.. _non-uniform-random-number-sampling:
Universal Non-Uniform Random Number Sampling in SciPy
.. currentmodule:: scipy.stats.sampling
SciPy provides an interface to many universal non-uniform random number
generators to sample random variates from a wide variety of univariate
continuous and discrete distributions. Implementations of a fast C library
called `UNU.RAN `__ are used
for speed and performance. Please look at
`UNU.RAN's documentation `__
for an in-depth explanation of these methods. It is heavily referred to
for writing this tutorial and the documentation of all the generators.
Random variate generation is the small field of research that deals with
algorithms to generate random variates from various distributions. It is
common to assume that a uniform random number generator is available.
This is a program that produces a sequence of independent and identically
distributed continuous U(0,1) random variates (i.e. uniform random variates
on the interval (0,1)). Of course, real-world computers can never generate
ideal random numbers and they cannot produce numbers of arbitrary precision
but state-of-the-art uniform random number generators come close to this
aim. Thus random variate generation deals with the problem of transforming
such a sequence of U(0,1) random numbers into non-uniform random variates.
These methods are universal and work in a black-box fashion.
Some methods to do that are:
* The Inversion method: When the inverse :math:`F^{-1}` of the cumulative
distribution function is known, then random variate generation is easy.
We just generate a uniformly U(0,1) distributed random number U and
return :math:`X = F^{-1}(U)`. As closed form solutions for the inverse
are rarely available, one usually needs to rely on approximations of
the inverse (e.g. :class:`~scipy.special.ndtri`,
:class:`~scipy.special.stdtrit`). In general, the implementation of special
functions is quite slow compared to the inversion methods in UNU.RAN.
* The Rejection Method: The rejection method, often called
acceptance-rejection method, has been suggested by John von Neumann in
1951 [1]_. It involves computing an upper bound to the PDF (also called the
hat function) and using the inversion method to generate a random
variate, say Y, from this bound. Then a uniform random number can be
drawn between 0 to the value of the upper bound at Y. If this number
is less than the PDF at Y, return the sample otherwise reject it. See
* The Ratio-of-Uniforms Method: This is a type of acceptance-rejection
method which is uses minimal bounding rectangles to construct the hat
function. See `scipy.stats.rvs_ratio_uniforms`.
* Inversion for Discrete Distributions: The difference compared to the
continuous case is that :math:`F` is now a step-function. To realize
this in a computer, a search algorithm is used, the simplest of which
is *sequential search*. A uniform random number is generated from
U(0, 1) and probabilities are summed until the cumulative probability
exceeds the uniform random number. The index at which this happens is
the required random variate and is returned.
More details on these algorithms can be found in the `appendix of the UNU.RAN
user manual `__.
When generating random variates of a distribution, two factors are important
to determine the speed of a generator: the setup step and the actual sampling.
Depending on the situation, different generators can be optimal. For example,
if one repeatedly needs to draw large samples from a given distribution with
a fixed shape parameter, a slow setup is acceptable if the sampling is fast.
This is called the fixed parameter case. If one aims to generate samples of
a distribution for different shape parameters (the varying parameter case),
an expensive setup that needs to be repeated for each parameter would lead
to very poor performance. In such a situation, a fast setup is crucial to
achieve good performance. An overview of the setup and sampling speed of the
different methods is shown in the table below.
.. _unuran-methods-summary:
===================================== =============== =============== =========== ==============
Methods for continuous distributions Required Inputs Optional Inputs Setup Speed Sampling Speed
===================================== =============== =============== =========== ==============
:class:`~TransformedDensityRejection` pdf, dpdf none slow fast
:class:`~NumericalInverseHermite` cdf pdf, dpdf (very) slow (very) fast
:class:`~NumericalInversePolynomial` pdf cdf (very) slow (very) fast
:class:`~SimpleRatioUniforms` pdf none fast slow
===================================== =============== =============== =========== ==============
* pdf: probability density function
* dpdf: derivative of the pdf
* cdf: cumulative distribution function
===================================== =============== =============== =========== ==============
Methods for discrete distributions Required Inputs Optional Inputs Setup Speed Sampling Speed
===================================== =============== =============== =========== ==============
:class:`~DiscreteAliasUrn` pv pmf slow very fast
:class:`~DiscreteGuideTable` pv pmf slow very fast
===================================== =============== =============== =========== ==============
* pv: probability vector
* pmf: probability mass function
For more details on the generators implemented in UNU.RAN, please refer to [2]_ and [3]_.
Basic concepts of the Interface
Every generator needs to be set up before one can start sampling from it.
This can be done by instantiating an object of that class. Most of the
generators take a distribution object as input which contains the implementation
of required methods like PDF, CDF, etc. In addition to the distribution
object, one can also pass parameters used to set up the generator. It is also
possible to truncate the distributions using a ``domain`` parameter. All
generators need a stream of uniform random numbers that are transformed into
random variates of the given distribution. This is done by passing a ``random_state``
parameter with a NumPy BitGenerator as the uniform random number generator.
``random_state`` can either be a integer, `np.random.Generator`,
or `np.random.RandomState`.
.. warning:: Use of NumPy < 1.19.0 is discouraged as it doesn't have a fast
Cython API for generating uniform random numbers and might be
too slow for practical use.
