#include //#include "HConfig.h" #include "Highs.h" #include "HighsRandom.h" #include "catch.hpp" using std::min; const bool dev_run = false; bool GetBasisSolvesSolutionNzOk(HighsInt numRow, const vector& pass_solution_vector, HighsInt* solution_num_nz, vector& solution_indices) { if (solution_num_nz == NULL) return true; vector solution_vector; solution_vector.resize(numRow); bool solution_nz_ok = true; for (HighsInt row = 0; row < numRow; row++) solution_vector[row] = pass_solution_vector[row]; // Check that the indexed entries are nonzero for (HighsInt ix = 0; ix < *solution_num_nz; ix++) { HighsInt row = solution_indices[ix]; if (!solution_vector[row]) { if (dev_run) printf("SolutionNzOk: Indexed entry solution_vector[%2" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "] = %11.4g\n", row, solution_vector[row]); solution_nz_ok = false; } else { solution_vector[row] = 0; } } // Solution should now be zero for (HighsInt row = 0; row < numRow; row++) { if (solution_vector[row]) { if (dev_run) printf( "SolutionNzOk: Non-indexed entry solution_vector[%2" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "] = %11.4g\n", row, solution_vector[row]); solution_nz_ok = false; } } return solution_nz_ok; } double GetBasisSolvesCheckSolution(const HighsLp& lp, const vector& basic_variables, const vector& rhs, const vector& solution, const bool transpose = false) { const double residual_tolerance = 1e-8; double residual_norm = 0; if (transpose) { for (HighsInt k = 0; k < lp.num_row_; k++) { double residual = 0; HighsInt var = basic_variables[k]; if (var < 0) { HighsInt row = -(1 + var); residual = fabs(rhs[k] - solution[row]); if (residual > residual_tolerance) { if (dev_run) printf("Row |[B^Tx-b]_{%2" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "}| = %11.4g\n", k, residual); } } else { HighsInt col = var; for (HighsInt el = lp.a_matrix_.start_[col]; el < lp.a_matrix_.start_[col + 1]; el++) { HighsInt row = lp.a_matrix_.index_[el]; residual += lp.a_matrix_.value_[el] * solution[row]; } residual = fabs(rhs[k] - residual); if (residual > residual_tolerance) { if (dev_run) printf("Col |[B^Tx-b]_{%2" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "}| = %11.4g\n", k, residual); } } residual_norm += residual; } } else { vector basis_matrix_times_solution; basis_matrix_times_solution.assign(lp.num_row_, 0); for (HighsInt k = 0; k < lp.num_row_; k++) { HighsInt var = basic_variables[k]; if (var < 0) { HighsInt row = -(1 + var); basis_matrix_times_solution[row] += solution[k]; } else { HighsInt col = var; for (HighsInt el = lp.a_matrix_.start_[col]; el < lp.a_matrix_.start_[col + 1]; el++) { HighsInt row = lp.a_matrix_.index_[el]; basis_matrix_times_solution[row] += lp.a_matrix_.value_[el] * solution[k]; } } } for (HighsInt k = 0; k < lp.num_row_; k++) { double residual = fabs(rhs[k] - basis_matrix_times_solution[k]); if (residual > residual_tolerance) { if (dev_run) printf("|[B^Tx-b]_{%2" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "}| = %11.4g\n", k, residual); } residual_norm += residual; } } return residual_norm; } void GetBasisSolvesFormRHS(HighsLp& lp, vector& basic_variables, vector& solution, vector& rhs, const bool transpose = false) { if (transpose) { for (HighsInt k = 0; k < lp.num_row_; k++) { rhs[k] = 0; HighsInt var = basic_variables[k]; if (var < 0) { HighsInt row = -(1 + var); rhs[k] = solution[row]; } else { HighsInt col = var; for (HighsInt el = lp.a_matrix_.start_[col]; el < lp.a_matrix_.start_[col + 1]; el++) { HighsInt row = lp.a_matrix_.index_[el]; rhs[k] += lp.a_matrix_.value_[el] * solution[row]; } } } } else { for (HighsInt k = 0; k < lp.num_row_; k++) rhs[k] = 0; for (HighsInt k = 0; k < lp.num_row_; k++) { HighsInt var = basic_variables[k]; if (var < 0) { HighsInt row = -(1 + var); rhs[row] += solution[k]; } else { HighsInt col = var; for (HighsInt el = lp.a_matrix_.start_[col]; el < lp.a_matrix_.start_[col + 1]; el++) { HighsInt row = lp.a_matrix_.index_[el]; rhs[row] += lp.a_matrix_.value_[el] * solution[k]; } } } } } void testBasisSolve(Highs& highs) { HighsStatus