From: (Judith Elaine Bush Newton) Newsgroups: alt.pagan Subject: BRIEF review of _Earth_Prayers_ Date: 29 Sep 93 22:25:55 GMT [...] Anyhow, I may write a longer review of this at some point, but I think that it's a wonderful enough book to let y'all know about it now. Consider it for Winter Solstice holiday gift giving! Editors: Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon ~Title: Earth Prayers from Around the World: 365 Prayers, Poems, and Invocations for Honoring the Earth Copyright: 1991 US Publisher: HarperCollins Publishing, NY, NY ISBN: 0-06-250888-1 (cloth), 0-06-250746-X (paper) US Price: $15.00 for paperback I found this in the "ecology" section of the bookstore. Extraordinarily good. Prayers, etc. are divided into eleven sections. Some sections are topical--eg, Healing the Whole--others help make the book useful in one's daily life by organization by intent--Blessings & Invocations, and Praise & Thanksgiving.