""" This test script is adopted from: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/main/numpy/tests/test_public_api.py """ import pkgutil import types import importlib import warnings import scipy def check_dir(module, module_name=None): """Returns a mapping of all objects with the wrong __module__ attribute.""" if module_name is None: module_name = module.__name__ results = {} for name in dir(module): item = getattr(module, name) if (hasattr(item, '__module__') and hasattr(item, '__name__') and item.__module__ != module_name): results[name] = item.__module__ + '.' + item.__name__ return results def test_dir_testing(): """Assert that output of dir has only one "testing/tester" attribute without duplicate""" assert len(dir(scipy)) == len(set(dir(scipy))) # Historically SciPy has not used leading underscores for private submodules # much. This has resulted in lots of things that look like public modules # (i.e. things that can be imported as `import scipy.somesubmodule.somefile`), # but were never intended to be public. The PUBLIC_MODULES list contains # modules that are either public because they were meant to be, or because they # contain public functions/objects that aren't present in any other namespace # for whatever reason and therefore should be treated as public. PUBLIC_MODULES = ["scipy." + s for s in [ "cluster", "cluster.vq", "cluster.hierarchy", "constants", "fft", "fftpack", "integrate", "interpolate", "io", "io.arff", "io.matlab", "io.wavfile", "linalg", "linalg.blas", "linalg.cython_blas", "linalg.lapack", "linalg.cython_lapack", "linalg.interpolative", "misc", "ndimage", "odr", "optimize", "signal", "signal.windows", "sparse", "sparse.linalg", "sparse.csgraph", "spatial", "spatial.distance", "spatial.transform", "special", "stats", "stats.contingency", "stats.distributions", "stats.mstats", "stats.qmc", "stats.sampling" ]] # The PRIVATE_BUT_PRESENT_MODULES list contains modules that look public (lack # of underscores) but should not be used. For many of those modules the # current status is fine. For others it may make sense to work on making them # private, to clean up our public API and avoid confusion. # These private modules support will be removed in SciPy v2.0.0 PRIVATE_BUT_PRESENT_MODULES = [ 'scipy.constants.codata', 'scipy.constants.constants', 'scipy.fftpack.basic', 'scipy.fftpack.convolve', 'scipy.fftpack.helper', 'scipy.fftpack.pseudo_diffs', 'scipy.fftpack.realtransforms', 'scipy.integrate.odepack', 'scipy.integrate.quadpack', 'scipy.integrate.dop', 'scipy.integrate.lsoda', 'scipy.integrate.vode', 'scipy.interpolate.dfitpack', 'scipy.interpolate.fitpack', 'scipy.interpolate.fitpack2', 'scipy.interpolate.interpnd', 'scipy.interpolate.interpolate', 'scipy.interpolate.ndgriddata', 'scipy.interpolate.polyint', 'scipy.interpolate.rbf', 'scipy.io.arff.arffread', 'scipy.io.harwell_boeing', 'scipy.io.idl', 'scipy.io.mmio', 'scipy.io.netcdf', 'scipy.io.matlab.byteordercodes', 'scipy.io.matlab.mio', 'scipy.io.matlab.mio4', 'scipy.io.matlab.mio5', 'scipy.io.matlab.mio5_params', 'scipy.io.matlab.mio5_utils', 'scipy.io.matlab.mio_utils', 'scipy.io.matlab.miobase', 'scipy.io.matlab.streams', 'scipy.linalg.basic', 'scipy.linalg.decomp', 'scipy.linalg.decomp_cholesky', 'scipy.linalg.decomp_lu', 'scipy.linalg.decomp_qr', 'scipy.linalg.decomp_schur', 'scipy.linalg.decomp_svd', 'scipy.linalg.flinalg', 'scipy.linalg.matfuncs', 'scipy.linalg.misc', 'scipy.linalg.special_matrices', 'scipy.misc.common', 'scipy.misc.doccer', 'scipy.ndimage.filters', 'scipy.ndimage.fourier', 'scipy.ndimage.interpolation', 'scipy.ndimage.measurements', 'scipy.ndimage.morphology', 'scipy.odr.models', 'scipy.odr.odrpack', 'scipy.optimize.cobyla', 'scipy.optimize.cython_optimize', 'scipy.optimize.lbfgsb', 'scipy.optimize.linesearch', 'scipy.optimize.minpack', 'scipy.optimize.minpack2', 'scipy.optimize.moduleTNC', 'scipy.optimize.nonlin', 'scipy.optimize.optimize', 'scipy.optimize.slsqp', 'scipy.optimize.tnc', 'scipy.optimize.zeros', 'scipy.signal.bsplines', 'scipy.signal.filter_design', 'scipy.signal.fir_filter_design', 'scipy.signal.lti_conversion', 'scipy.signal.ltisys', 'scipy.signal.signaltools', 'scipy.signal.spectral', 'scipy.signal.spline', 'scipy.signal.waveforms', 