========================== SciPy 0.11.0 Release Notes ========================== .. contents:: SciPy 0.11.0 is the culmination of 8 months of hard work. It contains many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better documentation. Highlights of this release are: - A new module has been added which provides a number of common sparse graph algorithms. - New unified interfaces to the existing optimization and root finding functions have been added. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and optimizations. Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the 0.11.x branch, and on adding new features on the master branch. This release requires Python 2.4-2.7 or 3.1-3.2 and NumPy 1.5.1 or greater. New features ============ .. currentmodule:: scipy.sparse.csgraph Sparse Graph Submodule ---------------------- The new submodule :mod:`scipy.sparse.csgraph` implements a number of efficient graph algorithms for graphs stored as sparse adjacency matrices. Available routines are: - :func:`connected_components` - determine connected components of a graph - :func:`laplacian` - compute the laplacian of a graph - :func:`shortest_path` - compute the shortest path between points on a positive graph - :func:`dijkstra` - use Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest path - :func:`floyd_warshall` - use the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for shortest path - :func:`breadth_first_order` - compute a breadth-first order of nodes - :func:`depth_first_order` - compute a depth-first order of nodes - :func:`breadth_first_tree` - construct the breadth-first tree from a given node - :func:`depth_first_tree` - construct a depth-first tree from a given node - :func:`minimum_spanning_tree` - construct the minimum spanning tree of a graph ``scipy.optimize`` improvements ------------------------------- The optimize module has received a lot of attention this release. In addition to added tests, documentation improvements, bug fixes and code clean-up, the following improvements were made: - A unified interface to minimizers of univariate and multivariate functions has been added. - A unified interface to root finding algorithms for multivariate functions has been added. - The L-BFGS-B algorithm has been updated to version 3.0. Unified interfaces to minimizers ```````````````````````````````` .. currentmodule:: scipy.optimize Two new functions ``scipy.optimize.minimize`` and ``scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar`` were added to provide a common interface to minimizers of multivariate and univariate functions respectively. For multivariate functions, ``scipy.optimize.minimize`` provides an interface to methods for unconstrained optimization (`fmin`, `fmin_powell`, `fmin_cg`, `fmin_ncg`, `fmin_bfgs` and `anneal`) or constrained optimization (`fmin_l_bfgs_b`, `fmin_tnc`, `fmin_cobyla` and `fmin_slsqp`). For univariate functions, ``scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar`` provides an interface to methods for unconstrained and bounded optimization (`brent`, `golden`, `fminbound`). This allows for easier comparing and switching between solvers. Unified interface to root finding algorithms ```````````````````````````````````````````` The new function ``scipy.optimize.root`` provides a common interface to root finding algorithms for multivariate functions, embedding `fsolve`, `leastsq` and ``nonlin`` solvers. ``scipy.linalg`` improvements ----------------------------- New matrix equation solvers ``````````````````````````` Solvers for the Sylvester equation (``scipy.linalg.solve_sylvester``, discrete and continuous Lyapunov equations (``scipy.linalg.solve_lyapunov``, ``scipy.linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov``) and discrete and continuous algebraic Riccati equations (``scipy.linalg.solve_continuous_are``, ``scipy.linalg.solve_discrete_are``) have been added to ``scipy.linalg``. These solvers are often used in the field of linear control theory. QZ and QR Decomposition ```````````````````````` It is now possible to calculate the QZ, or Generalized Schur, decomposition using ``scipy.linalg.qz``. This function wraps the LAPACK routines sgges, dgges, cgges, and zgges. The function ``scipy.linalg.qr_multiply``, which allows efficient computation of the matrix product of Q (from a QR decomposition) and a vector, has been added. Pascal matrices ``````````````` A function for creating Pascal matrices, ``scipy.linalg.pascal``, was added. Sparse matrix construction and operations ----------------------------------------- Two new functions, ``scipy.sparse.diags`` and ``scipy.sparse.block_diag``, were added to easily construct diagonal and block-diagonal sparse matrices respectively. ``scipy.sparse.csc_matrix`` and ``csr_matrix`` now support the operations ``sin``, ``tan``, ``arcsin``, ``arctan``, ``sinh``, ``tanh``, ``arcsinh``, ``arctanh``, ``rint``, ``sign``, ``expm1``, ``log1p``, ``deg2rad``, ``rad2deg``, ``floor``, ``ceil`` and ``trunc``. Previously, these operations had to be performed by operating on the matrices' ``data`` attribute. LSMR iterative solver --------------------- LSMR, an iterative method for solving (sparse) linear and linear least-squares systems, was added as ``scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr``. Discrete Sine Transform ----------------------- Bindings for the discrete sine transform functions have been added to ``scipy.fftpack``. ``scipy.interpolate`` improvements ---------------------------------- For interpolation in spherical coordinates, the three classes ``scipy.interpolate.SmoothSphereBivariateSpline``, ``scipy.interpolate.LSQSphereBivariateSpline``, and ``scipy.interpolate.RectSphereBivariateSpline`` have been added. Binned statistics (``scipy.stats``) ----------------------------------- The stats module has gained functions to do binned statistics, which are a generalization of histograms, in 1-D, 2-D and multiple dimensions: ``scipy.stats.binned_statistic``, ``scipy.stats.binned_statistic_2d`` and ``scipy.stats.binned_statistic_dd``. Deprecated features =================== ``scipy.sparse.cs_graph_components`` has been made a part of the sparse graph submodule, and renamed to ``scipy.sparse.csgraph.connected_components``. Calling the former routine will result in a deprecation warning. ``scipy.misc.radon`` has been deprecated. A more full-featured radon transform can be found in scikits-image. ``scipy.io.save_as_module`` has been deprecated. A better way to save multiple Numpy arrays is the ``numpy.savez`` function. The `xa` and `xb` parameters for all distributions in ``scipy.stats.distributions`` already weren't used; they have now been deprecated. Backwards incompatible changes ============================== Removal of ``scipy.maxentropy`` ------------------------------- The ``scipy.maxentropy`` module, which was deprecated in the 0.10.0 release, has been removed. Logistic regression in scikits.learn is a good and modern alternative for this functionality. Minor change in behavior of ``splev`` ------------------------------------- The spline evaluation function now behaves similarly to ``interp1d`` for size-1 arrays. Previous behavior:: >>> from scipy.interpolate import splev, splrep, interp1d >>> x = [1,2,3,4,5] >>> y = [4,5,6,7,8] >>> tck = splrep(x, y) >>> splev([1], tck) 4. >>> splev(1, tck) 4. Corrected behavior:: >>> splev([1], tck) array([ 4.]) >>> splev(1, tck) array(4.) This affects also the ``UnivariateSpline`` classes. Behavior of ``scipy.integrate.complex_ode`` ------------------------------------------- The behavior of the ``y`` attribute of ``complex_ode`` is changed. Previously, it expressed the complex-valued solution in the form:: z = ode.y[::2] + 1j * ode.y[1::2] Now, it is directly the complex-valued solution:: z = ode.y Minor change in behavior of T-tests ----------------------------------- The T-tests ``scipy.stats.ttest_ind``, ``scipy.stats.ttest_rel`` and ``scipy.stats.ttest_1samp`` have been changed so that 0 / 0 now returns NaN instead of 1. Other changes ============= The SuperLU sources in ``scipy.sparse.linalg`` have been updated to version 4.3 from upstream. The function ``scipy.signal.bode``, which calculates magnitude and phase data for a continuous-time system, has been added. The two-sample T-test ``scipy.stats.ttest_ind`` gained an option to compare samples with unequal variances, i.e. Welch's T-test. ``scipy.misc.logsumexp`` now takes an optional ``axis`` keyword argument. Authors ======= This release contains work by the following people (contributed at least one patch to this release, names in alphabetical order): * Jeff Armstrong * Chad Baker * Brandon Beacher + * behrisch + * borishim + * Matthew Brett * Lars Buitinck * Luis Pedro Coelho + * Johann Cohen-Tanugi * David Cournapeau * dougal + * Ali Ebrahim + * endolith + * Bjørn Forsman + * Robert Gantner + * Sebastian Gassner + * Christoph Gohlke * Ralf Gommers * Yaroslav Halchenko * Charles Harris * Jonathan Helmus + * Andreas Hilboll + * Marc Honnorat + * Jonathan Hunt + * Maxim Ivanov + * Thouis (Ray) Jones * Christopher Kuster + * Josh Lawrence + * Denis Laxalde + * Travis Oliphant * Joonas Paalasmaa + * Fabian Pedregosa * Josef Perktold * Gavin Price + * Jim Radford + * Andrew Schein + * Skipper Seabold * Jacob Silterra + * Scott Sinclair * Alexis Tabary + * Martin Teichmann * Matt Terry + * Nicky van Foreest + * Jacob Vanderplas * Patrick Varilly + * Pauli Virtanen * Nils Wagner + * Darryl Wally + * Stefan van der Walt * Liming Wang + * David Warde-Farley + * Warren Weckesser * Sebastian Werk + * Mike Wimmer + * Tony S Yu + A total of 55 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.