#include "Avgas.h" #include "Highs.h" #include "catch.hpp" #include "lp_data/HighsLpUtils.h" #include "util/HighsUtils.h" const bool dev_run = false; // No commas in test case name. TEST_CASE("LP-orientation", "[lp_orientation]") { Avgas avgas; const HighsInt avgas_num_col = 8; const HighsInt avgas_num_row = 10; HighsInt num_row = 0; HighsInt num_row_nz = 0; vector rowLower; vector rowUpper; vector ARstart; vector ARindex; vector ARvalue; for (HighsInt row = 0; row < avgas_num_row; row++) avgas.row(row, num_row, num_row_nz, rowLower, rowUpper, ARstart, ARindex, ARvalue); ARstart.resize(num_row + 1); ARstart[num_row] = num_row_nz; HighsInt num_col = 0; HighsInt num_col_nz = 0; vector colCost; vector colLower; vector colUpper; vector Astart; vector Aindex; vector Avalue; for (HighsInt col = 0; col < avgas_num_col; col++) avgas.col(col, num_col, num_col_nz, colCost, colLower, colUpper, Astart, Aindex, Avalue); Astart.resize(num_col + 1); Astart[num_col] = num_col_nz; assert(num_col_nz == num_row_nz); double optimal_objective_function_value = -7.75; Highs highs; if (!dev_run) { highs.setOptionValue("output_flag", false); } else { highs.setOptionValue("log_dev_level", kHighsLogDevLevelVerbose); } const HighsLp& highs_lp = highs.getLp(); const HighsInfo& info = highs.getInfo(); REQUIRE(highs_lp.a_matrix_.format_ == MatrixFormat::kColwise); // Set up the LP externally HighsLp lp; lp.num_col_ = num_col; lp.num_row_ = num_row; lp.col_cost_ = colCost; lp.col_lower_ = colLower; lp.col_upper_ = colUpper; lp.row_lower_ = rowLower; lp.row_upper_ = rowUpper; lp.a_matrix_.start_ = Astart; lp.a_matrix_.index_ = Aindex; lp.a_matrix_.value_ = Avalue; lp.a_matrix_.format_ = MatrixFormat::kColwise; // Have to set the matrix dimension so that setFormat can be used lp.a_matrix_.num_col_ = num_col; lp.a_matrix_.num_row_ = num_row; // Pass the LP highs.passModel(lp); highs.run(); REQUIRE(info.objective_function_value == optimal_objective_function_value); // Make the external LP row-wise then pass and solve it lp.ensureRowwise(); highs.passModel(lp); highs.run(); REQUIRE(info.objective_function_value == optimal_objective_function_value); // Make the external LP col-wise then pass and solve it lp.ensureColwise(); highs.passModel(lp); highs.run(); REQUIRE(info.objective_function_value == optimal_objective_function_value); // Clear the internal LP highs.clearModel(); REQUIRE(highs.addCols(num_col, &colCost[0], &colLower[0], &colUpper[0], 0, NULL, NULL, NULL) == HighsStatus::kOk); REQUIRE(highs.addRows(num_row, &rowLower[0], &rowUpper[0], num_row_nz, &ARstart[0], &ARindex[0], &ARvalue[0]) == HighsStatus::kOk); highs.run(); REQUIRE(info.objective_function_value == optimal_objective_function_value); // Clear the internal LP highs.clearModel(); highs.addCols(num_col, &colCost[0], &colLower[0], &colUpper[0], 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); vector one_row_Lower; vector one_row_Upper; vector one_row_start; vector one_row_index; vector one_row_value; for (HighsInt row = 0; row < avgas_num_row; row++) { HighsInt one_row_numnz = 0; HighsInt one_row_numrow = 0; avgas.row(row, one_row_numrow, one_row_numnz, one_row_Lower, one_row_Upper, one_row_start, one_row_index, one_row_value); REQUIRE(highs.addRows(1, &one_row_Lower[0], &one_row_Upper[0], one_row_numnz, &one_row_start[0], &one_row_index[0], &one_row_value[0]) == HighsStatus::kOk); } highs.run(); REQUIRE(info.objective_function_value == optimal_objective_function_value); // return_status = highs.writeModel(""); }