From: Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #135 X-Loop: X-Mailing-List: archive/volume98/135 Precedence: list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" To: Reply-To: ------------------------------ Content-Type: text/plain blakes7-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 135 Today's Topics: Re: [B7L]: Drink Colours (was Liberator design fault) Re: [B7L] start one war, other help. [B7L] Re: B7-B5 links [B7L] Invasion Earth? Re: [B7L] Invasion Earth Re: [B7L] Re: B7-B5 links Re: [B7L] Invasion Earth? Re: [B7L] Invasion Earth? Re: [B7L] Re: B7-B5 links ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 18:05:40 +0100 From: "Jenni-Alison" To: Subject: Re: [B7L]: Drink Colours (was Liberator design fault) Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Calle Wrote: > > Anyway, there's a blue alcopop which is interesting, and no one who I have > > seen drinking it has lost their head! > > If you're referring to the bluish stuff you provided at the SC room > party at Deliverance, I'll have you know that the reason that I didn't > lose my head may well be that I didn't have any to begin with. What a cunning plan! Actually, I had some, and I've pushed it on many other people, just to see what happens! (they got drunk!) Jenni ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 07:46:51 +0100 (BST) From: Judith Proctor To: Lysator List Subject: Re: [B7L] start one war, other help. Message-ID: Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Thu 07 May, Patrick Bean wrote: > It would have been nice to have seen the people from 'space world' involved in > the inter-galactic war, after all it was there galaxy as well. A few of the > small ships that attacked the Liberator in 'Redemption' could have done a lot > of damage. But then again if it had been to easy a win the federation would not > have been damaged enough. > > Just out of interest, has any fan fiction been written involving 'space world'? Very hard to think of any apart from one of mine that I never finished. The Last Best Hope has a character from Spaceworld. The Long Way Back uses it, but the characters don't actually go there. Judith -- Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention 26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 May 98 01:48:00 GMT From: To: Subject: [B7L] Re: B7-B5 links Message-Id: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Well, I finally found the url for that website I remembered, that has info on various references in B5, including the B7 ones. For anyone who wants a look, it's . It was a disappointment, though. It only goes as far as "Lines of Communication" and hasn't been updated. It mentions the Liberator-like ship in Deathwalker; "Orak" in the list of words in Voice in the Wilderness II (which, however, JMS says is a coincidence); and the nickname "Star Killer" in Points of Departure (also allegedly a coincidence). I think, myself, that by far the strongest reference is the one Harriet pointed out, namely the reappearance and character of "Anna." I also just watched "The Face of the Enemy," and it occurs to me that the way the Psi Corps does Garibaldi up in plastic shrink-wrap while they work on him is rather reminiscent of the way Avon is encased in a transparent shell in Terminal. Except they leave Avon's clothes on, phooey. Sarah T. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 09:15:12 +0100 From: "Alison Page" To: "Lysator" Subject: [B7L] Invasion Earth? Message-Id: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, what do we think of Invasion Earth? Has it been on SKY or anything before it was on BBC1? Is the Anton Lesser character going to continue to be rather Vila-ish? Alison, who is of course incapabable of independent thought until ratified by her peer group ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 09 May 1998 12:00:16 +0100 From: JMR To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Invasion Earth Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 09:15 09/05/98 +0100, Alison Page wrote: >Well, what do we think of Invasion Earth? Has it been on SKY or anything >before it was on BBC1? Is the Anton Lesser character going to continue to >be rather Vila-ish? > >Alison, who is of course incapabable of independent thought until ratified >by her peer group > > Slow, but more promising than most of the BBC's recent sci-fi efforts. Interesting to see it was made with the Sci-Fi Channel. I didn't think they had any money to actually make decent programmes themselves. Don't we think the "cocooned" human (in the pre-trailers) was rather "Alienesque"? Don't know if it's been on satellite yet, jut judging by the afore-mentioned co-producers... Judith J.M. Rolls ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 20:50:26 +1000 From: "Christine Lacey" To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: B7-B5 links Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ---------- > From: > I think, myself, that by far the strongest reference is the one Harriet > pointed out, namely the reappearance and character of "Anna." Undoubtedly. I remember when I first saw the ep where Sheridan shows up and says something like "my wife, Anna, is dead" I immediately squeaked - no she's not, she's working for the bad guys. I spent two whole series waiting to be proved right. I wish I'd had the nerve to ask JMS (the one and only time I saw him at a con) whether he called her Anna on purpose. But he'd probably have denied it > I also just watched "The Face of the Enemy," and it occurs to me that the > way the Psi Corps does Garibaldi up in plastic shrink-wrap while they work > on him is rather reminiscent of the way Avon is encased in a transparent > shell in Terminal. Except they leave Avon's clothes on, phooey. Damn :) Christine ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 11:37:50 +0100 From: Russ Massey To: Alison Page Cc: Lysator Subject: Re: [B7L] Invasion Earth? Message-ID: <> In message , Alison Page writes >Well, what do we think of Invasion Earth? Has it been on SKY or anything >before it was on BBC1? AFAIK this is the first showing. The staff in the local video shop were grumbling about the number of people who'd been asking them for the videos even before it had been shown on TV. > Is the Anton Lesser character going to continue to >be rather Vila-ish? > SPOILER SPACE (just in case) That's the guy who ended up in hospital, right? What did you think was so Vila-ish about him? I'd be interested to learn how come he was so cool about the possibility of UFOs and non-humans in 1944. Was he part of some government group or was it just a poorly motivated characterisation? >Alison, who is of course incapabable of independent thought until ratified >by her peer group > I enjoyed it overall, but I did think some of the dialogue was pretty poor - especially that used by the two astronomers. Talk about the blatant info- dump! And they seemed to piece togther what was going on remarkably quicky on very little actual evidence, I thought. The main trouble I'm having so far is that I don't like either of the characters who've had most of the air time up until now, Amanda Tucker and Drake the mad pilot. She's improbably gorgeous, improbably intuitive and improbably irresponsible. He's creepy, slimy and a complete liability in a plane. So far I'm rooting for one of the alien factions to give us humans a good kicking :) -- Russ Massey ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 17:30:08 +0100 From: "Alison Page" To: "Lysator" Subject: Re: [B7L] Invasion Earth? Message-Id: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Me then Russ : > > Is the Anton Lesser character going to continue to > >be rather Vila-ish? > > > SPOILER SPACE (just in case) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > That's the guy who ended up in hospital, right? What did you think was so > Vila-ish about him? I'd be interested to learn how come he was so cool about > the possibility of UFOs and non-humans in 1944. Was he part of some > government group or was it just a poorly motivated characterisation? I meant the human who climbed out of the spaceship and then spent the rest of the time running away until he collapsed from dehydration and blood loss. I think they all ended up in hospital in the end didn't they :-) I missed the first five or ten minutes, so I may be missing the point - but is 1944 a typo? All the bit I saw was set more or less now, and the 'Vila' character didn't really talk very coherently. We're probably at cross purposes. FWIW I presume he is part of the resistance, fighting the aliens in the future, and they've come back through some kind of time-warp to nowadays, but I'm just guessing. And why is he like Vila? Well, he's skinny and scared and relatively competent, and he's part of some resistance movement. However not really pretty enough. I agree with your assessment of the pilot and the scientist. But, we'll see, I still think it's the most promising Brit SF since.. well.. that would be heresy wouldn't it? Alison ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 01:39:11 +0100 From: "Jenni-Alison" To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: B7-B5 links Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Sarah T wrote > I also just watched "The Face of the Enemy," and it occurs to me that the > way the Psi Corps does Garibaldi up in plastic shrink-wrap while they work > on him is rather reminiscent of the way Avon is encased in a transparent > shell in Terminal. Except they leave Avon's clothes on, phooey. You mean.....I get to see Garibaldi with no clothes on wrapped in plastic? When!!!!!! how many more tapes do I have to buy to get there? (please god let it be in the first or, at worst, second season) Jenni Who has now retired to lie down and dream..all night! Avon and Garibaldi may possibly be interchangeable in my dream! Sorry, wrong list! -------------------------------- End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #135 **************************************