program fortrantest use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding use highs_fortran_api implicit none ! This illustrates the use of Highs_lpCall, the simple F90 interface to ! HiGHS. It's designed to solve the general LP problem ! ! Min c^Tx subject to L <= Ax <= U; l <= x <= u ! ! where A is a matrix with m rows and n columns ! ! The scalar n is numcol ! The scalar m is numrow ! ! The vector c is colcost ! The vector l is collower ! The vector u is colupper ! The vector L is rowlower ! The vector U is rowupper ! ! The matrix A is represented in packed column-wise form: only its ! nonzeros are stored ! ! * The number of nonzeros in A is numnz ! ! * The row indices of the nonnzeros in A are stored column-by-column ! in aindex ! ! * The values of the nonnzeros in A are stored column-by-column in ! avalue ! ! * The position in aindex/avalue of the index/value of the first ! nonzero in each column is stored in astart ! ! Note that astart[0] must be zero ! ! After a successful call to Highs_lpCall, the primal and dual ! solution, and the simplex basis are returned as follows ! ! The vector x is colvalue ! The vector Ax is rowvalue ! The vector of dual values for the variables x is coldual ! The vector of dual values for the variables Ax is rowdual ! The basic/nonbasic status of the variables x is colbasisstatus ! The basic/nonbasic status of the variables Ax is rowbasisstatus ! ! The status of the solution obtained is modelstatus ! ! To solve maximization problems, the values in c must be negated ! ! The use of Highs_lpCall is illustrated for the LP/MIP example ! ! Min f = 2x_0 + 3x_1 ! s.t. x_1 <= 6 ! 10 <= x_0 + 2x_1 <= 14 ! 8 <= 2x_0 + x_1 ! 0 <= x_0 <= 3; 1 <= x_1 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: numcol = 2 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: numrow = 3 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: numnz = 5 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: aformat_colwise = 1 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: sense = 1 real ( c_double ), parameter :: offset = 0 real ( c_double ) colcost(numcol) real ( c_double ) collower(numcol) real ( c_double ) colupper(numcol) real ( c_double ) rowlower(numrow) real ( c_double ) rowupper(numrow) integer ( c_int ) astart(numcol) integer ( c_int ) aindex(numnz) real ( c_double ) avalue(numnz) real ( c_double ) colvalue(numcol) real ( c_double ) coldual(numcol) real ( c_double ) rowvalue(numrow) real ( c_double ) rowdual(numrow) integer ( c_int ) colbasisstatus(numcol) integer ( c_int ) rowbasisstatus(numrow) integer modelstatus integer runstatus integer ( c_int ), parameter :: modelstatus_optimal = 7 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: runstatus_error = -1 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: runstatus_ok = 0 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: runstatus_warning = -1 ! For the full API test type ( c_ptr ) :: highs ! For the row-wise matrix integer ( c_int ) arstart(numrow) integer ( c_int ) arindex(numnz) real ( c_double ) arvalue(numnz) real, parameter :: inf = 1e30 integer col, row, el integer from_el, to_el integer iteration_count, primal_solution_status, dual_solution_status double precision objective_function_value double precision objective_error integer option_type integer dummy_info integer alt_sense integer scale_strategy integer, parameter :: default_scale_strategy = 2 integer, parameter :: new_scale_strategy = 3 double precision, parameter :: dual_tolerance = 1d-6 logical ( c_bool ) write_solution_to_file integer ( c_int ) write_solution_style double precision, pointer :: double_null(:) integer, pointer :: integer_null(:) character( c_char ) :: file_name(7) ! Illustrate the solution of a QP ! ! minimize -x_2 - 3x_3 + (1/2)(2x_1^2 - 2x_1x_3 + 0.2x_2^2 + 2x_3^2) ! ! subject to x_1 + x_3 <= 2; x>=0 ! ! Solution x_1 = 0.5; x_2 = 5.0; x_3 = 1.5 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: qp_numcol = 3 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: