrod quadrature C formulae for the rule evaluation component. The pairs C of high degree of precision are suitable for handling C integration difficulties due to a strongly oscillating C integrand. C C - QAGS : Is an integrator based on globally adaptive interval C subdivision in connection with extrapolation (de Doncker, C 1978) by the Epsilon algorithm (Wynn, 1956). C C - QAGP : Serves the same purposes as QAGS, but also allows C for eventual user-supplied information, i.e. the C abscissae of internal singularities, discontinuities C and other difficulties of the integrand function. C The algorithm is a modification of that in QAGS. C C - QAGI : Handles integration over infinite intervals. The C infinite range is mapped onto a finite interval and C then the same strategy as in QAGS is applied. C C - QAWO : Is a routine for the integration of COS(OMEGA*X)*F(X) C or SIN(OMEGA*X)*F(X) over a finite interval (A,B). C OMEGA is is specified by the user C The rule evaluation component is based on the C modified Clenshaw-Curtis technique. C An adaptive subdivision scheme is used connected with C an extrapolation procedure, which is a modification C of that in QAGS and provides the possibility to deal C even with singularities in F. C C - QAWF : Calculates the Fourier cosine or Fourier sine C transform of F(X), for user-supplied interval (A, C INFINITY), OMEGA, and F. The procedure of QAWO is C used on successive finite intervals, and convergence C acceleration by means of the Epsilon algorithm (Wynn, C 1956) is applied to the series of the integral C contributions. C C - QAWS : Integrates W(X)*F(X) over (A,B) with A.LT.B finite, C and W(X) = ((X-A)**ALFA)*((B-X)**BETA)*V(X) C where V(X) = 1 or LOG(X-A) or LOG(B-X) C or LOG(X-A)*LOG(B-X) C and ALFA.GT.(-1), BETA.GT.(-1). C The user specifies A, B, ALFA, BETA and the type of C the function V. C A globally adaptive subdivision strategy is applied, C with modified Clenshaw-Curtis integration on the C subintervals which contain A or B. C C - QAWC : Computes the Cauchy Principal Value of F(X)/(X-C) C over a finite interval (A,B) and for C user-determined C. C The strategy is globally adaptive, and modified C Clenshaw-Curtis integration is used on the subranges C which contain the point X = C. C C Each of the routines above also has a "more detailed" version C with a name ending in E, as QAGE. These provide more C information and control than the easier versions. C C C The preceding routines are all automatic. That is, the user C inputs his problem and an error tolerance. The routine C attempts to perform the integration to within the requested C absolute or relative error. C There are, in addition, a number of non-automatic integrators. C These are most useful when the problem is such that the C user knows that a fixed rule will provide the accuracy C required. Typically they return an error estimate but make C no attempt to satisfy any particular input error request. C C QK15 C QK21 C QK31 C QK41 C QK51 C QK61 C Estimate the integral on [a,b] using 15, 21,..., 61 C point rule and return an error estimate. C QK15I 15 point rule for (semi)infinite interval. C QK15W 15 point rule for special singular weight functions. C QC25C 25 point rule for Cauchy Principal Values C QC25F 25 point