'scipy.signal.wavelets', 'scipy.signal.windows.windows', 'scipy.sparse.base', 'scipy.sparse.bsr', 'scipy.sparse.compressed', 'scipy.sparse.construct', 'scipy.sparse.coo', 'scipy.sparse.csc', 'scipy.sparse.csr', 'scipy.sparse.data', 'scipy.sparse.dia', 'scipy.sparse.dok', 'scipy.sparse.extract', 'scipy.sparse.lil', 'scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve', 'scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen', 'scipy.sparse.linalg.interface', 'scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve', 'scipy.sparse.linalg.matfuncs', 'scipy.sparse.sparsetools', 'scipy.sparse.spfuncs', 'scipy.sparse.sputils', 'scipy.spatial.ckdtree', 'scipy.spatial.kdtree', 'scipy.spatial.qhull', 'scipy.spatial.transform.rotation', 'scipy.special.add_newdocs', 'scipy.special.basic', 'scipy.special.cython_special', 'scipy.special.orthogonal', 'scipy.special.sf_error', 'scipy.special.specfun', 'scipy.special.spfun_stats', 'scipy.stats.biasedurn', 'scipy.stats.kde', 'scipy.stats.morestats', 'scipy.stats.mstats_basic', 'scipy.stats.mstats_extras', 'scipy.stats.mvn', 'scipy.stats.statlib', 'scipy.stats.stats', ] def is_unexpected(name): """Check if this needs to be considered.""" if '._' in name or '.tests' in name or '.setup' in name: return False if name in PUBLIC_MODULES: return False if name in PRIVATE_BUT_PRESENT_MODULES: return False return True SKIP_LIST = [ 'scipy.conftest', 'scipy.version', ] def test_all_modules_are_expected(): """ Test that we don't add anything that looks like a new public module by accident. Check is based on filenames. """ modnames = [] for _, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=scipy.__path__, prefix=scipy.__name__ + '.', onerror=None): if is_unexpected(modname) and modname not in SKIP_LIST: # We have a name that is new. If that's on purpose, add it to # PUBLIC_MODULES. We don't expect to have to add anything to # PRIVATE_BUT_PRESENT_MODULES. Use an underscore in the name! modnames.append(modname) if modnames: raise AssertionError(f'Found unexpected modules: {modnames}') # Stuff that clearly shouldn't be in the API and is detected by the next test # below SKIP_LIST_2 = [ 'scipy.char', 'scipy.rec', 'scipy.emath', 'scipy.math', 'scipy.random', 'scipy.ctypeslib', 'scipy.ma' ] def test_all_modules_are_expected_2(): """ Method checking all objects. The pkgutil-based method in `test_all_modules_are_expected` does not catch imports into a namespace, only filenames. """ def find_unexpected_members(mod_name): members = [] module = importlib.import_module(mod_name) if hasattr(module, '__all__'): objnames = module.__all__ else: objnames = dir(module) for objname in objnames: if not objname.startswith('_'): fullobjname = mod_name + '.' + objname if isinstance(getattr(module, objname), types.ModuleType): if is_unexpected(fullobjname) and fullobjname not in SKIP_LIST_2: members.append(fullobjname) return members unexpected_members = find_unexpected_members("scipy") for modname in PUBLIC_MODULES: unexpected_members.extend(find_unexpected_members(modname)) if unexpected_members: raise AssertionError("Found unexpected object(s) that look like " "modules: {}".format(unexpected_members)) def test_api_importable(): """ Check that all submodules listed higher up in this file can be imported Note that if a PRIVATE_BUT_PRESENT_MODULES entry goes missing, it may simply need to be removed from the list (deprecation may or may not be needed - apply common sense). """ def check_importable(module_name): try: importlib.import_module(module_name) except (ImportError, AttributeError): return False return True module_names = [] for module_name in PUBLIC_MODULES: if not check_importable(module_name): module_names.append(module_name) if module_names: raise AssertionError("Modules in the public API that cannot be " "imported: {}".format(module_names)) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=DeprecationWarning) warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=ImportWarning) for module_name in PRIVATE_BUT_PRESENT_MODULES: if not check_importable(module_name): module_names.append(module_name) if module_names: raise AssertionError("Modules that are not really public but looked " "public and can not be imported: " "{}".format(module_names))