qp_numrow = 1 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: qp_numnz = 2 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: qp_hessian_numnz = 4 integer ( c_int ), parameter :: qformat_triangular = 1 real ( c_double ) qp_colcost(qp_numcol) real ( c_double ) qp_collower(qp_numcol) real ( c_double ) qp_colupper(qp_numcol) real ( c_double ) qp_rowlower(qp_numrow) real ( c_double ) qp_rowupper(qp_numrow) integer ( c_int ) qp_astart(qp_numcol) integer ( c_int ) qp_aindex(qp_numnz) real ( c_double ) qp_avalue(qp_numnz) integer ( c_int ) qp_qstart(qp_numcol) integer ( c_int ) qp_qindex(qp_hessian_numnz) real ( c_double ) qp_qvalue(qp_hessian_numnz) real ( c_double ) qp_sol(qp_numcol) real ( c_double ) qp_colvalue(qp_numcol) real ( c_double ) qp_coldual(qp_numcol) real ( c_double ) qp_rowvalue(qp_numrow) real ( c_double ) qp_rowdual(qp_numrow) integer ( c_int ) qp_colbasisstatus(qp_numcol) integer ( c_int ) qp_rowbasisstatus(qp_numrow) integer qp_modelstatus integer qp_runstatus logical, parameter :: no_highs_logging = .TRUE. logical ( c_bool ), parameter :: logical_false = .false. logical ( c_bool ), parameter :: logical_true = .true. ! Set up the LP/MIP example colcost(1) = 2 colcost(2) = 3 collower(1) = 0 collower(2) = 1 colupper(1) = 3 colupper(2) = inf rowlower(1) = -inf rowlower(2) = 10.0 rowlower(3) = 8.0 rowupper(1) = 6.0 rowupper(2) = 14.0 rowupper(3) = inf astart(1) = 0 astart(2) = 2 aindex(1) = 1 aindex(2) = 2 aindex(3) = 0 aindex(4) = 1 aindex(5) = 2 avalue(1) = 1 avalue(2) = 2 avalue(3) = 1 avalue(4) = 2 avalue(5) = 1 ! Define the constraint matrix row-wise, as it is added to the LP with the rows arstart(1) = 0 arstart(2) = 1 arstart(3) = 3 arindex(1) = 1 arindex(2) = 0 arindex(3) = 1 arindex(4) = 0 arindex(5) = 1 arvalue(1) = 1 arvalue(2) = 1 arvalue(3) = 2 arvalue(4) = 2 arvalue(5) = 1 qp_sol(1) = 0.5 qp_sol(2) = 5.0 qp_sol(3) = 1.5 !================================================================================ ! Illustrate use of Highs_lpCall to solve a given LP print*, "*********" print*, "Section 1" print*, "*********" runstatus = Highs_lpCall( numcol, numrow, numnz,& aformat_colwise, sense, offset, & colcost, collower, colupper, rowlower, rowupper,& astart, aindex, avalue,& colvalue, coldual, rowvalue, rowdual,& colbasisstatus, rowbasisstatus, modelstatus) if (runstatus .ne. runstatus_ok) then write(*, '(a, i1, a, i2)')'Highs_lpCall run status is ', runstatus, ' not ', runstatus_ok stop endif write(*, '(a, i1, a, i2)')'Run status = ', runstatus, '; Model status = ', modelstatus if (modelstatus .eq. modelstatus_optimal) then objective_function_value = 0 ! Report the column primal and dual values, and basis status do col = 1, numcol write(*, '(a, i1, a, f10.4, a, f10.4, a, i2)') & 'Col', col, ' = ', colvalue(col), & '; dual = ', coldual(col), & '; status = ', colbasisstatus(col) objective_function_value = objective_function_value + colvalue(col)*colcost(col) enddo ! Report the row primal and dual values, and basis status do row = 1, numrow write(*, '(a, i1, a, f10.4, a, f10.4, a, i2)') & 'Row', row, ' = ', rowvalue(row), & '; dual = ', rowdual(row), & '; status = ', rowbasisstatus(row) enddo write(*, '(a, f10.4)')'Optimal objective value = ', objective_function_value endif ! Illustrate use of Highs_create() to create a pointer to an ! instance of the Highs class, then Highs_passLp to pass LP to ! HiGHS, and Highs_run to solve it highs = Highs_create() if (no_highs_logging) then runstatus = Highs_setBoolOptionValue(highs, "output_flag"//C_NULL_CHAR, logical_false) endif runstatus = Highs_passLp(highs, numcol, numrow, numnz, aformat_colwise, & sense, offset, colcost, collower, colupper, rowlower, rowupper, & astart, aindex, avalue) runstatus = Highs_run(highs) modelstatus = Highs_getModelStatus(highs); print*, "modelstatus = ", modelstatus call assert(runstatus .eq. runstatus_ok, "Highs_run runstatus") call assert(modelstatus .eq. modelstatus_optimal, "Highs_run modelstatus optimal") write(*, '(a, i1, a, i2)')'Run status = ', runstatus, '; Model status = ', modelstatus runstatus = Highs_getDoubleInfoValue(highs, "objective_function_value"//C_NULL_CHAR, objective_function_value); runstatus = Highs_getIntInfoValue(highs, "simplex_iteration_count"//C_NULL_CHAR, iteration_count); write(*, '(a, f10.4, a, i6)')"Objective value = ", objective_function_value, "; Iteration count = ", iteration_count call Highs_destroy(highs) !