#include #include "Highs.h" #include "catch.hpp" #include "lp_data/HighsLpUtils.h" #include "util/HighsUtils.h" const double kOptimalQap04 = 32; // No commas in test case name. TEST_CASE("icrash-qap04", "[highs_presolve]") { std::string filename = std::string(HIGHS_DIR) + "/check/instances/qap04.mps"; Highs highs; HighsStatus highs_status = highs.readModel(filename); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); HighsOptions options; options.icrash = true; options.icrash_starting_weight = 10; options.icrash_approx_iter = 100; options.simplex_strategy = kSimplexStrategyPrimal; highs_status = highs.passHighsOptions(options); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); HighsStatus run_status = highs.run(); REQUIRE(run_status == HighsStatus::kOk); ICrashInfo info = highs.getICrashInfo(); // assert objective is close enough to the optimal one // c'x REQUIRE(std::fabs(info.final_lp_objective - kOptimalQap04) < 0.18); // assert residual is below threshold REQUIRE(info.final_residual_norm_2 >= -1e08); REQUIRE(info.final_residual_norm_2 < 1e08); }