highs_status; vector basic_variables, solution_row_indices, solution_col_indices; vector rhs, known_solution, solution_row, solution_col; HighsLp lp = highs.getLp(); HighsInt numRow = lp.num_row_; HighsInt numCol = lp.num_col_; basic_variables.resize(numRow); known_solution.resize(numRow); rhs.resize(numRow); solution_row.resize(numCol); solution_col.resize(numRow); solution_row_indices.resize(numCol); solution_col_indices.resize(numRow); HighsInt solution_num_nz; HighsInt check_row = 0; HighsInt check_col = 0; double residual_norm; const double residual_norm_tolerance = 1e-8; const double solution_error_tolerance = 1e-8; HighsRandom random; HighsInt basic_col; highs_status = highs.getBasicVariables(&basic_variables[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); for (HighsInt ix = 0; ix < numRow; ix++) known_solution[ix] = 0; bool transpose = true; HighsInt num_ix = 3; HighsInt col; col = 6; basic_col = basic_variables[col]; known_solution[col] = random.fraction(); if (num_ix > 1) { col = 15; basic_col = basic_variables[col]; known_solution[col] = random.fraction(); } if (num_ix > 2) { col = 12; basic_col = basic_variables[col]; known_solution[col] = random.fraction(); } GetBasisSolvesFormRHS(lp, basic_variables, known_solution, rhs, transpose); if (transpose) { highs_status = highs.getBasisTransposeSolve(&rhs[0], &solution_col[0]); } else { highs_status = highs.getBasisSolve(&rhs[0], &solution_col[0]); } REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); residual_norm = GetBasisSolvesCheckSolution(lp, basic_variables, rhs, solution_col, transpose); REQUIRE(fabs(residual_norm) < residual_norm_tolerance); double solution_error_norm = 0; for (HighsInt ix = 0; ix < numRow; ix++) { double solution_error = fabs(known_solution[ix] - solution_col[ix]); if (solution_error > solution_error_tolerance) { if (dev_run) printf("Row %2" HIGHSINT_FORMAT ": |x-x^|_i = %11.4g\n", ix, solution_error); solution_error_norm += solution_error; } } if (dev_run) printf( "Test 0: residual_norm = %11.4g\n solution_error_norm = " "%11.4g " "(Known solution)\n", residual_norm, solution_error_norm); double max_residual_norm; HighsInt max_k = min(numRow, HighsInt{9}); HighsInt k; k = 0; max_residual_norm = 0; for (HighsInt row = 0; row < numRow; row++) { HighsInt var = basic_variables[row]; if (var >= 0) { basic_col = var; for (HighsInt ix = 0; ix < numRow; ix++) rhs[ix] = 0; for (HighsInt el = lp.a_matrix_.start_[basic_col]; el < lp.a_matrix_.start_[basic_col + 1]; el++) rhs[lp.a_matrix_.index_[el]] = lp.a_matrix_.value_[el]; highs_status = highs.getBasisSolve(&rhs[0], &solution_col[0], &solution_num_nz, &solution_col_indices[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); bool solution_nz_ok = GetBasisSolvesSolutionNzOk( numRow, solution_col, &solution_num_nz, solution_col_indices); REQUIRE(solution_nz_ok == true); residual_norm = GetBasisSolvesCheckSolution(lp, basic_variables, rhs, solution_col, false); max_residual_norm = std::max(residual_norm, max_residual_norm); if (residual_norm > residual_norm_tolerance && dev_run) printf("getBasisSolve(%" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "): residual_norm = %g\n", k, residual_norm); REQUIRE(fabs(residual_norm) < residual_norm_tolerance); if (k < max_k) k++; else k *= 2; } if (k >= numRow) break; } if (dev_run) printf("Test 1: max_residual_norm = %11.4g (Basic column)\n", max_residual_norm); k = 0; max_residual_norm = 0; for (;;) { check_row = k; // Determine row check_row of B^{-1} highs_status = highs.getBasisInverseRow(check_row, &solution_col[0], &solution_num_nz, &solution_col_indices[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); bool solution_nz_ok = GetBasisSolvesSolutionNzOk( numRow, solution_col, &solution_num_nz, solution_col_indices); REQUIRE(solution_nz_ok == true); // Check solution // Set up RHS as e_{check_row} for (HighsInt row = 0; row < numRow; row++) rhs[row] = 0; rhs[check_row] = 1; residual_norm = GetBasisSolvesCheckSolution(lp, basic_variables, rhs, solution_col, true); max_residual_norm = std::max(residual_norm, max_residual_norm); if (residual_norm > residual_norm_tolerance && dev_run) printf("getBasisInverseRow(%" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "): residual_norm = %g\n", k, residual_norm); REQUIRE(fabs(residual_norm) < residual_norm_tolerance); if (k < max_k) k++; else k *= 2; if (k >= numRow) break; } if (dev_run) printf("Test 2: max_residual_norm = %11.4g (getBasisInverseRow)\n", max_residual_norm); k = 0; max_residual_norm = 0; for (;;) { check_col = k; // Determine col check_col of B^{-1} highs_status = highs.getBasisInverseCol(check_col, &solution_col[0], &solution_num_nz, &solution_col_indices[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); bool solution_nz_ok = GetBasisSolvesSolutionNzOk( numRow, solution_col, &solution_num_nz, solution_col_indices); REQUIRE(solution_nz_ok == true); // Check solution // Set up RHS as e_{check_col} for (HighsInt row = 0; row < numRow; row++) rhs[row] = 0; rhs[check_col] = 1; residual_norm = GetBasisSolvesCheckSolution(lp, basic_variables, rhs, solution_col, false); max_residual_norm = std::max(residual_norm, max_residual_norm); if (residual_norm > residual_norm_tolerance && dev_run) printf("getBasisInverseCol(%" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "): residual_norm = %g\n", k, residual_norm); REQUIRE(fabs(residual_norm) < residual_norm_tolerance); if (k < max_k) k++; else k *= 2; if (k >= numRow) break; } if (dev_run) printf("Test 3: max_residual_norm = %11.4g (getBasisInverseCol)\n", max_residual_norm); k = 0; max_residual_norm = 0; for (;;) { for (HighsInt row = 0; row < numRow; row++) rhs[row] = random.fraction(); highs_status = highs.getBasisSolve(&rhs[0], &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); // Check solution residual_norm = GetBasisSolvesCheckSolution(lp, basic_variables, rhs, solution_col, false); max_residual_norm = std::max(residual_norm, max_residual_norm); if (residual_norm > residual_norm_tolerance && dev_run) printf("getBasisSolve(%" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "): residual_norm = %g\n", k, residual_norm); REQUIRE(fabs(residual_norm) < residual_norm_tolerance); if (k < max_k) k++; else k *= 2; if (k >= numRow) break; } if (dev_run) printf("Test 4: max_residual_norm = %11.4g (getBasisSolve)\n", max_residual_norm); k = 0; max_residual_norm = 0; for (;;) { for (HighsInt row = 0; row < numRow; row++) rhs[row] = random.fraction(); highs_status = highs.getBasisTransposeSolve(&rhs[0], &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); // Check solution residual_norm = GetBasisSolvesCheckSolution(lp, basic_variables, rhs, solution_col, true); max_residual_norm = std::max(residual_norm, max_residual_norm); if (residual_norm > residual_norm_tolerance && dev_run) printf("getBasisTransposeSolve(%" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "): residual_norm = %g\n", k, residual_norm); REQUIRE(fabs(residual_norm) < residual_norm_tolerance); if (k < max_k) k++; else k *= 2; if (k >= numRow) break; } if (dev_run) printf("Test 5: max_residual_norm = %11.4g (getBasisTransposeSolve)\n", max_residual_norm); k = 0; max_residual_norm = 0; max_k = min(numRow, HighsInt{9}); for (;;) { check_row = k; highs_status = highs.getReducedRow(check_row, &solution_row[0], &solution_num_nz, &solution_row_indices[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); bool solution_nz_ok = GetBasisSolvesSolutionNzOk( numCol, solution_row, &solution_num_nz, solution_row_indices); REQUIRE(solution_nz_ok == true); if (k < max_k) k++; else k *= 2; if (k >= numRow) break; } if (dev_run) printf("Test 6: max_residual_norm = %11.4g (getReducedRow)\n", max_residual_norm); k = 0; max_residual_norm = 0; max_k = min(numCol, HighsInt{9}); for (;;) { check_col = k; highs_status = highs.getReducedColumn(check_col, &solution_col[0], &solution_num_nz, &solution_col_indices[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); // Check solution for (HighsInt row = 0; row < numRow; row++) rhs[row] = 0; for (HighsInt el = lp.a_matrix_.start_[check_col]; el < lp.a_matrix_.start_[check_col + 