================================================================================ ! Illustrate use of Highs_addCols and Highs_addRows to build model, ! and then Highs_changeObjectiveSense to switch to maximization print*, "*********" print*, "Section 2" print*, "*********" highs = Highs_create() if (no_highs_logging) then runstatus = Highs_setBoolOptionValue(highs, "output_flag"//C_NULL_CHAR, logical_false) endif ! Create double and integer values equal to NULL pointer call C_F_POINTER(C_NULL_PTR, double_null, [0]) call C_F_POINTER(C_NULL_PTR, integer_null, [0]) ! Add two columns to the empty LP, but no matrix. After numnz=0, can ! just pass arrays rather than NULL runstatus = Highs_addCols(highs, numcol, colcost, collower, colupper, 0, integer_null, integer_null, double_null); ! Add three rows to the 2-column LP runstatus = Highs_addRows(highs, numrow, rowlower, rowupper, numnz, arstart, arindex, arvalue) runstatus = Highs_getObjectiveSense(highs, alt_sense); write(*, '(a, i2)')"LP problem has objective sense = ", alt_sense call assert(alt_sense .eq. sense, "Objective sense") alt_sense = -1 * alt_sense runstatus = Highs_changeObjectiveSense(highs, alt_sense); runstatus = Highs_getObjectiveSense(highs, alt_sense); call assert(alt_sense .eq. -1, "Changed Objective sense") ! Get and set option values runstatus = Highs_getIntOptionValue(highs, "simplex_scale_strategy"//C_NULL_CHAR, scale_strategy); call assert(scale_strategy .eq. default_scale_strategy,& "scale_strategy .eq. default_scale_strategy") runstatus = Highs_setIntOptionValue(highs, "simplex_scale_strategy"//C_NULL_CHAR, new_scale_strategy) runstatus = Highs_getIntOptionValue(highs, "simplex_scale_strategy"//C_NULL_CHAR, scale_strategy); call assert(scale_strategy .eq. new_scale_strategy,& "scale_strategy .eq. new_scale_strategy") runstatus = Highs_setDoubleOptionValue(highs, "primal_feasibility_tolerance"//C_NULL_CHAR, 1d-6); call assert(runstatus .eq. runstatus_ok, "setDoubleOptionValue runstatus") runstatus = Highs_setDoubleOptionValue(highs, "dual_feasibility_tolerance"//C_NULL_CHAR, dual_tolerance); call assert(runstatus .eq. runstatus_ok, "setDoubleOptionValue runstatus") ! There are some functions to check what type of option value you should provide. runstatus = Highs_getOptionType(highs, "simplex_scale_strategy"//C_NULL_CHAR, option_type); call assert(runstatus .eq. runstatus_ok, "getOptionType runstatus = 0") call assert(option_type .eq. 1, "getOptionType option_type") ! This is what happens if an invalid name is passed runstatus = Highs_getOptionType(highs, "bad_option"//C_NULL_CHAR, option_type) call assert(runstatus .eq. runstatus_error, "getOptionType runstatus") ! Suppress HiGHS output print*, "Suppressing all HiGHS output" runstatus = Highs_setBoolOptionValue(highs, "output_flag"//C_NULL_CHAR, logical_false) ! Solve the LP runstatus = Highs_run(highs); ! Get the model status modelstatus = Highs_getModelStatus(highs); write(*, '(a, i1, a, i2)')'Run status = ', runstatus, '; Model status = ', modelstatus ! Get solution data runstatus = Highs_getDoubleInfoValue(highs, "objective_function_value"//C_NULL_CHAR, objective_function_value); runstatus = Highs_getIntInfoValue(highs, "simplex_iteration_count"//C_NULL_CHAR, iteration_count); runstatus = Highs_getIntInfoValue(highs, "primal_solution_status"//C_NULL_CHAR, primal_solution_status); runstatus = Highs_getIntInfoValue(highs, "dual_solution_status"//C_NULL_CHAR, dual_solution_status); ! This is what happens if an invalid name is passed runstatus = Highs_getIntInfoValue(highs, "bad_info"//C_NULL_CHAR, dummy_info) call