rule for sin/cos integrand. C QMOMO Integrates k-th degree Chebychev polynomial times C function with various explicit singularities. C C 3. Guidelines for the use of QUADPACK C ---------------------------------- C Here it is not our purpose to investigate the question when C automatic quadrature should be used. We shall rather attempt C to help the user who already made the decision to use QUADPACK, C with selecting an appropriate routine or a combination of C several routines for handling his problem. C C For both quadrature over finite and over infinite intervals, C one of the first questions to be answered by the user is C related to the amount of computer time he wants to spend, C versus his -own- time which would be needed, for example, for C manual subdivision of the interval or other analytic C manipulations. C C (1) The user may not care about computer time, or not be C willing to do any analysis of the problem. especially when C only one or a few integrals must be calculated, this attitude C can be perfectly reasonable. In this case it is clear that C either the most sophisticated of the routines for finite C intervals, QAGS, must be used, or its analogue for infinite C intervals, GAGI. These routines are able to cope with C rather difficult, even with improper integrals. C This way of proceeding may be expensive. But the integrator C is supposed to give you an answer in return, with additional C information in the case of a failure, through its error C estimate and flag. Yet it must be stressed that the programs C cannot be totally reliable. C ------ C C (2) The user may want to examine the integrand function. C If bad local difficulties occur, such as a discontinuity, a C singularity, derivative singularity or high peak at one or C more points within the interval, the first advice is to C split up the interval at these points. The integrand must C then be examined over each of the subintervals separately, C so that a suitable integrator can be selected for each of C them. If this yields problems involving relative accuracies C to be imposed on -finite- subintervals, one can make use of C QAGP, which must be provided with the positions of the local C difficulties. However, if strong singularities are present C and a high accuracy is requested, application of QAGS on the C subintervals may yield a better result. C C For quadrature over finite intervals we thus dispose of QAGS C and C - QNG for well-behaved integrands, C - QAG for functions with an oscillating behaviour of a non C specific type, C - QAWO for functions, eventually singular, containing a C factor COS(OMEGA*X) or SIN(OMEGA*X) where OMEGA is known, C - QAWS for integrands with Algebraico-Logarithmic end point C singularities of known type, C - QAWC for Cauchy Principal Values. C C Remark C ------ C On return, the work arrays in the argument lists of the C adaptive integrators contain information about the interval C subdivision process and hence about the integrand behaviour: C the end points of the subintervals, the local integral C contributions and error estimates, and eventually other C characteristics. For this reason, and because of its simple C globally adaptive nature, the routine QAG in particular is C well-suited for integrand