1]; el++) rhs[lp.a_matrix_.index_[el]] = lp.a_matrix_.value_[el]; residual_norm = GetBasisSolvesCheckSolution(lp, basic_variables, rhs, solution_col, false); max_residual_norm = std::max(residual_norm, max_residual_norm); if (residual_norm > residual_norm_tolerance && dev_run) printf("getBasisTransposeSolve(%" HIGHSINT_FORMAT "): residual_norm = %g\n", k, residual_norm); REQUIRE(fabs(residual_norm) < residual_norm_tolerance); if (k < max_k) k++; else k *= 2; if (k >= numCol) break; } if (dev_run) printf("Test 7: max_residual_norm = %11.4g (getReducedColumn)\n", max_residual_norm); } // No commas in test case name. TEST_CASE("Basis-solves", "[highs_basis_solves]") { std::string filename; filename = std::string(HIGHS_DIR) + "/check/instances/chip.mps"; filename = std::string(HIGHS_DIR) + "/check/instances/avgas.mps"; filename = std::string(HIGHS_DIR) + "/check/instances/adlittle.mps"; // filename = std::string(HIGHS_DIR) + "/check/instances/25fv47.mps"; Highs highs; if (!dev_run) highs.setOptionValue("output_flag", false); vector basic_variables; vector rhs, solution_row, solution_col; basic_variables.resize(1); rhs.resize(1); solution_row.resize(1); solution_col.resize(1); HighsStatus highs_status; // Read the LP given by filename highs_status = highs.readModel(filename); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); highs_status = highs.writeModel(""); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); HighsInt numRow = highs.getNumRow(); HighsInt numCol = highs.getNumCol(); basic_variables.resize(numRow); rhs.resize(numRow); solution_row.resize(numCol); solution_col.resize(numRow); // Check the NULL pointer trap for RHS highs_status = highs.getBasisSolve(NULL, &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisSolve(NULL, &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); // Check the NULL pointer trap for the basic variables highs_status = highs.getBasicVariables(NULL); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); // Check the NULL pointer trap for the solution vector highs_status = highs.getBasisInverseRow(0, NULL); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisInverseCol(0, NULL); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisSolve(&rhs[0], NULL); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisTransposeSolve(&rhs[0], NULL); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getReducedRow(0, NULL); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getReducedColumn(0, NULL); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); // Check the indexing traps highs_status = highs.getBasisInverseRow(-1, &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisInverseRow(numRow, &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisInverseCol(-1, &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisInverseCol(numCol, &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); // Check the no INVERSE traps - these should all work, as the first should // force inversion!!! highs_status = highs.getBasicVariables(&basic_variables[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisInverseRow(0, &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisInverseCol(0, &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisSolve(&rhs[0], &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getBasisTransposeSolve(&rhs[0], &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getReducedRow(0, &solution_row[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); highs_status = highs.getReducedColumn(0, &solution_col[0]); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kError); // Solve and perform numerical tests highs_status = highs.run(); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); testBasisSolve(highs); // Save the optimal basis and clear the model HighsBasis basis = highs.getBasis(); highs.clearModel(); // Read the LP given by filename highs.readModel(filename); // Load the optimal basis highs_status = highs.setBasis(basis); REQUIRE(highs_status == HighsStatus::kOk); testBasisSolve(highs); // Solve highs.run(); REQUIRE(highs.getInfo().simplex_iteration_count == 0); }