assert(runstatus .eq. runstatus_error, "getOptionType runstatus") write(*, '(a, f10.4, a, i6)')"Objective value = ", objective_function_value, "; Iteration count = ", iteration_count print*, "modelstatus = ", modelstatus call assert(modelstatus .eq. modelstatus_optimal, "Optimal => modelstatus = modelstatus_optimal") if (modelstatus .eq. modelstatus_optimal) then call assert(primal_solution_status .eq. 2, "Optimal => primal_solution_status = 2") call assert(dual_solution_status .eq. 2, "Optimal => dual_solution_status = 2") ! Get the primal and dual solution runstatus = Highs_getSolution(highs, colvalue, coldual, rowvalue, rowdual); ! Get the basis runstatus = Highs_getBasis(highs, colbasisstatus, rowbasisstatus); ! Report the column primal and dual values, and basis status do col = 1, numcol write(*, '(a, i1, a, f10.4, a, f10.4, a, i2)') & 'Col', col, ' = ', colvalue(col), & '; dual = ', coldual(col), & '; status = ', colbasisstatus(col) enddo ! Report the row primal and dual values, and basis status do row = 1, numrow write(*, '(a, i1, a, f10.4, a, f10.4, a, i2)') & 'Row', row, ' = ', rowvalue(row), & '; dual = ', rowdual(row), & '; status = ', rowbasisstatus(row) enddo endif ! Write out model as MPS for use later runstatus = Highs_writeModel(highs, "F90.mps"//C_NULL_CHAR) print*, "runstatus = ", runstatus call assert(runstatus .ne. runstatus_warning, "Highs_writeModel runstatus") call Highs_destroy(highs) !================================================================================ ! Illustrate use of Highs_readModel to read model, and ! Highs_writeSolution to write the solution print*, "*********" print*, "Section 3" print*, "*********" highs = Highs_create() if (no_highs_logging) then runstatus = Highs_setBoolOptionValue(highs, "output_flag"//C_NULL_CHAR, logical_false) endif ! Read the LP runstatus = Highs_readModel(highs, "F90.mps"//C_NULL_CHAR) call assert(runstatus .eq. runstatus_ok, "Highs_readModel runstatus") ! Solve the LP runstatus = Highs_run(highs); ! Get the model status modelstatus = Highs_getModelStatus(highs); write(*, '(a, i1, a, i2)')'Run status = ', runstatus, '; Model status = ', modelstatus runstatus = Highs_getDoubleInfoValue(highs, "objective_function_value"//C_NULL_CHAR, objective_function_value); runstatus = Highs_getIntInfoValue(highs, "simplex_iteration_count"//C_NULL_CHAR, iteration_count); write(*, '(a, f10.4, a, i6)')"Objective value = ", objective_function_value, "; Iteration count = ", iteration_count ! Write solution to the screen runstatus = Highs_writeSolutionPretty(highs, ""//C_NULL_CHAR) call Highs_destroy(highs) !================================================================================ ! Illustrate use of setting bool options and string options ! (solution_file) so only run(highs) is required print*, "*********" print*, "Section 4" print*, "*********" highs = Highs_create() if (no_highs_logging) then runstatus = Highs_setBoolOptionValue(highs, "output_flag"//C_NULL_CHAR, logical_false) endif ! Get and set string options runstatus = Highs_getStringOptionValue(highs, "solution_file"//C_NULL_CHAR, file_name) print*, "Default solution_file is |", file_name, "|" runstatus = Highs_setStringOptionValue(highs, "solution_file"//C_NULL_CHAR, "F90.sol"//C_NULL_CHAR) runstatus = Highs_getStringOptionValue(highs, "solution_file"//C_NULL_CHAR, file_name) print*, "New solution_file is |", file_name, "|" ! Get and set bool options. NB Cannot pass .true. as it's 4-byte runstatus = Highs_getBoolOptionValue(highs, "write_solution_to_file"//C_NULL_CHAR, write_solution_to_file) print*, "Default write_solution_to_file = ", write_solution_to_file write_solution_to_file = .true. runstatus = Highs_setBoolOptionValue(highs, "write_solution_to_file"//C_NULL_CHAR, write_solution_to_file) runstatus = Highs_getIntOptionValue(highs, "write_solution_style"//C_NULL_CHAR, write_solution_style) print*, "Default write_solution_style = ", write_solution_style write_solution_style = 1; runstatus = Highs_setIntOptionValue(highs, "write_solution_style"//C_NULL_CHAR, write_solution_style) ! Report all the deviations from default options runstatus = Highs_writeOptionsDeviations(highs, "OptionsDeviations.set"//C_NULL_CHAR) ! Reset all the options runstatus = Highs_resetOptions(highs) ! Report all the options runstatus = Highs_writeOptions(highs, "Options.set"//C_NULL_CHAR) if (no_highs_logging) then runstatus = Highs_setBoolOptionValue(highs, "output_flag"//C_NULL_CHAR, logical_false) endif ! Read the LP runstatus = Highs_readModel(highs, "F90.mps"//C_NULL_CHAR) ! Solve the LP runstatus = Highs_run(highs); ! Get the model status modelstatus = Highs_getModelStatus(highs); call assert(modelstatus .eq. modelstatus_optimal, "Highs_run modelstatus optimal") write(*, '(a, i1, a, i2)')'Run status = ', runstatus, '; Model status = ', modelstatus runstatus = Highs_getDoubleInfoValue(highs, "objective_function_value"//C_NULL_CHAR, objective_function_value); runstatus = Highs_getIntInfoValue(highs, "simplex_iteration_count"//C_NULL_CHAR, iteration_count); write(*, '(a, f10.4, a, i6)')"Objective value = ", objective_function_value, "; Iteration count = ", iteration_count call Highs_destroy(highs) !================================================================================ ! Illustrate use of Highs_qpCall to solve a given QP print*, "**********" print*, "QP Example" print*, "**********" qp_colcost(1) = 0 qp_colcost(2) = -1 qp_colcost(3) = -3 qp_collower(1) = 0 qp_collower(2) = 0 qp_collower(3) = 0 qp_colupper(1) = inf qp_colupper(2) = inf qp_colupper(3) = inf qp_rowlower(1) = -inf qp_rowupper(1) = 2 qp_astart(1) = 0 qp_astart(2) = 1 qp_astart(3) = 1 qp_aindex(1) = 0 qp_aindex(2) = 0 qp_avalue(1) = 1 qp_avalue(2) = 1 qp_qstart(1) = 0 qp_qstart(2) = 2 qp_qstart(3) = 3 qp_qindex(1) = 0 qp_qindex(2) = 2 qp_qindex(3) = 1 qp_qindex(4) = 2 qp_qvalue(1) = 2.0 qp_qvalue(2) = -1.0 qp_qvalue(3) = 0.2 qp_qvalue(4) = 2.0 runstatus = Highs_qpCall( qp_numcol, qp_numrow, qp_numnz, qp_hessian_numnz,& aformat_colwise, qformat_triangular, sense, offset,& qp_colcost, qp_collower, qp_colupper, qp_rowlower, qp_rowupper,& qp_astart, qp_aindex, qp_avalue,& qp_qstart, qp_qindex, qp_qvalue,& qp_colvalue, qp_coldual, qp_rowvalue, qp_rowdual,& qp_colbasisstatus, qp_rowbasisstatus, modelstatus) if (runstatus .ne. runstatus_ok) then write(*, '(a, i1, a, i2)')'Highs_lpCall run status is ', runstatus, ' not ', runstatus_ok stop endif write(*, '(a, i1, a, i2)')'Run status = ', runstatus, '; Model status = ', modelstatus if (modelstatus .eq. modelstatus_optimal) then objective_function_value = 0 ! Report the column primal and dual values, and basis status do col = 1, qp_numcol write(*, '(a, i1, a, f10.4, a, f10.4, a, i2)') & 'Col', col, ' = ', qp_colvalue(col), & '; dual = ', qp_coldual(col) call assert(abs(qp_colvalue(col)-qp_sol(col)) .le. 1e-4, "Solution error") enddo ! Report the row primal and dual values, and basis status do row = 1, qp_numrow write(*, '(a, i1, a, f10.4, a, f10.4, a, i2)') & 'Row', row, ' = ', qp_rowvalue(row), & '; dual = ', qp_rowdual(row) enddo do col = 1, qp_numcol objective_function_value = objective_function_value + qp_colvalue(col)*qp_colcost(col) enddo do col = 1, qp_numcol from_el = qp_qstart(col) if (col < qp_numcol) then to_el = qp_qstart(col+1)-1 else to_el = qp_hessian_numnz endif objective_function_value = & objective_function_value + 0.5 * qp_colvalue(col) * qp_qvalue(from_el+1) * qp_colvalue(col) do el = from_el+1, to_el row = qp_qindex(el+1)+1 objective_function_value = & objective_function_value + qp_colvalue(col) * qp_qvalue(el+1) * qp_colvalue(row) enddo enddo write(*, '(a, f10.4)')'Optimal objective value = ', objective_function_value objective_error = abs(objective_function_value+5.25) call assert(objective_error .le. 1e-4, "Objective error") endif end program fortrantest subroutine assert ( logic, message) logical logic character*(*) message if (.not.logic) then write(*, '(a, a)')'assert fail for ', message stop endif end subroutine assert