examination. Difficult spots can C be located by investigating the error estimates on the C subintervals. C C For infinite intervals we provide only one general-purpose C routine, QAGI. It is based on the QAGS algorithm applied C after a transformation of the original interval into (0,1). C Yet it may eventuate that another type of transformation is C more appropriate, or one might prefer to break up the C original interval and use QAGI only on the infinite part C and so on. These kinds of actions suggest a combined use of C different QUADPACK integrators. Note that, when the only C difficulty is an integrand singularity at the finite C integration limit, it will in general not be necessary to C break up the interval, as QAGI deals with several types of C singularity at the boundary point of the integration range. C It also handles slowly convergent improper integrals, on C the condition that the integrand does not oscillate over C the entire infinite interval. If it does we would advise C to sum succeeding positive and negative contributions to C the integral -e.g. integrate between the zeros- with one C or more of the finite-range integrators, and apply C convergence acceleration eventually by means of QUADPACK C subroutine QELG which implements the Epsilon algorithm. C Such quadrature problems include the Fourier transform as C a special case. Yet for the latter we have an automatic C integrator available, QAWF. C C***LONG DESCRIPTION C 4. Example Programs C ---------------- C 4.1. Calling Program for QNG C ----------------------- C C REAL A,ABSERR,B,F,EPSABS,EPSREL,RESULT C INTEGER IER,NEVAL C EXTERNAL F C A = 0.0E0 C B = 1.0E0 C EPSABS = 0.0E0 C EPSREL = 1.0E-3 C CALL QNG(F,A,B,EPSABS,EPSREL,RESULT,ABSERR,NEVAL,IER) C C INCLUDE WRITE STATEMENTS C STOP C END C C C REAL FUNCTION F(X) C REAL X C F = EXP(X)/(X*X+0.1E+01) C RETURN C END C C 4.2. Calling Program for QAG C ----------------------- C C REAL A,ABSERR,B,EPSABS,EPSREL,F,RESULT,WORK C INTEGER IER,IWORK,KEY,LAST,LENW,LIMIT,NEVAL C DIMENSION IWORK(100),WORK(400) C EXTERNAL F C A = 0.0E0 C B = 1.0E0 C EPSABS = 0.0E0 C EPSREL = 1.0E-3 C KEY = 6 C LIMIT = 100 C LENW = LIMIT*4 C CALL QAG(F,A,B,EPSABS,EPSREL,KEY,RESULT,ABSERR,NEVAL, C * IER,LIMIT,LENW,LAST,IWORK,WORK) C C INCLUDE WRITE STATEMENTS C STOP C END C C C REAL FUNCTION F(X) C REAL X C F = 2.0E0/(2.0E0+SIN(31.41592653589793E0*X)) C RETURN C END C C 4.3. Calling Program for QAGS C ------------------------ C C REAL A,ABSERR,B,EPSABS,EPSREL,F,RESULT,WORK C INTEGER IER,IWORK,LAST,LENW,LIMIT,NEVAL C DIMENSION IWORK(100),WORK(400) C EXTERNAL F C A = 0.0E0 C B = 1.0E0 C EPSABS = 0.0E0 C EPSREL = 1.0E-3 C LIMIT = 100 C LENW = LIMIT*4 C CALL QAGS(F,A,B,EPSABS,EPSREL,RESULT,ABSERR,NEVAL,IER, C * LIMIT,LENW,LAST,IWORK,WORK) C C INCLUDE WRITE STATEMENTS C STOP C END C C C REAL FUNCTION F(X) C REAL X C F = 0.0E0 C IF(X.GT.0.0E0) F = 1.0E0/SQRT(X) C RETURN C END C C 4.4. Calling Program for QAGP C ------------------------ C C REAL A,ABSERR,B,EPSABS,EPSREL,F,POINTS,RESULT,WORK C INTEGER IER,IWORK,LAST,LENIW,LENW,LIMIT,NEVAL,NPTS2 C DIMENSION IWORK(204),POINTS(4),WORK(404) C EXTERNAL F C A = 0.0E0 C B = 1.0E0 C NPTS2 = 4 C POINTS(1) = 1.0E0/7.0E0 C POINTS(2) = 2.0E0/3.0E0 C LIMIT = 100 C LENIW = LIMIT*2+NPTS2 C LENW = LIMIT*4+NPTS2 