All the generators have a common ``rvs`` method that can be used to draw
samples from the given distribution.
An example of this interface is shown below:
>>> from scipy.stats.sampling import TransformedDensityRejection
>>> from math import exp
>>> class StandardNormal:
... def pdf(self, x: float) -> float:
... # note that the normalization constant isn't required
... return exp(-0.5 * x*x)
... def dpdf(self, x: float) -> float:
... return -x * exp(-0.5 * x*x)
>>> dist = StandardNormal()
>>> urng = np.random.default_rng()
>>> rng = TransformedDensityRejection(dist, random_state=urng)
As shown in the example, we first initialize a distribution object that
contains an implementation of the methods required by the generator. In
our case, we use the :class:`~TransformedDensityRejection` (TDR) method
which requires a PDF and its derivative w.r.t. ``x`` (i.e. the variate).
.. note:: Note that the methods of the distribution (i.e. ``pdf``,
``dpdf``, etc) need not be vectorized. They should
accept and return floats.
.. note:: One can also pass the SciPy distributions as arguments. However,
note that the object doesn't always have all the information
required by some generators like the derivative of PDF for the
TDR method. Relying on SciPy distributions might also reduce
performance due to the vectorization of the methods like
``pdf`` and ``cdf``. In both cases, one can implement a
custom distribution object that contains all the required
methods and that is not vectorized as shown in the example
In the above example, we have set up an object of the
:class:`~TransformedDensityRejection` method to sample from a
standard normal distribution. Now, we can start sampling from our
distribution by calling the ``rvs`` method:
>>> rng.rvs()
>>> rng.rvs((5, 3))
array([[ 2.06206883, 0.15205036, 1.11587367],
[-0.30775562, 0.29879802, -0.61858268],
[-1.01049115, 0.78853694, -0.23060766],
[-0.60954752, 0.29071797, -0.57167182],
[ 0.9331694 , -0.95605208, 1.72195199]])
We can also check that the samples are drawn from the correct distribution
by visualizing the histogram of the samples:
.. plot::
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from scipy.stats import norm
>>> from scipy.stats.sampling import TransformedDensityRejection
>>> from math import exp
>>> class StandardNormal:
... def pdf(self, x: float) -> float:
... # note that the normalization constant isn't required
... return exp(-0.5 * x*x)
... def dpdf(self, x: float) -> float:
... return -x * exp(-0.5 * x*x)
>>> dist = StandardNormal()
>>> urng = np.random.default_rng()
>>> rng = TransformedDensityRejection(dist, random_state=urng)
>>> rvs = rng.rvs(size=1000)
>>> x = np.linspace(rvs.min()-0.1, rvs.max()+0.1, num=1000)
>>> fx = norm.pdf(x)
>>> plt.plot(x, fx, 'r-', lw=2, label='true distribution')
>>> plt.hist(rvs, bins=20, density=True, alpha=0.8, label='random variates')
>>> plt.xlabel('x')
>>> plt.ylabel('PDF(x)')
>>> plt.title('Transformed Density Rejection Samples')
>>> plt.legend()
>>> plt.show()
.. note:: Please note the difference between the `rvs` method of the
distributions present in :mod:`scipy.stats` and the one provided
by these generators. UNU.RAN generators must be considered
independent in a sense that they will generally produce a different
stream of random numbers than the one produced by the equivalent
distribution in :mod:`scipy.stats` for any seed. The implementation
of `rvs` in `scipy.stats.rv_continuous` usually relies on the NumPy
module `np.random` for well-known distributions (e.g., for the normal
distribution, the beta distribution) and transformations of other
distributions (e.g., normal inverse Gaussian `scipy.stats.norminvgauss` and the
lognormal `scipy.stats.lognorm` distribution). If no specific method is implemented,
`scipy.stats.rv_continuous` defaults to a numerical inversion method of the CDF
that is very slow. As UNU.RAN transforms uniform random numbers
differently than SciPy or NumPy, the resulting stream of RVs is
different even for the same stream of uniform random numbers. For
example, the random number stream of SciPy's ``scipy.stats.norm`` and UNU.RAN's
:class:`~TransformedDensityRejection` would not be the same even for
the same ``random_state``:
>>> from scipy.stats.sampling import norm, TransformedDensityRejection
>>> from copy import copy
>>> dist = StandardNormal()
>>> urng1 = np.random.default_rng()
>>> urng1_copy = copy(urng1)
>>> rng = TransformedDensityRejection(dist, random_state=urng1)
>>> rng.rvs()
>>> norm.rvs(random_state=urng1_copy)
We can pass a ``domain`` parameter to truncate the distribution:
>>> rng = TransformedDensityRejection(dist, domain=(-1, 1), random_state=urng)
>>> rng.rvs((5, 3))
array([[-0.99865691, 0.38104014, 0.31633526],
[ 0.88433909, -0.45181849, 0.78574461],
[ 0.3337244 , 0.12924307, 0.40499404],
[-0.51865761, 0.43252222, -0.6514866 ],
[-0.82666174, 0.71525582, 0.49006743]])
Invalid and bad arguments are handled either by SciPy or by UNU.RAN. The
latter throws a :class:`~UNURANError` that follows a common format:
``UNURANError: [objid: