.. _continuous-kstwobign: KStwobign Distribution ====================== This is the limiting distribution of the normalized maximum absolute differences between an empirical distribution function, computed from :math:`n` samples or observations, and a comparison (or target) cumulative distribution function. (``ksone`` is the distribution of the unnormalized positive differences, :math:`D_n^+`.) Writing :math:`D_n = \sup_t \left|F_{empirical,n}(t) - F_{target}(t)\right|`, the normalization factor is :math:`\sqrt{n}`, and ``kstwobign`` is the limiting distribution of the :math:`\sqrt{n} D_n` values as :math:`n\rightarrow\infty`. Note that :math:`D_n=\max(D_n^+, D_n^-)`, but :math:`D_n^+` and :math:`D_n^-` are not independent. ``kstwobign`` can also be used with the differences between two empirical distribution functions, for sets of observations with :math:`m` and :math:`n` samples respectively, where :math:`m` and :math:`n` are "big". Writing :math:`D_{m,n} = \sup_t \left|F_{1,m}(t)-F_{2,n}(t)\right|`, where :math:`F_{1,m}` and :math:`F_{2,n}` are the two empirical distribution functions, then ``kstwobign`` is also the limiting distribution of the :math:`\sqrt{\left(\frac{mn}{m+n}\right)D_{m,n}}` values, as :math:`m,n\rightarrow\infty` and :math:`m/n\rightarrow a \ne 0, \infty`. There are no shape parameters, and the support is :math:`x\in\left[0,\infty\right)`. .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{eqnarray*} F\left(x\right) & = & 1 - 2 \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{k-1} e^{-2k^2 x^2}\\ & = & \frac{\sqrt{2\pi}}{x} \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} e^{-(2k-1)^2 \pi^2/(8x^2)}\\ & = & 1 - \textrm{scipy.special.kolmogorov}(n, x) \\ f\left(x\right) & = & 8x \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{k-1} k^2 e^{-2k^2 x^2} \end{eqnarray*} References ---------- - "Kolmogorov-Smirnov test", Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov-Smirnov_test - Kolmogoroff, A. "Confidence Limits for an Unknown Distribution Function."" *Ann. Math. Statist.* 12 (1941), no. 4, 461--463. - Smirnov, N. "On the estimation of the discrepancy between empirical curves of distribution for two independent samples" *Bull. Math. Univ. Moscou.*, 2 (1039), 2-26. - Feller, W. "On the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Limit Theorems for Empirical Distributions." *Ann. Math. Statist.* 19 (1948), no. 2, 177--189. and "Errata" *Ann. Math. Statist.* 21 (1950), no. 2, 301--302. Implementation: `scipy.stats.kstwobign`