C CALL QAGP(F,A,B,NPTS2,POINTS,EPSABS,EPSREL,RESULT,ABSERR, C * NEVAL,IER,LENIW,LENW,LAST,IWORK,WORK) C C INCLUDE WRITE STATEMENTS C STOP C END C C C REAL FUNCTION F(X) C REAL X C F = 0.0E+00 C IF(X.NE.1.0E0/7.0E0.AND.X.NE.2.0E0/3.0E0) F = C * ABS(X-1.0E0/7.0E0)**(-0.25E0)* C * ABS(X-2.0E0/3.0E0)**(-0.55E0) C RETURN C END C C 4.5. Calling Program for QAGI C ------------------------ C C REAL ABSERR,BOUN,EPSABS,EPSREL,F,RESULT,WORK C INTEGER IER,INF,IWORK,LAST,LENW,LIMIT,NEVAL C DIMENSION IWORK(100),WORK(400) C EXTERNAL F C BOUN = 0.0E0 C INF = 1 C EPSABS = 0.0E0 C EPSREL = 1.0E-3 C LIMIT = 100 C LENW = LIMIT*4 C CALL QAGI(F,BOUN,INF,EPSABS,EPSREL,RESULT,ABSERR,NEVAL, C * IER,LIMIT,LENW,LAST,IWORK,WORK) C C INCLUDE WRITE STATEMENTS C STOP C END C C C REAL FUNCTION F(X) C REAL X C F = 0.0E0 C IF(X.GT.0.0E0) F = SQRT(X)*ALOG(X)/ C * ((X+1.0E0)*(X+2.0E0)) C RETURN C END C C 4.6. Calling Program for QAWO C ------------------------ C C REAL A,ABSERR,B,EPSABS,EPSREL,F,RESULT,OMEGA,WORK C INTEGER IER,INTEGR,IWORK,LAST,LENIW,LENW,LIMIT,MAXP1,NEVAL C DIMENSION IWORK(200),WORK(925) C EXTERNAL F C A = 0.0E0 C B = 1.0E0 C OMEGA = 10.0E0 C INTEGR = 1 C EPSABS = 0.0E0 C EPSREL = 1.0E-3 C LIMIT = 100 C LENIW = LIMIT*2 C MAXP1 = 21 C LENW = LIMIT*4+MAXP1*25 C CALL QAWO(F,A,B,OMEGA,INTEGR,EPSABS,EPSREL,RESULT,ABSERR, C * NEVAL,IER,LENIW,MAXP1,LENW,LAST,IWORK,WORK) C C INCLUDE WRITE STATEMENTS C STOP C END C C C REAL FUNCTION F(X) C REAL X C F = 0.0E0 C IF(X.GT.0.0E0) F = EXP(-X)*ALOG(X) C RETURN C END C C 4.7. Calling Program for QAWF C ------------------------ C C REAL A,ABSERR,EPSABS,F,RESULT,OMEGA,WORK C INTEGER IER,INTEGR,IWORK,LAST,LENIW,LENW,LIMIT,LIMLST, C * LST,MAXP1,NEVAL C DIMENSION IWORK(250),WORK(1025) C EXTERNAL F C A = 0.0E0 C OMEGA = 8.0E0 C INTEGR = 2 C EPSABS = 1.0E-3 C LIMLST = 50 C LIMIT = 100 C LENIW = LIMIT*2+LIMLST C MAXP1 = 21 C LENW = LENIW*2+MAXP1*25 C CALL QAWF(F,A,OMEGA,INTEGR,EPSABS,RESULT,ABSERR,NEVAL, C * IER,LIMLST,LST,LENIW,MAXP1,LENW,IWORK,WORK) C C INCLUDE WRITE STATEMENTS C STOP C END C C C REAL FUNCTION F(X) C REAL X C IF(X.GT.0.0E0) F = SIN(50.0E0*X)/(X*SQRT(X)) C RETURN C END C C 4.8. Calling Program for QAWS C ------------------------ C C REAL A,ABSERR,ALFA,B,BETA,EPSABS,EPSREL,F,RESULT,WORK C INTEGER IER,INTEGR,IWORK,LAST,LENW,LIMIT,NEVAL C DIMENSION IWORK(100),WORK(400) C EXTERNAL F C A = 0.0E0 C B = 1.0E0 C ALFA = -0.5E0 C BETA = -0.5E0 C INTEGR = 1 C EPSABS = 0.0E0 C EPSREL = 1.0E-3 C LIMIT = 100 C LENW = LIMIT*4 C CALL QAWS(F,A,B,ALFA,BETA,INTEGR,EPSABS,EPSREL,RESULT, C * ABSERR,NEVAL,IER,LIMIT,LENW,LAST,IWORK,WORK) C C INCLUDE WRITE STATEMENTS C STOP C END C C C REAL FUNCTION F(X) C REAL X C F = SIN(10.0E0*X) C RETURN C END C C 4.9. Calling Program for QAWC C ------------------------ C C REAL A,ABSERR,B,C,EPSABS,EPSREL,F,RESULT,WORK C INTEGER IER,IWORK,LAST,LENW,LIMIT,NEVAL C DIMENSION IWORK(100),WORK(400) C EXTERNAL F C A = -1.0E0 C B = 1.0E0 C C = 0.5E0 C EPSABS = 0.0E0 C EPSREL = 1.0E-3 C LIMIT = 100 C LENW = LIMIT*4 C CALL QAWC(F,A,B,C,EPSABS,EPSREL,RESULT,ABSERR,NEVAL, C * IER,LIMIT,LENW,LAST,IWORK,WORK) C C INCLUDE WRITE STATEMENTS C STOP C END C C C REAL FUNCTION F(X) C REAL X C F = 1.0E0/(X*X+1.0E-4) C RETURN C END C***REFERENCES (NONE) C***ROUTINES CALLED (NONE) C***END PROLOGUE QPDOC